
Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

author:Super Brother Kan Entertainment
Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"
Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"


The showbiz is both flashy and cruel, and Li Naiwen may be the most ordinary star among them. From obscurity to cooperating with big directors, has he been doomed to be bleak because of the lack of "fire" along the way?

In the face of such a positioning, will he choose to stick to it or counterattack? Li Naiwen's story makes us think: Is there really only one criterion for success?

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen: The ups and downs and brilliance of the road to acting

In the entertainment industry, the aura of stars often hides the bitterness and ups and downs behind them. Among them, there is an actor named Li Naiwen, whose acting career is both brilliant and bumpy, and there are many unknown secrets hidden behind it.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen has always been considered a "golden supporting actor", and his acting talent has been recognized, but he has never really become popular. Although he has participated in nearly 100 film and television works, his name is rarely remembered by the audience, and only exists in people's memories as "the one who sells toothbrushes".

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen's attitude towards his acting career is admirable. He never cares about the size of the role, he just wants to play each role to the fullest. Even if he was labeled as a "big drama kill", he did not give up his love and pursuit of acting. Whether it is a big production or a small role, he treats it with heart and never sloppiness.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen's acting career is not smooth, he has participated in a series of major productions, but there were accidents at critical moments, resulting in the drama not being staged smoothly, which hit him hard. He did not give up because of this, but worked harder to study his acting skills and continue to improve himself.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

While making certain achievements in his career, Li Naiwen's love life has also attracted much attention. He has been married for many years in a low-key manner, and the identity of his wife has always been a mystery. Even in the entertainment industry, he still adheres to his responsibilities and commitments to his family, showing his stability and love as a husband.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen's story tells us that success is not all smooth sailing. On the road of chasing dreams, there will be various challenges and difficulties, but as long as you persevere and treat them carefully, you will eventually reap the rewards. His persistence and hard work not only brought excellent performances to the audience, but also became a role model and encouragement for future generations.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen: A thousand-faced actor on the screen

Let's review Li Naiwen's acting career, his name represents multi-faceted and depth in the Chinese film and television industry, his acting career is like a wonderful epic, and every role is a solid footprint on his acting path.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

From "Assembly Number" to "I Am Not the God of Medicine", and then to the recent "Da Qin Fu", "On the Cliff" and "The Three Teams", Li Naiwen has won the love of the audience and the respect of the industry with his unique charm and profound acting skills.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

In "Da Qin Fu", Li Si played by Li Naiwen perfectly shows the complex character of this historical figure with his witty, calm, cunning and forbearant image. His performance is delicate and profound, and one can't help but deeply resonate with the fate of this politician.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

In "On the Cliff", Li Naiwen shows a completely different side. He plays a cold-blooded agent with an online IQ, and every look and movement reveals the ruthlessness and calmness of the character. His expressiveness makes this character one of the most impressive villains in the film.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

In the recent hit "Three Teams", Li Naiwen once again proved his strength. In the play, he plays Pan Dahai as a smart and righteous criminal police leader. His performance was both capable and smart, showing the wisdom and courage of a leader in the face of adversity and challenges.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen's acting career, like every role he plays, is full of layers and depth. Each of his breakthroughs has brought new vitality and possibilities to the Chinese film and television industry. Whether it is calm in historical dramas or sharp in modern dramas, Li Naiwen uses his own way to let the audience see the brilliance of humanity behind the characters.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen, the thousand-faced actor on the screen, uses each of his roles to tell different stories and show different lives. His acting career is an ever-evolving history of art. We look forward to his future works and believe that he will continue to touch the hearts of every audience with his acting skills.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

The tacit understanding behind the screen: the indissoluble bond between Li Naiwen and Yan Bingyan

In the bustling entertainment industry, friendship is often as fleeting as a shooting star. The friendship between Li Naiwen and Yan Bingyan is like old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes. Their relationship transcends the interaction between ordinary colleagues and forms an indescribably deep camaraderie.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Li Naiwen, with his profound acting skills and extraordinary stage charm, has won the applause of countless audiences. Yan Bingyan, with her delicate performance and deep understanding of the role, has become a frequent guest at film festivals at home and abroad. The two have worked together on a number of film and television productions, and each collaboration is a profound dialogue about art.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Their friendship began with a chance collaboration. On the set, the two became acquainted and became close friends because of the play. Li Naiwen once mentioned in an interview that he was deeply impressed by Yan Bingyan's professionalism and dedication to the role. Yan Bingyan also publicly said that Li Naiwen's serious attitude and persistent pursuit of art made her feel very admired.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

Over time, their friendship has not been weakened by their busy work, but has been strengthened by the artistic challenges they have shared together. In their spare time, they also discuss performing arts with each other and share moments in their lives.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

In public, they always support each other and respect each other. Such tacit understanding and understanding have made them each other's most solid backing on the road of acting.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

In this seemingly flashy world, Li Naiwen and Yan Bingyan used their sincerity and persistence to write a low-key and profound friendship story. Their story is not only an encounter between two artists, but also a meeting of hearts. They have proved that on the big stage of the entertainment industry, sincere friendship can still bloom with a heart-warming light.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"


Li Naiwen's story is the best interpretation of perseverance and love. In the entertainment industry that pursues fame and fortune, he chose a "big road" that pays more attention to his heart. Every step he takes is not for the pursuit of a fleeting aura, but for the affectionate dedication to art.

Facts have proved that Li Naiwen, who is "not popular", has embarked on another "big road"

This pursuit of acting and love for life has made him leave an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience while not being defined as "fire". Li Naiwen's path tells us that real success does not lie in the label of the outside world, but in whether it is true to one's heart and dreams. On this path, everyone is able to shine in their own way.

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