
Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

Since the two sessions this year, the problem of the difficulty in marriage and love for over-age young and middle-aged men in rural areas has aroused great concern and in-depth heated discussions, and has become an issue that relevant parties attach great importance to.

Ding Changfa, a well-known associate professor of economics at Xiamen University, saw that it was difficult for rural singles to marry after marriage, and realized that this would seriously affect the growth of the mainland's rural population, which was very unfavorable to economic development.

In order to solve the major problem of marriage and love matching of rural over-age young men, Professor Ding Changfa put forward the proposal of "opening up international marriage and introducing overseas young women of appropriate age" and adopted the suggestion of "going out and bringing in", which has aroused continuous heated discussions in the whole society and high attention from relevant parties.

Some media have pointed out that the background of the marriage, love and marriage of these over-age male young people in rural areas is not to be underestimated, and it is a very complicated matter, and this matter has involved the normal economic and social development, the flow of the rural population, the difference in urban and rural development, the traditional marriage customs, and so on.

Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

Professor Ding's proposal to adopt the method of "foreign-related marriage" to solve the problem of marriage and marriage of over-age young men in rural areas seems to be very easy, but according to the current laws and regulations, it is quite difficult, and it is not easy to do so, and it must go through a series of reforms before it can be opened up and implemented.

According to the provisions of the state's "Circular on Strengthening the Administration of Foreign-Related Marriage Introductions," it can be seen that the state prohibits the collection of marriage mediation fees for profit on the pretext of "introducing transnational marriages." Therefore, who in China can be willing to match these young men in rural areas for free and free of charge and act as a red media? At present, there is no transnational marriage agency in China that does not charge introduction fees.

Because transnational marriage needs to involve a large amount of economic expenses, from the current point of view, whether it is an individual or any unit, it is an extraordinary economic expense, and it is generally unaffordable.

Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

At the same time, according to the Civil Code, there are clear provisions prohibiting any person and any organization from arranging marriages, buying and selling marriages and other acts that interfere with the freedom of marriage, and citizens should follow the principle of complete voluntary marriage between men and women.

Some experts suggest that the original intention of adopting the method of "bringing in and going out" is good, and it is suitable for the fields of economy, science, education, medical care, etc., but there will be a lot of inappropriate places in the field of marriage.

Experts suggest that only by building an "international matchmaking platform" at the national level can we solve the problem of transnational marriage of older leftover men in rural areas, and it is necessary to introduce relevant new laws and regulations to allow overseas young women to come to the mainland.

Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

However, it is not very easy for the state to establish this platform from any aspect of construction, and it requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to solve a series of problems such as language barriers, verification of the authenticity of information between the two sides, nationality, passport and visa, employment, medical care and pension.

There are three outstanding problems for foreign overseas brides coming to China, which must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the stability of the marriage, as well as the problems of life and survival.

The first is the issue of employment. At present, the law stipulates that overseas personnel who are employed in China must have a legal and valid work-type permit, such as a visa, residence permit and other valid legal documents, or must have a permanent residence permit, otherwise they cannot be illegally employed in China.

Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

Overseas foreigners in the mainland to get a green card, that is, a valid permanent residence permit, the threshold set by the state is quite high, if the foreign overseas bride comes to the country, basically there is no relevant livelihood skills, in the mainland, a place with rapid economic development, science and technology are changing with each passing day, it is difficult to get employed, and the inability to be employed will affect life and survival, will affect the marriage relationship, employment is an important factor that cannot be ignored.

The second is the issue of insurance. According to the Interim Measures for Foreigners Employed in China to Participate in Social Insurance, foreign overseas brides who come to the mainland and work in China can carry out basic medical insurance and basic pension insurance according to the relevant provisions of the mainland's social security.

It is a very incredible problem that overseas brides cannot enjoy domestic social security, medical insurance and pension insurance benefits in the mainland, which will affect their marriage relationship and family life.

Is it difficult for a rural bachelor to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? There are three problems that are difficult to solve

The third is the problem of life. Foreign brides living in China will inevitably face the problem of language barriers, no Chinese foundation, do not understand Chinese, are unable to communicate and communicate in the process of social interaction, and are fatal problems in daily life and employment.

Foreign brides living in China will inevitably face cultural differences, differences in customs, and differences in habits, which are very difficult to overcome and will affect marriage and family.

Therefore, before the mainland wants to open up international marriage and solve the major difficulties of marriage, love and marriage among older young men in rural areas through the method of "going out and bringing in," the country must adopt a series of revisions to laws and regulations and a series of reforms of rules and regulations, so that we can effectively and efficiently introduce overseas young women without barriers, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests after marriage, to make marriages more stable, and to enable overseas brides to stay, be employed, secured, and live happily.

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