
Why is retirement a "social rebirth"? After reading the article, you will understand

author:Mind and body station

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After retirement, as long as you choose correctly, make proper trade-offs, and plan accurately, retirement is the node of changing the old look into a new one, and you will be reborn like a fire phoenix.

Why is retirement a "social rebirth"? After reading the article, you will understand

1. Stay away from colleagues who should be kept away from and get close to more people who should be close.

Before retirement, I had to deal with my colleagues, during which intrigue was indispensable, and open and secret fighting was indispensable, even if I was tired and bitter, in order to take care of the overall situation, I had to endure it again and again. Until retirement, you can have a selective relationship with your family, which means the beginning of a new life on a social level.

Netizen message: I have long been fed up with colleagues, even if we have worked together for more than 20 years, I have not made a true friend, and when I retire, I wish I would leave quickly. In the past, I neglected my family in order to make a living, so I will do my best to compensate my family when I retire.

Comments: Away from colleagues, you can socialize in diversity most of the day, in addition to spending time with your family, you can also make friends, even if you go out for a walk alone, you will feel comfortable alone.

Why is retirement a "social rebirth"? After reading the article, you will understand

Second, bid farewell to the unit and embrace the larger world.

Before retirement, I had to follow the step-by-step schedule, and with the retirement I officially announced that I would leave the original unit, and I could spend my time freely, and I could stay at home if I wanted to, and I could go out to live if I wanted to. In the future, even the pension does not need to intersect with the original unit, but only needs to deal with the social security bureau and the community.

Netizen Message: My first reaction to retirement is that no one cares about me from now on, and I am completely free. Leaving the shackles of the unit, I am like a bird that has escaped from its cage, and I will fly freely in the vast world in the future. Now that I can make my own decisions when I retire, I feel very happy and happy.

Comments: Retirement is the beginning of a good time, like getting a new life, changing a way of living in society that matches you, and living how happy you are.

Why is retirement a "social rebirth"? After reading the article, you will understand

3. Live for yourself and live the life you yearn for.

Before retirement, I have to live in the eyes of others, in the unit, either in the eyes of leaders or colleagues, or in the eyes of customers.

Netizen Message: Before I retired, I was still panicked about the unknown, and I realized that I was too worried when I retired. Life after retirement is both autonomous and unrestrained, and what I do all day and night makes me feel very happy, from one to another enjoyment, so that there is no most enjoyment, only more enjoyment.

Comments: Free activity is the highest state of being a human being, retirement means the second spring of life, and the plan for the rest of your life still lies in spring.

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