
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.

author:Lost in the moon

On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri Bodhisattva and Emperor Wenchang

On this special day, the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray to Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang for the protection of my children. This is a devout prayer for the child to achieve excellent results in the next exams and pave the way for his future.

I am devout and want my child to excel in every exam. I am confident that with his strong will and hard work, he will be able to achieve remarkable results in his studies. May Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang bless him with success in his studies and a bright future.

This year, I am looking forward to the Kuixing Doudou and the title of the gold list. I know that this is not something that can be achieved overnight, and it requires unremitting efforts and God-given opportunities from children. But I believe that with the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang, he will definitely be able to stand out from the crowd and achieve brilliance.

In my sincere prayer, I pray that my children will have the righteousness to become a good man and establish the majesty of heaven and earth. May he always maintain good moral character and integrity on the road of growth, become a pillar of society, and contribute his strength to the harmony and stability between heaven and earth.

I pray for a bright future for my children. May he be able to strive for self-improvement, be virtuous, be rigid and soft, and embrace all rivers. No matter what difficulties and challenges he faced, he was able to move forward with determination and bravely meet them.

Finally, I wish my child happiness and all the best. May all the people he meets be good people, all the fruits he reaps, his life full of love and kindness, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.

On this special day, I would like to pray to Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang that they will take care of my child and bless him with a successful exam and a bright future!

#许愿今天许个愿# #共学第2天# #上热门诸事顺遂# #愿往后日子如意# #每日愿望一打卡# #共勉4月好运# #学海无涯打卡# #愿诸愿如愿# #如愿万事皆如愿# #儿子手写的祝福#

On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.
On the 24th day of the second lunar month, pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang On this special day, on the 24th day of the second lunar month, I confidently pray for the blessing of Manjushri and Emperor Wenchang.

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