
Let campus recruitment better play the role of the main channel for graduates to find jobs

author:Bright Net

Author: Xu Da (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang A&F University, Researcher of the Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Zhejiang Province)

The "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Graduates of National Ordinary Colleges and Universities in 2024" issued by the Ministry of Education pointed out that colleges and universities in all regions should give full play to the role of campus recruitment as the main channel, and take the initiative to invite employers to carry out recruitment activities on campus, so as to improve the actual effect of each campus recruitment activity. In the author's view, campus recruitment is an important carrier and form for employers to enter the campus and communicate with graduates face-to-face, so that graduates can establish contact with employers in the "shortest distance" and build a bridge of communication between them, which is an important part of promoting high-quality and full employment. Campus recruitment can not only promote colleges and universities to adjust the direction of talent training and teaching course content in a timely manner, but also display the cutting-edge development trends and trends of the industry in a panoramic manner, and provide a "wind vane" for college students' career planning and job search choices.

In recent years, the campus recruitment activities of various colleges and universities have been widely carried out and become more and more diversified, including employment seminars, talent fairs, online live broadcasts and other forms, which have greatly facilitated the career selection and employment of graduates at the "doorstep". However, there is still a structural contradiction between the employment pressure of graduates and the expectation of high-quality employment, which needs to be solved urgently.

The accuracy of matching campus recruitment with the employment needs of college students needs to be improved. At present, the campus recruitment time is mainly concentrated in spring and autumn, which leads to a certain conflict between the internship arrangement of graduates and the recruitment time of public examinations and postgraduate examinations; there is a gap between the actual treatment and employment standards of some employers and the needs and abilities of graduates; some graduates are tired of arranging multiple job fairs in a short period of time and have a coping mentality; it is difficult to accurately identify and match talents in online recruitment, which makes it difficult for employers to recruit suitable talents and graduates to find their ideal jobs.

The exchange of employment information between universities and employers is not efficient enough. At present, the normalized communication between universities and employers is insufficient, and the "blockage" and "fault" of information exchange lead to the incomplete grasp of employment information between universities and graduates, and it is difficult for colleges and universities to fully understand social needs and industry development changes. The adjustment of disciplines and majors and the revision of talent training programs in some colleges and universities lag behind the actual needs of employers, which further exacerbates the problem of information asymmetry. In addition, the existing recruitment model is still insufficient in terms of multi-party linkage and online and offline integration, and there is an obvious lack of active construction, platform guarantee, publicity and promotion, and convenience of use, which limits the contact and depth of communication between graduates and employers, making it more difficult to "go both ways".

Employers' understanding of participating in campus recruitment needs to be strengthened. Due to factors such as insufficient organization and mobilization in the early stage and insufficient match with students' job search needs, some employers have participated in campus recruitment many times but still "returned empty-handed". In addition, the return visits and communication of some colleges and universities after campus recruitment are not timely and in-depth, which further weakens the willingness and confidence of employers to participate in campus recruitment. Some employers are reluctant to participate in campus recruitment due to the "warm invitation" at the school and college levels or in order to complete the recruitment indicators and assessment requirements of relevant departments, and there is a phenomenon of "going through the motions".

The key to further improving the actual effect of campus recruitment is to improve the matching degree between talents and positions, and enhance the enthusiasm of employers and graduates to participate in campus recruitment. In this regard, governments at all levels and universities need to make more efforts and practical measures in policy formulation, school-enterprise integration, precise services and form innovation.

Strengthen policy support and formulate more flexible measures to optimize the recruitment process. Further improve the efficiency of the government's macro-control, and encourage local personnel departments and employers to work together to formulate and refine recruitment policies, such as supporting employers to expand jobs and increase production, and formulating preferential policies such as the issuance of various subsidies. In terms of recruitment schedule, colleges and universities can appropriately extend the time of spring and autumn job fairs, and if conditions permit, it is recommended to change to year-round recruitment. At the same time, the two levels of schools and colleges should further simplify the recruitment process and provide timely feedback to employers on the job search needs of graduates. The competent departments of education at all levels need to urge colleges and universities to make full use of the national college student employment service platform, in-depth interpretation of employment policy information for students in advance, and clarify the direction of employment. In addition, campus recruitment can appropriately expand the coverage, invite junior students to participate in interviews and internships, early planning, early layout, and early training, so that students can feel the atmosphere of job hunting in advance.

Promote the integration of schools and enterprises, and gather various resources to strengthen employment assistance. Encourage colleges and universities to continue to integrate social post resources, rely on alumni recommendations, project cooperation, social services and other methods, and strive to build an exchange and interaction platform with governments and employers at all levels, adhere to the combination of "inviting in" and "going out", and actively carry out the action of "visiting enterprises and expanding jobs" to promote employment. Employers should strengthen information exchange with colleges and universities, gain an in-depth understanding of the compatibility between the professional settings of colleges and universities, the talent training model and the employment positioning of enterprises, and deeply participate in the revision of relevant professional talent training plans and graduation thesis defense, so as to truly achieve "two-way integration". Colleges and universities should pay attention to the market integration and counterpart situation of the target disciplines, and carry out the double selection meeting of "sub-specialty, sub-level and sub-region", the special lecture of "small and specialized", and the alumni enterprise recommendation meeting.

Achieve accurate recruitment and provide order-based services to meet diverse needs. Employers should highlight the planning of campus recruitment and improve information transparency. Colleges and universities should actively unblock the "one-to-one" recruitment channel, and try to adopt the form of "students placing orders, employers receiving orders, and online and offline document review", that is, students screen positions that fit their professional background and personal preferences online and "place orders with one click", and employers regularly receive orders, identify and select the required talents, review and preliminary communication through online platforms, and use offline job fairs to carry out in-depth interviews. At the same time, a third party is entrusted to evaluate the effectiveness of the job fair and promote the adaptation of supply and demand, so as to achieve accurate recruitment by employers and high-quality employment of graduates.

Innovate recruitment forms and use digital technology to promote efficient employment. On the basis of strengthening the connection between universities and employers, digital technology should be actively used to broaden recruitment channels. Build and enrich the "smart employment" platform matrix, and use advanced employment service technology in the construction of WeChat official account, App building, website optimization, etc., to provide diversified online recruitment information release, more intelligent job search information inquiry, more convenient enterprise interview services and other functions. Through accurate digital portraits of graduates, in-depth analysis and matching of job search information, market data, industry trends and other content, we can reduce the information transmission resistance of campus recruitment and build a recruitment model that truly meets the needs of universities, employers and graduates.

Guangming Daily (2024-04-09 14th edition)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily


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