
I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

In addition to eating more seasonal vegetables, you can also eat some soy products appropriately while reducing large fish and meat. For example, tofu is not only rich in protein, but also has the effect of calcium and heat relieving. Spring in the north is dry, and it is easy to have a dry mouth, so you can eat some tofu to relieve it.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

By 豆果美食达人 拾味爸爸

Today, Douguo Food Expert @Shiwei Dad teaches everyone to make tofu and vegetables, the combination of vegetables and tofu is soft and chewy, and then with shrimp skin, it can not only supplement calcium but also nutrition, and can also be replaced with seasonal vegetables or favorite vegetables, and the taste is also very good~

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

By 豆果美食达人 拾味爸爸

· Food Supplies List ·

Old tofu 100g Egg white 1 pc
Broccoli (blanched in advance) 20g Carrots (blanched in advance) 20g
All-purpose flour 50g Shopee 5g
Salt is about 2g

· Practices ·

1. Prepare the ingredients.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

2. Puree the old tofu.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

3. Add egg whites, chopped broccoli, chopped carrots,

Shrimp skin, all-purpose flour, salt.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

4. Mix and stir well,

(Tips: Babies with egg white allergies can be replaced with two egg yolks).

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

5. Brush the pan with oil and scoop in the tofu vegetable puree with a spoon.

Arrange into squares.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

6. Fry over medium-low heat until the bottom is solidified, then turn over,

Fry until both sides are slightly yellow and cooked through, and then remove from the pan.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

7. Finished product drawing.

I regret not doing it sooner after eating! Soft and tender without losing chewiness, take advantage of spring to catch up!

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