
People who do this while going to the toilet are careful to be targeted by these diseases, it's too late to change it!

author:Pig fairy

In my years of medical practice, I have witnessed how many seemingly insignificant daily habits can inadvertently have a long-term impact on people's health. Today, I would like to talk to you about a phenomenon that is particularly common in contemporary times – the use of mobile phones in the toilet. This habit may seem harmless, but in fact, there are hidden health risks.

People who do this while going to the toilet are careful to be targeted by these diseases, it's too late to change it!

I remember meeting a patient who came to me for consultation because of cervical pain and blurred vision caused by using his mobile phone for a long time in the toilet. This patient, let's call him Mr. Zhang, has a habit of swiping his phone in the toilet for more than half an hour. At first, he didn't associate the symptoms with his habit. After detailed questioning and examination, I found that Mr. Zhang's cervical spine pain was mainly due to the tension of the neck muscles caused by bowing his head for a long time, while the blurred vision was fatigue caused by overuse of the eyes.

Uninvited guests in the toilet – bacteria and viruses

I am a doctor with many years of clinical experience. Today, I'd like to talk to you about a behavior that we do almost every day, but probably never think deeply about its health effects – using a mobile phone in the toilet.

Toilets: A hidden microbial paradise

First, let's face the not-so-elegant but very important truth: toilets are a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Whenever we flush the toilet, the water splashes and invisibly carries bacteria and viruses into the air, and these microorganisms can survive in all corners of the toilet for days. Now imagine you're sitting there, swiping your phone and going about your day-to-day events, and your phone is exposed to these microbes.

The baton of bacteria and viruses

I once met a patient who contracted an intestinal disease because he used his mobile phone for a long time in the toilet. Upon examination, he was found to have a large amount of E. coli on his phone, a common bacterium that can cause diarrhea and other digestive disorders. What's more, the toilet may also harbor norovirus, which can give you unforgettable vomiting and diarrhea if it invades.

Disposable, it's not just about running out and leaving

While many people believe that washing your hands after using the toilet will eliminate all germs, what about your phone? In this way, the phone becomes a "free ride" for bacteria and viruses, ready to spread to you and those close to you.

People who do this while going to the toilet are careful to be targeted by these diseases, it's too late to change it!

Prevention is better than cure

Faced with such a situation, the best thing to do is to try not to use your phone in the toilet. If you must use it, remember to thoroughly clean and disinfect your phone afterwards. A few simple precautions, such as wiping down the surface of your phone with 70% alcohol wipes, can go a long way in reducing your risk of coming into contact with these uninvited guests.

Sitting on the toilet for a long time and quietly getting on the body health problems

Hello everyone, I am a doctor who has worked in the hospital for many years. Today, I'd like to talk to you about a topic that we encounter almost every day, but may never really seriously consider: the health risks of sitting on the toilet for long periods of time. Yes, I know it may sound a little weird, even a little funny, but trust me, it's a problem we should all face up to.

Hemorrhoids: Knock on the door quietly

First, let's talk about hemorrhoids. There may be some people who feel embarrassed when they hear this word, but it is a very common health problem, especially for those who like to use their phones in the toilet for long periods of time. Sitting on the toilet for a long time increases the pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, which can trigger hemorrhoids. I have seen many cases of hemorrhoids getting worse in the outpatient clinic due to prolonged toilet sitting. In this case, simple precautions include limiting toilet use, standing regularly and maintaining a good diet to avoid constipation.

Rectal problems: More than just hemorrhoids

In addition to hemorrhoids, sitting on the toilet for long periods of time can also lead to other rectal problems, such as rectal prolapse. Rectal prolapse is when a part of the rectum slips out of its normal position and out of the anus. This may sound uncomfortable, but it is caused by increased abdominal pressure for a long time. Ways to prevent rectal prolapse include maintaining proper toilet posture and avoiding sitting on the toilet for long periods of time.

How to avoid these health problems

Now, you may be asking, what should I do? First, limit the amount of time I spend using my phone in the toilet. Try leaving your phone outside the toilet or setting yourself a time limit, such as no more than five minutes. Secondly, maintain a healthy diet and eat more fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to prevent constipation, which can reduce the stress caused by spending time on the toilet.

People who do this while going to the toilet are careful to be targeted by these diseases, it's too late to change it!

Vision impairment and cervical spine pain: risks that cannot be ignored

Sitting on cold porcelain, you may be enjoying this brief escape from reality, with the scrolling content on your phone's screen as if it were a window into another world. But in this hidden little corner, you may not know that there are two uninvited guests quietly approaching - vision impairment and cervical spine pain.

The invisible killer of vision

Have you ever noticed that staring at your phone screen in a dimly lit toilet requires your eyes to put more effort into focusing on words and pictures? Doing this for a long time can make your eyes tired and even cause problems such as dry eyes and blurred vision. In fact, this is a precursor to vision loss.

Vision impairment doesn't happen overnight, it's the result of accumulation. Using a mobile phone in the toilet, especially in unreasonable light conditions, can accelerate the process of vision loss. You may not feel the changes in your vision right away, but the effects are slowly accumulating day after day.

Silent crying of the cervical spine

On the other hand, playing with a mobile phone with your head down for a long time, especially in an environment like the toilet, where people may unconsciously prolong the use time, the damage to the cervical spine is huge. Incorrect posture can put additional pressure on the cervical spine, leading to tension in the neck muscles, fatigue of the cervical spine, and over time it may evolve into chronic cervical spondylosis.

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis can include pain in the neck and shoulders, numbness in the arms, and even headaches and vision problems. These symptoms not only affect the quality of daily life, but also interfere with work and study.

How can I protect myself?

Fortunately, the ways to prevent these problems are simple and practical. First, try to avoid using your phone in the toilet. If you do need to use your phone, remember to maintain a correct posture of sitting and holding your phone, try to keep the phone screen parallel to your eyes, and reduce neck tilt and bending.

In addition, control the time of use, give your eyes a break every 20 minutes to see the scenery in the distance, and do eye exercises to help relieve eye fatigue. At the same time, don't forget to stand up regularly, move your neck and shoulders, and do some simple stretching exercises to relieve pressure on your cervical spine.

Finally, it's important to keep your phone lit indoors and avoid using your phone in an environment that is too dim or too bright.

People who do this while going to the toilet are careful to be targeted by these diseases, it's too late to change it!

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