
The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

author:I love noodle fish

The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

In a distant ancient village, there is a young woman named Xiaocui. She is beautiful, kind, hardworking and capable, and is recognized as a good daughter-in-law by the villagers. However, since the death of her mother-in-law, Tsui's life has been shrouded in shadows.

When her mother-in-law was alive, although there was some slight friction with Xiaocui, the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was generally harmonious. After her mother-in-law died, Xiaocui did her best to organize the funeral and buried her mother-in-law on a hillside behind the village. The tomb was built solemnly, and the tombstone was engraved with her mother-in-law's name and life deeds, and Xiaocui often came to worship, hoping that her mother-in-law would rest in peace in another world.

However, on the seventh night after her mother-in-law's death, Xiaocui suddenly heard a strange sound. She got up to check, and saw that in the moonlight, her mother-in-law's grave had cracked a crack, as if something was trying to crawl out of the grave. Xiao Cui was so frightened that she hurriedly ran back to the house, covered her head with a quilt, and didn't dare to come out again.

From that day on, Xiao Cui couldn't sleep at night. She was always worried that the gap would get bigger and bigger, and her mother-in-law's ghost would crawl out of it to find her. She even began to wonder if she had done something wrong with her mother-in-law during her lifetime, causing her mother-in-law to be resentful after her death and want to come to her for revenge.

Tsui's husband saw her abnormality and asked her what was going on. Xiaocui hesitated, but still told her husband about the split grave. The husband was also very surprised when he heard this, but he comforted Xiaocui and said, "Don't think nonsense, there is no ghost in this world." We're going to ask the village elders tomorrow to see if they can solve this problem. ”

The next day, Xiaocui and her husband found Uncle Zhang, the most prestigious old man in the village. After hearing this, Uncle Zhang's brows tightened, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "This situation is indeed a bit weird, I heard that similar situations will occur in graves in some places, but I don't know the specific reason. However, when I was younger, I heard from the elders in the village that I might want to try. ”

The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

Uncle Zhang told Xiaocui that they could try to plug the gap in the grave with a piece of pork. Although this method may sound bizarre, in some ancient legends, pork is believed to have the effect of warding off evil spirits. Although Xiaocui and her husband were skeptical, they decided to give it a try in order to solve the problem.

So, Xiaocui and her husband bought a piece of fresh pork and came to her mother-in-law's grave. They carefully stuffed the pork into the gap and filled it with earth. After doing all this, Xiaocui felt a little more at ease, hoping that this method would work.

However, it's not that simple. That night, Xiao Cui heard a strange sound again. She got up to check it, only to see that the crack had cracked open again, and the piece of pork was gone. Xiao Cui trembled with fright, and she understood that this method did not solve the problem.

The next day, Xiaocui and her husband found Uncle Zhang again. Uncle Zhang was also very surprised when he heard this, and he said that he didn't know what to do. He suggested that Xiao Cui go and ask a master who really understands the things of ghosts and gods to take a look.

Xiaocui and her husband followed Uncle Zhang's advice and began to look around for a master who knew about ghosts and gods. After some twists and turns, they finally found a master who was said to be very powerful. After listening to Xiao Cui's story, the master pondered for a moment and said, "This situation is indeed relatively rare, but I can try. ”

The master came to his mother-in-law's grave, took a closer look at it, and said, "This gap was not formed naturally, but was forcibly torn open by some force. I suspect that your mother-in-law's soul may be at work. ”

Xiao Cui's face turned pale with fright after hearing this, and she hurriedly asked, "What should I do then?"

The master comforted her and said, "Don't worry, I have a solution. I need some time to prepare, though. ”

With that, the master left. Xiao Cui and her husband anxiously awaited news from the master. A few days later, the master returned with some strange tools and charms. He tells Cui that he is going to perform an exorcism ritual to appease her mother-in-law's grievances.

Under the guidance of the master, Xiao Cui and her husband prepared items such as incense, candles, paper money, etc., and then set up a magic circle in front of the grave. The master held the charm in his hand, chanted words in his mouth, and began the ritual of exorcism.

As the ritual progressed, the air around the tomb seemed to become heavy. Suddenly, a black shadow rose from the grave, accompanied by a terrible scream. Xiao Cui was so frightened that she covered her mouth, not daring to make a sound.

Seeing this, the master immediately increased his mana, trapping the black shadow firmly in the magic circle. After a fierce battle, the dark shadow finally dissipated into the air. The master told Xiao Cui that her mother-in-law's grievances had been appeased, and her soul had been laid to rest.

