
Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

author:Yun Yu is not surnamed Wen

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All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article

In recent years, environmental forces have had an increasing influence on US and Western politics, the most typical example of which is the European Union's announcement that it will introduce a Europe-wide ban on fuel vehicles.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

As soon as the ban came out, it immediately caused heated discussions around the world, and there are different opinions on whether the ban is correct, but there is one thing that Europeans have to admit, that is, this ban has indirectly helped China's auto industry a lot!

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

The West has forced the mainland to develop new energy

Although the ban on gasoline-powered vehicles was introduced last year, the reasons for its introduction can be traced back more than a decade. As early as the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the United States and the West put forward the demand for various countries to reduce "carbon emissions", ostensibly to protect the environment, but after we dig deeper, we can find the sinister intentions of Western countries.

The developed countries in Europe and the United States have a total population of only about one billion, but their carbon emissions have reached more than 75% of the total global carbon emissions.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

Now, they have completed their industrialization and can no longer rely on carbon emissions to develop their industries as in the past, and they have begun to pretend to be environmentally friendly.

They use the high-sounding justification of "protecting the environment" to morally kidnap the vast number of developing countries, demanding that developing countries reduce their carbon emissions as they do.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

What's more, at this conference, Western countries directly divided the world's carbon emissions, stipulating that 27 developed countries in Europe and the United States enjoy 44% of carbon emission rights, and the remaining 56% are shared by the remaining countries.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not fair: why is it that only one billion people in Europe and the United States can enjoy nearly half of the carbon emission rights, while the remaining six billion people can only use the same carbon emission rights as them?

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

Moreover, the situation in developing countries is completely different from that of developed countries, and most of them have either not yet begun their industrialization or are only in the initial stage of vigorous development.

As far as the development industry is concerned, the consumption of oil, coal, natural gas and other energy sources will inevitably increase carbon emissions, and the developed countries of the United States and the West have ignored the national conditions of third world countries and demanded that the vast number of developing countries reduce their carbon emissions, which has virtually restricted the industrial development of developing countries.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

The so-called reduction of carbon emissions in the United States and the West is actually using the name of "environmental protection" to limit the development of third world countries and consolidate their world hegemony.

A few days ago, the head of the People's Party group in the European Parliament also said that the EU's ban on fuel vehicles was a serious mistake and that China would benefit from it.

As the fastest-growing third world country in recent years, China is naturally constrained by the carbon emission allowance drawn up by the conference.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

At that time, China had already started the pace of economic take-off, and Europe and the United States launched this carbon emission plan, to a large extent, to curb China's development.

In the face of this blatant trap, the United States and the West initially thought that China would resist it, so that they could stand on the moral high ground and accuse us of not paying attention to environmental protection.

However, to their surprise, the mainland not only did not object, but calmly accepted their unreasonable demands, and strictly complied with them in the following time.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

China's willingness to accept this agreement was not because of its fear of the West, but because we had already made up our minds to take a different path of development.

After the Copenhagen Conference, the mainland carried out a certain degree of reduction in traditional industries, and then found another way to vigorously develop the new energy industry.

After more than 10 years of development, the mainland's new energy industry has formed a complete industrial chain, and it is no longer necessary to rely on traditional industries like other third world countries.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

The ban on fuel vehicles and China's new energy vehicles

On March 25 last year, the European Union introduced a decree stipulating that from 2035 onwards, it will ban the sale of non-zero-carbon fuel vehicles in the EU.

Although a "non-zero carbon emissions" condition has been added, everyone knows that it is impossible for fuel vehicles not to produce carbon emissions, and this decree is equivalent to a death sentence for fuel vehicles in the European market.

Soon, the resolution caused a huge controversy around the world, not only in the third world, but also in Europe.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

The Third World opposes it because the ban on gasoline-powered vehicles is a huge blow to their car industry because they have lost a huge European market, while those in Europe who oppose it believe that the law is likely to cheapen China.

It turns out that some people in the EU have analyzed that once the ban on fuel vehicles is implemented, it will greatly benefit the development of China's new energy industry. Why would they make this assertion?

