
In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self


Last night we stayed in Matsuyama Kozuki on the mountainside of Jiuhuang Mountain. After listening to the sound of rain overnight, I thought that this morning in the mountains will definitely see a different scenery than yesterday.

So I went out early, and sure enough, when I stepped into the mountains, the smell of the earth rushed to our faces, and the fresh smell immediately made us feel happy.

Matsuyama Xiaozhu is a few small cottages located in the deep mountain jungle, all the way down the steps, you can see the moss soaked in the rain, it looks shiny, the grass on the side of the road seems to have grown a lot taller under the drizzle of the night, the leaves on the loquat trees in the forest, wet by the rain, especially the fluffy loquat fruit, you can also see a little shadow of dewdrops.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

After walking all the steps, you will come to the square of the Xiqiang Hotel. All of a sudden, my eyes widened a lot. You can see distant mountains looming in the haze. The trees were more alive than yesterday, so they walked down the steps next to the hotel to the glass boardwalk.

Looking at this plank road between the two mountains, I was very worried, I knew that I was afraid to walk in the sky, but Guo Guo and the others were already happily strolling on the plank road. I still took a cautious step, and the transparent glass under my feet allowed me to see the trees below, the river, and the cable car up and down.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

I felt terrified all of a sudden, and my legs, which had already stepped out, trembled limply. I hurriedly shouted, "I'm scared, I don't dare to go forward!" They turned back to me and said with a smile, "Don't look at your feet, raise your head and look up at the blue sky." ”

I tried to look upwards and saw the rolling hills in the distance, and the plants on the mountains looked crisp and dripping in the spring.

Step by step, frightening but challenging. Every step is like a challenge to your own courage and guts.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

This is Guo Guo said: "Sit down and take a picture of you." I said in a trembling voice, "I don't even dare to go, let alone sit down, because if I do, I won't be able to stand up." ”

They shouted, "It's okay, you see we're all sitting down." ”

I sat down with their support, and when I sat on the thick glass, I suddenly felt a sense of steadiness, watching people walk past me, maybe I was scared of myself, so I pretended to look up at the sky calmly, and there was a slight wind blowing, and there was a little coolness in the wind. The glass plank road in front of you is like a transparent ribbon, spanning the Nine Emperor Mountains.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

When I stood up again, I told myself that although there was an abyss under my feet, I looked up at the vast sky. Looking ahead, the opposite mountain peak was getting closer and closer to me, and after a few quick steps, I was finally relieved when I finally stepped onto the rocks at the top of the mountain.

Guo Guo laughed and quipped, "Look at how scared you look today, how did you break through the bird path of the Sword Gate Pass?"

I hurriedly said, "I was really lucky when I crossed the bird path, because it was drizzling that morning, and the whole valley was shrouded in a light mist, with which I could not see the abyss on one side of the bird path, and I could cling to the rocky side of the bird path and walk slowly, step by step." ”

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

Guo Guo smiled and said, "It seems that you have bravely challenged yourself again this time." There is also a lover's bridge next to it, which is also a plank road in the air, so let's wait a while and then exercise your guts. ”

我看了看那座情侣桥,比玻璃栈‬道,虽然短一些,但是窄了许多。 I think maybe many things are not as terrible as we think, as long as we move forward, we will always pass.

After getting off the glass plank road, you have to go through a long glass slide, and look at the smooth and sloping slide. We all looked at each other, not knowing what kind of excitement and challenge it was this time around.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

With everyone's reassurance just now, I am much calmer at this time. The staff told us to rely on our own feet to grasp the speed, and if we felt fast, we used our feet against the side baffle.

Sitting on the glass slide, at first carefully put your feet against the side of the skateboard, the speed really couldn't get fast, so that the heart was much more steady, and then slowly slowed down, there was a feeling of sliding quickly in the wind, everyone screamed loudly, laughing happily. In a blink of an eye, it has already come out of the slide, and it doesn't seem to be enjoyable yet. Maybe that's why it's better to go downhill than uphill.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

Out of the chute, you will arrive at the Lover's Bridge. The reason why it is called the Lover's Bridge is that there are two parallel suspended plank roads, one plank road is paved with steel plates, and the other is paved with wooden planks, but there will be a gap between the planks and the planks. If you fall through this gap, you will be in the abyss. We certainly didn't dare to try the boardwalk on the opposite side. When we walked on the plank road paved with steel plates, we saw several young people, fastening their seat belts, jumping quickly on the wooden plank, very relaxed, and our hearts were full of admiration for them.

With the experience of walking the glass plank road just now, when I walked on the lover's bridge this time, I was much bolder, and I also had experience, just look up at the sky, don't care too much about the abyss under my feet, and it will be easy to pass.

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

And they, in order to exercise my guts, walked with me, walked back again, and walked back again. Finally I was able to pose with them on the bridge and laugh happily and take a picture with them.

Guo Guo said: "It's like when there are things in life that make us feel afraid or make us feel difficult, when we ignore them, it will naturally not hurt us, and we will be able to easily overcome the past, and many problems will be solved." ”

I also said to myself, "Go through it bravely, there will always be a spring to come!"

In the hazy morning of the spring rain of Jiuhuang Mountain, it is fresh and quiet, and I see my brave self

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