
How to avoid "pits" with glasses?

author:Tianyan News
How to avoid "pits" with glasses?
How to avoid "pits" with glasses?

Recently, the topic #There are so many pits with glasses# rushed to the hot search on social platforms, causing heated discussions. Many netizens shared their experience of wearing glasses, "I am a hospital optometry and buy it online", "What are the requirements for the light when measuring vision, how do you feel that the light is very dark every time you go to the test". There are also some netizens who raised their doubts, "What is a better way to keep the glasses slide down if the nose collapses", "Do those anti-blue light and anti-ultraviolet lenses really work......

How to avoid "pits" with glasses?


What are the precautions when wearing glasses, and how to avoid "pitfalls"?


Eyeglasses are the most common optical correction tool in everyday life. There are a lot of details to pay attention to in the process of fitting glasses, and here are some suggestions to avoid "pitfalls":

Optometry: Optometry is a key step in the fitting of glasses, so be sure to choose a professional institution for it. It is best to choose a professional ophthalmology hospital for children and adolescents for the first time in optometry.

Lenses: The choice of lenses should be based on the individual's vision, needs and budget. Avoid blindly pursuing a high refractive index or special features and ignoring the importance of being right for you.

Frame: The frame should be sized so that the pupil area of both eyes is optimally positioned in the center of the lens. If the pupil of the eye deviates from the center position of the lens, it will affect the optical correction effect of the glasses, and will also cause the wearer to experience symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and visual distortion. It is not recommended to choose large-framed glasses for the sake of aesthetics or trends.

Material: The frame is not as light as possible, pay attention to its stability, and the lens is not as thin as possible, but consider the specific power, frame shape and material.

Ill-fitting glasses can be a strain on your eyes, so it's important to choose the right glasses. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain a rational consumption mentality and avoid falling into the trap of low prices or blindly pursuing high allocation.

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Co-ordinator: Yan Haiyan

Edited by Hu Lan and Wang Xiaoting

Second instance Li Jie

Third trial Tian Minjia

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