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author:Kunming Federation of Trade Unions

Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions

In 2024, the truck driver will join the union and join the centralized service activity

In order to further expand the coverage of trade union organizations, attract more workers with new employment forms to join the trade union family, and promote the unionization of truck drivers, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has taken dual measures to carry out the centralized service activities of truck drivers in 2024.

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Investigate extensively to find out the situation. Through the WeChat mini program, the company conducted a survey on the membership and service status of truck drivers in the whole region to further understand the basic situation of truck drivers, enhance the effectiveness of the trade union's service for truck drivers, and jointly promote the union service to better meet the needs of truck drivers.

Concentrate on publicity and guide membership. Relying on Chenggong Wuyue Plaza to carry out a series of activities of "321 Spring New Gathering", in places with a large flow of people and a concentration of new employment workers, carry out offline truck driver union building and membership centralized service activities. During the activity, trade union volunteers publicized the nature and functions of the trade union to truck drivers and other new forms of employment, and answered various welfare policies about the establishment of the union, such as: free policy consultation and legal aid, "Golden Autumn Student Assistance" and other assistance guarantees, participation in "Mutual Medical Assistance for Employees", holiday childcare classes and other convenient welfare activities, access to skills training, academic qualifications, on-the-job training and other learning opportunities, participation in staff culture and sports, Gonghui Card Inclusive, holiday warmth and other trade union service activities.

In recent years, the Chenggong District Federation of Trade Unions has attached great importance to the service of new employment forms of workers such as truck drivers, actively carried out activities related to union building, and provided care and services for new employment workers in terms of ideological and political guidance, skill quality improvement, and difficulty assistance and assistance through trade union organizations, so as to continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the majority of truck drivers.

Anning City "Court + Trade Union + Human Resources and Social Security + Justice" Labor Dispute Disputes

The litigation and mediation workstation of the industrial park was inaugurated

On the morning of March 29, the unveiling ceremony of the litigation and mediation workstation of the Anning City "Court + Trade Union + Human Resources and Social Security + Justice" Labor Dispute Industrial Park was held in the Party and Mass Service Center of Anning Industrial Park, Wang Wengyang, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Anning Municipal Court, and Li Shaokang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Industrial Park, unveiled the workstation, and the relevant leaders of the Anning Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Caopu Street and the person in charge of Yunnan Hongrui Law Firm attended the unveiling ceremony.

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The linkage mechanism for litigation and mediation of labor disputes is a pragmatic measure for the Anning Federation of Trade Unions to explore and innovate the "Fengqiao experience" in the work-related field in the new era of Anning, to prevent and resolve conflicts and disputes in labor relations, and is also an important platform to provide more convenient and efficient mediation services for workers and enterprises. The establishment of the litigation and mediation workstation of the "court + trade union + human resources and social security + justice" labor dispute industrial park in Anning City aims to effectively integrate resource advantages, enhance the functional connection of the four parties, and provide consultation, consultation, mediation, arbitration, litigation throughout the whole process and all-round "one-stop" Comprehensive services effectively solve the practical needs of more than 20,000 industrial workers in the park for the protection of labor rights and interests, promote the extension of labor conflict and dispute resolution in the park to the source of prevention and control, and resolve labor disputes at the source and before litigation.

At present, Anning City has established four labor dispute mediation centers (stations/rooms) at the municipal level, sub-districts and villages (communities), extending mediation from supervision and arbitration to litigation, and running through the whole process of handling labor dispute cases. In the next step, the Anning Federation of Trade Unions will actively unite mediation organizations, industry experts, legal scholars, lawyers, mediation experts and other forces to promote the transformation of the municipal labor dispute mediator team from "substantial" to "standardized" to "demonstrative" through case guidance and business training, improve the efficiency of labor dispute resolution and trade union rights protection, build a solid "first line of defense" for labor dispute resolution, and effectively realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the workers.

Dongchuan District Federation of Trade Unions has thoroughly studied and implemented

General Secretary Xi Jinping strengthened

and the important idea of improving the work of nationalities

Recently, the Dongchuan District Federation of Trade Unions held a special meeting to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work, and to study and deploy relevant work.

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The meeting emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Ethnic Work Conference pointed out the direction of progress and provided fundamental guidance for the party's ethnic work in the new era. All cadres and workers should deeply study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work, completely, accurately and comprehensively grasp and implement its core essence, spiritual essence, rich connotation and practical requirements, consciously unify thoughts and actions to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, and strive to promote the high-quality development of ethnic work in the new era.

The meeting demanded, first, to work study and implementation. It is necessary to incorporate General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work into the study content of the Party Group's theoretical study center group, the "Three Meetings and One Lesson" of the branch, and the theme Party Day, and continuously improve the ideological understanding and professional level of Party members and cadres; It runs through the whole process of ethnic work in all fields, constantly improves the ethnic work mechanism, and comprehensively improves the ability and level of solving ethnic problems and doing a good job in ethnic work; It is necessary to find out the focus of the work and the combination point with the central work, dig deep into the characteristics and bright spots, carefully build a brand of trade union national work that can be called, stand and be promoted, and promote the demonstration of national unity and progress in a solid and effective manner. It is necessary to focus on the requirements of the construction of the "six Dongchuans", extensively carry out labor and skill competitions with rich content and various forms, and encourage workers of all ethnic groups to make contributions to promoting economic and social development; strengthen typical guidance, and further promote the construction and reform of the industrial worker team to improve quality and efficiency; we must do a good job in people's livelihood work such as holiday condolences, golden autumn student assistance, medical mutual assistance, rights protection assistance, entrepreneurship and employment, do practical and good things for employees of all ethnic groups, and promote the high-quality development of ethnic work in Dongchuan District.

