
Ten secrets of badminton pros

author:Fat guy is not fat anymore


Today I'm going to tell you 10 badminton secrets. Every professional athlete is used to dominate their badminton matches, which you may not know yet.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

You'll find the footsteps of the pros, which look like they're strolling around the field, like Lee Chong Wei, but in fact, their steps are so small that it looks like they're not moving fast, they're focusing on being fast, pushing the steps hard so they can focus more on the direction of the steering rather than catching up quickly.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

This is the most crucial part of any badminton match, whether it is in men's singles, women's singles or mixed doubles, you will find that every professional athlete always strives to seize the front of the net, including in the singles match, the professional player serves before the net, the reason why the ball in front of the net is important is because once you reach a certain level, it leads to a more difficult defensive strategy for the professional players, and the tactics in front of the net can give the lower level players the opportunity to deceive the professional players.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

Including long shots, smashes, lobses, volleys and flat putts, because the field is small, if you are only good at one shot, the opponent can always be prepared, the most effective way is to have multiple shots so that your opponent can't judge where you will hit the ball, make them unbalanced and give you more opportunities to attack.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

A high serve, which I recommend every amateur to use, can effectively push your opponent to the back of the court and diminish their chances of attacking effectively, if you can deliver a high serve all the way to the back of the court. When you send a short ball, you're looking for tactics to counter-attack quickly, scramble for the front of the net and slam the opponent when the ball returns.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

To complicate it a little bit, is in terms of practice and execution, taking advantage of the slice ball, when we hit the ball, usually the speed is constant, which is easy to predict, even if your swing keeps the same speed all the time, that's why we're going to use the slice ball, they allow us to swing the racket at the same speed, while slowing down the speed of the feather and changing direction to throw your opponent off balance when they watch your shot.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

In a tight match, both sides are engaged in a tough mental battle, and you want to make sure that you beat your opponent in your psychological duel and make your opponent give up before you give up, so you always have to look like you're okay, calm and ready to win.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

It's actually very important, and I'm sure most people overlook that, it's important to keep your body fit because if you want to improve and perform all the technical points, you have to make sure that you're in good shape, you have to make sure that you have enough stamina to do all these things, so make sure that you do all kinds of different workouts so that you can stay in good shape and perform all the things that you want to implement.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

Mental quality is important because when you play against opponents of the same level or lower, you have to make sure that you don't lose and stay in control, and if you play against opponents who are higher than you, you have to make them feel like they can't shake your mentality.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

。 At some point in your badminton progress, you will be able to hit the ball very well, which is why to increase deception, increase variation rather than one move, 1 2 3 1 2 3 4, adding these to the list will significantly increase the number in your arsenal.

Ten secrets of badminton pros

Whenever you make a mistake, you should analyze it, what happened, and how you will improve, just blindly practicing more will not make the situation better, so identify and analyze, the mistakes you have made in competitions and training, so that you can grow better.

Ten secrets of badminton pros
Ten secrets of badminton pros

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