Since then, the mother-in-law's grave has never been cracked open again. Xiao Cui was finally able to sleep peacefully. She said gratefully to the master, "Thank you for saving me and saving our whole family. ”

The master smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's all your mother-in-law who untied the knot in her heart, and I'm just pushing the boat down the river." When your mother-in-law was alive, although there were some small frictions, she still loved you in her heart. Now that she is at rest, you can live in peace. ”

The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

After hearing this, Xiaocui was full of emotion in her heart. She decided to do more good deeds and accumulate good fortune in the future to repay her mother-in-law for her nurturing kindness. At the same time, she also cherishes the time she spends with her husband and family, and strives to create a harmonious and happy family.

As the days passed, Cui's life gradually returned to peace. She often thinks of her mother-in-law's life, and her heart is full of nostalgia and gratitude. She understands that no matter life or death, family affection is the most precious treasure.

And that master also quietly left after helping Xiao Cui solve the problem. He continued to travel far and wide, using his wits and magic to help those in need. His deeds became a good story in the village and became a legend for a generation.

In this way, Xiaocui, her husband and the whole family live a happy and peaceful life. They are often grateful for the favor of fate, and they also cherish the happy time in front of them even more. And the tomb that once cracked open has also become a topic of conversation among the villagers after tea and dinner, reminding people to cherish family affection and revere life.

In this ancient village, the people still pass on the ancient culture and beliefs. They believe that no matter life or death, family affection and love are eternal. And those stories about the legends of ghosts and gods have also been passed down from generation to generation and have become an indispensable part of Chinese culture.

Xiaocui's story spread in the village in this way. Whenever night falls, when the moonlight shines on the tomb on the hillside, there is always a story about the tomb cracking, the daughter-in-law being so frightened that she can't sleep at night, and the master plugging the seam with pork. And this story has also become an eternal memory in people's hearts, reminding them to cherish the happy time in front of them and revere life and the power of ghosts and gods.

The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

And Xiaocui has also found her place in this story. She became a good daughter-in-law, a good wife, and a good mother in the mouths of the villagers. She has won people's respect and love with her kindness and hard work. And her story has also become a unique landscape in Chinese culture, which will always be passed on in people's hearts. With the passage of time, Xiaocui's story spread more and more widely in the village, and became a good story passed on by word of mouth among the villagers. Whenever someone mentions this past, they will be full of emotion, lamenting the impermanence and magic of life.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. Just when Cui thought that everything had returned to peace, a sudden disaster shattered the tranquility of the village.

It was a stormy night, thunder and lightning, and torrential rain. Xiaocui is restless at home, worried that the weather will affect her mother-in-law's grave. She decided to brave the heavy rain to go to the cemetery to check.

When she arrived at the cemetery, she was stunned by what she saw. I saw that my mother-in-law's grave was split by lightning and a huge crack, and dirt and stones were scattered all over the ground. Xiao Cui's heart was like a knife, she knew that this time the situation was more serious than the last time.

Just when Xiao Cui was at a loss, the master who had helped her suddenly appeared in front of her. The master looked at the scene in front of him, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "This is a heavenly punishment, and it is beyond human power to resist. However, I may be able to try to use more powerful spells to quell this catastrophe. ”

After hearing this, Xiaocui's heart was full of hope. She hurriedly asked the master for help. The Master nodded and began to prepare the items needed for the spell.

Under the guidance of the master, Xiaocui and the villagers worked together to renovate the tomb. Then, the master stood in front of the tomb, holding a ritual instrument, and began to chant the mantra. As the incantation sounded, the air around him seemed to become heavy.

The mother-in-law's grave cracked, and the daughter-in-law was so frightened that she couldn't sleep at night, master: plug the seam with pork

Suddenly, a golden light fell from the sky and illuminated the entire cemetery. The figure of the master looked more solemn in the golden light. He waved the magic weapon in his hand, injecting a powerful force into the crack.

After a few moments, the crack began to heal slowly, and the dirt and stones returned to their original places. When the last crack disappeared completely, the golden light slowly dissipated. The master let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground tiredly.

Seeing this, Xiaocui and the villagers stepped forward to thank the master. The master smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's all your own credit. You quelled this catastrophe with the power of kindness and unity. Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as your heart and hand are connected, there is no obstacle that you can't overcome. ”

Since then, there has been no similar disaster in the village. Xiaocui and the villagers cherish the friendship between each other even more and jointly protect this peaceful land. And the master, after helping the village through this crisis, quietly left to continue his travels.

The story of Xiaocui has been passed down even further in the village. People not only remember her fear and confusion, but also remember her strength and courage in the face of difficulties. Her story has become a spiritual force that inspires future generations to keep moving forward.

And the tomb that once cracked open has become a mysterious place in the village. Whenever someone passes by, they will stop and watch for a moment, sighing at the miracle of fate and the impermanence of life. And the figures of Xiaocui and the master have always remained in people's hearts and have become an indelible legend.

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