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

As we have mentioned before, in the more than ten years since the concept of "carbon emissions" was put forward in the West, China has vigorously developed the new energy industry, and now China is undoubtedly the world's top level in the new energy sector.

As an important part of the new energy industry, new energy vehicles are naturally also key R&D projects in the mainland.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

After more than ten years of accumulation, the mainland's new energy vehicle industry has reached the world-class level from R&D to production, and the American think tank has listed 12 key technology fields that have been surpassed by China, and electric vehicles are among them, and the ranking is still in front of high-speed rail, hand-torn steel and other technologies, which shows the leading position of the mainland in this field.

According to statistics, China's new energy vehicle market share has accounted for more than 60% of the world's market share, and it is still expanding.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

For example, in 2022, the mainland sold a total of 6.5 million new energy vehicles, while Europe and the United States combined only sold almost 3.5 million units.

This year, for example, nearly a quarter of the new energy vehicles sold in Europe this year are made in China.

The continent's new energy vehicles started early, significantly ahead of Europe, and it is difficult for Europe's new energy vehicle industry to compete with us.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

Once the ban on fuel vehicles takes effect, there will be no fuel vehicles in the European auto market, and they can only be replaced by new energy vehicles such as electric vehicles, so that the competitive advantage of China's new energy vehicle industry will be infinitely magnified.

It is conceivable that in the future, the entire European new energy market may be made in China, which will play a great role in promoting the mainland's new energy vehicle industry.

It is precisely for this reason that so many people in the EU have asked for amendments to the decree, but this does not matter, more than ten years have passed, the mainland's new energy vehicle industry has long been far ahead, and it is no longer a few sinister laws and regulations in the West can be blocked.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

Qian Xuesen's vision

There is a trivia that most people don't know: the current glory of Continental Automobile was foreseen by Mr. Qian Xuesen as early as 40 years ago.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

When people mention Qian Xuesen now, they basically only know his identity as the "father of the two bombs", in fact, Qian Lao has a very deep research in many fields.

In 1992, Qian Xuesen wrote a letter to the central government, suggesting that the mainland's automobile industry skip the stage of gasoline and diesel vehicles and directly develop electric vehicles.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot
Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

At that time, when automobiles were not even popular, Qian Xuesen was already aware of the world car market many years later.

He said that China should take the lead in researching electric vehicles to take the lead in the future competition in the world auto market.

Now, China's electric vehicles have gone to the world, as if they have fulfilled the long-cherished wish of Mr. Qian 40 years ago.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

The United States and the West tried in vain to contain China's rise under the guise of environmental protection, but it was self-defeating, and instead forced the development and progress of the mainland's new energy industry.

The West has realized how stupid the original decision was, but at this time, the take-off of China's new energy industry has become an inevitable and unstoppable trend, and the West can only break its teeth and swallow it in the stomach, and many foreigners are scrambling to buy our trams later.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

Now the competition in the mainland's electric vehicle industry has entered a white-hot stage, whether it is the original BYD, Xiaopeng, ideal, or Xiaomi, which has just released a new car, all use a variety of marketing to seize the market.

There are even reports that Europe and the United States may delay the EU-wide ban on fuel vehicles in 2035.

Qian Xuesen's prediction came true, and the ban on fuel vehicles in the United States and the West has helped China a lot

As for us, we just need to continue to improve ourselves in a down-to-earth manner and make greater progress, and I believe that Mr. Qian Xuesen will be overjoyed to see his prophecy come true in the spirit of heaven.

Resources: - Chairman of the European People's Party group in the European Parliament: The EU ban on fuel vehicles is a serious mistake and allows China to "profit from it"

The Paper - California fired the first shot of the "ban on the sale of fuel vehicles" in the United States, but it still faces many variables

Global Times - How many more electric cars will China sell, and the EU's determination to reduce emissions will be shaken?

Shangguan News - Europe and the United States slow down the transition to electric vehicles, has China been fooled?

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