Federation of Trade Unions of Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone

Carry out the implementation plan of the "Ability and Style Improvement Year" activity

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the requirements of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Party Committee, clearly establish the "four uses and four non-uses" selection and employment orientation, and strive to forge a team of "doers". On the morning of April 1, Lv Guangnian, vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone (Kunming Area of the Experimental Free Trade Zone), led all cadres and workers to carefully study the "five special actions" work plan issued by the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, and the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions carried out the implementation plan of the "Ability and Style Improvement Year" activity of the cadre team.

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At the meeting, Lu Guangnian focused on the "seven strengthenings", comprehensively improved the "seven abilities" of trade union cadres, and further forged the work skills of "union officers"; continued to temper the "five styles" and further strengthened the responsibility of "capable officers"; established and improved the "six mechanisms" to further strengthen the institutional guarantee of "getting things done"; highlighted the "five starting points" to effectively improve the ability and work style, and strengthened the organizational guarantee to ensure that the "ability and style improvement year" activities achieved practical results.

Now the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions has launched the "Cadre Style Improvement Year" activity, and all cadres and workers should strengthen the theoretical knowledge of trade union cadres, use more platforms and tools for in-depth study, improve work style, improve work efficiency, be brave in innovation, and promote the work of the trade union in 2024 to a new level with innovative work thinking.

The Songming County Federation of Trade Unions held the ninth meeting of the 11th National Committee

On April 2, the Songming County Federation of Trade Unions held the ninth meeting of the 11th National Committee. Yang Yanhong, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress and chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the stage meeting and delivered a speech. Members of the 11th Economic Examination Committee of the County Federation of Trade Unions, members of the Female Workers Committee, socialized workers in various towns (streets) and cadres of some park trade union federations attended the meeting as observers.

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The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the 2nd Plenary Committee of the 13th Yunnan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the 4th Plenary Committee of the 16th Kunming Federation of Trade Unions and the 7th Plenary Session of the 13th Songming County Committee of the Communist Party of China, listened to and reviewed the work report of the 9th Plenary Committee of the 11th County Federation of Trade Unions, and the work report of the 9th Plenary Committee of the 11th National Committee, comprehensively summarized the work of the trade union in 2023, and arranged and deployed the key tasks for 2024 around the annual work goals of the county party committee and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions.

Yang Yanhong fully affirmed the work of the county's trade unions in 2023, and pointed out that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and an important year to implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions, the 13th Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the 7th Plenary Session of the 13th County Party Committee, and the 16th Plenary Session of the Municipal Federation. Trade unions at all levels in the county should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the work of the working class and trade unions, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 13th County Party Committee, closely focus on the center, actively integrate into the overall situation, make every effort to serve high-quality development, and unite and lead the majority of employees to make contributions in the practice of Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to focus on the strategy of "strong industrial county" and the "8+N" key industry work goal, and actively serve the strategy of strong industrial county and the construction goal of "five Songming" to play a functional role: first, we must improve our political position and continuously deepen our understanding of the importance of trade union work; second, we must keep in mind our work responsibilities and strengthen our confidence in doing a good job in trade union work; third, we must strengthen the construction of work style and make every effort to implement key tasks.

Yangzonghai Scenic Area Federation of Trade Unions

Carry out volunteer cleaning activities

In order to promote the optimization of the business environment, we will strive to improve the beautiful and clean production and living environment of the park, and gather the strength of "workers". On April 3, the Federation of Trade Unions of Yangzonghai Scenic Area organized more than 200 employee volunteers to carry out volunteer service activities in Yunnan Qidian Industrial Park.

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The main task is to clean up the garbage such as small advertisements, cigarette butts, and plastic bags on the wall, so that the wall is clean, no exposed garbage, and the road surface is clean. At the event site, the majority of staff volunteers wore red volunteer uniforms, held brooms, clips, garbage cans and other tools, and acted in groups according to the pre-divided cleaning site, and embarked on the road of beautifying the environment. In the cleaning process, everyone worked in full swing, gave full play to the spirit of volunteer service that is not afraid of dirt and tiredness, eradicated the small advertisements on the walls around the enterprise, and carefully cleaned up the plastic bags, paper pieces, cigarette butts, fruit peels, etc. on the side of the road, and achieved obvious results after more than 3 hours of hard work.

What is picked up is garbage, and what is advocated is civilization. Through this activity, it further reflects the social responsibility of employees to care for the sanitary environment and beautify the park. In the next step, the District Federation of Trade Unions will continue to call on more workers to actively carry out various environmental sanitation rectification activities, promote the concept of green ecology with practical actions, and jointly create a clean, beautiful and comfortable park environment.