
Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

author:A Cheng Yo

Wudang Mountain's special live broadcast, you read it right, it is the mysterious Taoist holy land! Hui Tongtong brought a number of stars such as Teacher Dong, Peng Peng, An An, and a group of out-and-out Tai Chi masters, igniting the heat of the Internet. Happy birthday is not just a slogan, but also a sincere wish from the audience.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

This is not an ordinary live broadcast, this is a feast of culture and entertainment, just like the opening ceremony of a TV series, but this time, the realism is off the charts! You think you are just looking at Tai Chi, but you are knocked down by the "stunt", people are not ordinary performers, they are kings, every move and style are domineering, as if the martial arts conference is staged in front of you.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

Of course, there is a little bit of a hiccup in this kind of pomp and circumstance. At first, there was a little confusion as the performers lined up, after all, so many people were posing there, a bit like a group morning exercise. But it immediately stabilized, the performance began, the instruments played, and the Tai Chi movements were slow and elegant, as if each movement contained the wisdom of years of precipitation. Yuhui didn't forget to let Peng Peng and An An follow along, and as a result, this learning was like giving everyone a Tai Chi class, which caused constant laughter on the scene.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

Next, it's time for the stunt. The young performers appeared, their movements were bigger and more handsome, and with the appearance of weapons, it seemed that the heroes in Jin Yong's novel were assembled, and the martial arts competition was about to start. I seemed to hear Zhou Huajian's "Sword Like a Dream", and on this stage, they really turned the sword into a dream dance.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

Finally, here comes the Dole show, which is not the kind of show you see everywhere. The melodious music echoes in the ears, as if people are in a fairyland on earth, and the mood is also calmed down, and I feel that my breathing is slow. This live broadcast not only gave us a visual shock, but also made us feel the charm of traditional culture.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

None of this is accidental, the discussion sparked by the special live broadcast of Wudang Mountain not only stayed at the program itself, but also paid attention to the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, as well as the possibility of integrating culture and entertainment. This may be a small live broadcast, but it is letting everyone see a new possibility and give new vitality to traditional culture. It's like after a feast, leaving behind not only the aftertaste of food, but also the joy of the soul. This is a real "walk with Hui"!

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

When we look back on this special livestream, it's not just because of the excitement of the show, but also because of the culture and values it conveys. Tai Chi performances, Taoist music performances, these traditional cultural elements are repackaged and presented to the audience in a modern way, allowing people to have a new knowledge and understanding of traditional culture.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

First of all, we can see the fusion of tradition and modernity in Tai Chi performances. Traditional Taijiquan has a long history and represents the essence of traditional Chinese martial arts. In this live broadcast, the Tai Chi performance not only stayed at the traditional level, but also paid more attention to the stage effect and ornamentation. The performers' movements are beautiful and smooth, and with the performance of live instruments, it presents a novel and charming audio-visual enjoyment. This integration not only allows the traditional culture to be inherited, but also makes the audience have a new understanding of the traditional art of Tai Chi and are more willing to understand and learn.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

Secondly, the Dao music performance is also one of the highlights of this live broadcast. As a part of Taoist culture, Dao music symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, as well as peace and tranquility of the soul. In this performance, the musicians played melodious music using traditional instruments, bringing the audience into an otherworldly realm. In the fast-paced modern society, people's lives are becoming more and more stressful, and Taoist performances provide a way for people to relax and calm their emotions. The transmission of this culture and the transmission of values is far beyond a simple entertainment program, but a reflection and inspiration for the lifestyle of modern people.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

Behind the integration of culture and entertainment, it also reflects people's enthusiasm and desire for traditional culture. With the development of society, traditional culture has gradually faded out of people's field of vision, but the wisdom and values it contains are what we need at the moment. This special live broadcast is not only an entertainment event, but also a presentation and transmission of culture, which stimulates people's love and desire to explore traditional culture.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

For example, in the field of education, the integration of traditional cultural elements into teaching may be able to better stimulate students' interest and participation in learning, and in the tourism industry, the combination of traditional culture and modern technology can create more attractive and competitive tourism products. These are all discussions and prospects for the potential of the integration of culture and entertainment.

Wudangshan Special Live Broadcast: Cultural Revival or Commercial Gimmick?

In short, the special live broadcast of Wudang Mountain is not only a wonderful performance, but also a kind of inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. It allows us to see the beauty of the combination of tradition and modernity, and also inspires us to imagine and explore more about the integration of culture and entertainment. I hope that in the future, we will be able to see more similar activities, so that traditional culture can be rejuvenated and revitalized in modern society.

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