
Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

author:Fan Xing April day

On April 5th, the National Theatre of China and Hangzhou Performing Arts Group jointly presented "Spring Dawn at Su Causeway" was staged at the Theater of the National Theatre in Beijing, bringing a new historical drama experience.

Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

The play is an innovative set that abandons the traditional curtain and breaks down the boundaries between the audience and the stage. The clever use of 17 groups of 9-meter-high gauze frame multimedia screens, like a vertical axis of ancient paintings, vividly presents the market style of the Song Dynasty. The whole stage is paved with blue bricks, imitating the court of the Song Dynasty, and hundreds of officials are debating, which makes people laugh.

Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

The plot focuses on the life experience of Su Dongpo, the leader of the Northern Song Dynasty literary circle, and is presented in the image of a Northern Song Dynasty civil servant with winged hats and wide robes, vividly showing his outspokenness and open-minded optimism.

Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

At the same time, the play also delves into the other side of Su Dongpo as an official. He has served as the mayor of many prefectures and cities, benefiting the government and the people. Director Tian Qinxin integrated Su Dongpo's political life with poetry, presenting a three-dimensional image for the audience.

Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

The stage effects are ingenious, and the ingenious fusion of landscape painting images and modern costumes brings a unique performance to the audience. The audience responded enthusiastically to this drama, laughing and applauding one after another, which made people immersed in the charm of the drama. The artistic aesthetic feelings presented in the play are quite profound, and many viewers have said: "This kind of performance is so creative!"

Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut
Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut
Su Di Chun Xiaojing premiered, and Tian's style historical drama made an innovative debut

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