
The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

author:Where Satoshi begs

He Jiong is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding hosts in China, and is known as the "first brother" of Hunan Television Station, and his influence in Hunan can be called unshakable! As one of the pillars of Hunan Satellite TV, he has hosted many programs that have attracted much attention and rave reviews, such as "Super Girl", "Happy Boy", "Dancing Miracle", "New Power of Variety Shows", and "Happy Camp", and so on.

He also won the Golden Eagle Award for Outstanding Presenter, which is a testament to his professionalism and excellence in his professional field.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

He Jiong is not only impeccable in his professional ability, he is also a benchmark for many broadcasting and hosting practitioners, devoting himself to his work and enthusiastically promoting and training newcomers.

In the world-famous entertainment industry, many celebrities have received selfless assistance and support from He Jiong. Regardless of whether the stars are famous or shining, as long as they are talented, He Jiong will give care and guidance, regardless of personal gains and losses.

At that time, He Jiong was like a scorching sun hanging high in the sky of the entertainment industry, shining brightly, shining in every corner of this circle. He is full of energy, his words are humorous, and his gestures reveal the professionalism of the host.

Whether it is the promotion period of the TV series or the recording site of variety shows, he can always be seen busy, leading the direction of the industry.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

It was this dedication to his career that made He Jiong pay a heavy price. In order to work, he often stayed up all night with little time to rest. But he didn't care about all this toil because he loved it too much.

His friend Long Danni often joked: "He Jiong, are you crazy? If you work too hard, you will break yourself." But He Jiong just smiled slightly, his eyes full of confidence and yearning for the future.

It is with this momentum of not admitting defeat that He Jiong has come to today's height step by step. From an unknown teacher at Beijing Foreign University, to appearing on the stage of CCTV, and then to becoming the host of Hunan Satellite TV, he has supported a new legend bit by bit with his own hands.

Life begins with ups and downs

No one thought that this once beautiful "first brother" would be so tricked by fate. Just when He Jiong's career was at its peak, a notorious "gift gate" incident hit him hard.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

For a time, public opinion questioned whether He Jiong was "eating empty salary" and greedy for personal gain. What's more, he was directly asked to resign and set a good example for young people.

The sudden change was like a heavy hammer slammed on He Jiong's body. He almost stood on the spot, watching in disbelief. As a professional host, he should be innocent, but now he has become the target of public opinion and is being served by tongues.

As we all know, in the contemporary entertainment industry, receiving gifts from fans has become a common phenomenon. But He Jiong, as the host, has repeatedly made exceptions to accept some precious gifts, which has attracted widespread attention and heated discussions, and also made the audience doubt his values.

Looking back on the past, He Jiong was such a humble and polite person. At that time, he had just graduated from Beijing University of Foreign Chinese and started from scratch, working hard step by step to achieve today's achievements.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

In order to gain a foothold in this circle, he has paid too much.

At first, when he worked at CCTV, although he was just a small host, He Jiong still devoted himself wholeheartedly. It's a pity that in the end, because of the downsizing of CCTV, he still chose to leave.

Later, after joining Hunan Satellite TV, He Jiong was like a fish in water, and his career was finally on the right track. With his outstanding hosting talent and aggressive work attitude, he soon became the leading actress in Taiwan.

No one expected that such a diligent and hard-working good host would now become the focus of "empty salary". Many former fans and people who are optimistic about him have turned away and avoided him.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

The contrast is so great that it is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

The predicament has eased, and the light has returned

He Jiong, who was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion, did not choose to escape, but gritted his teeth and survived.

Although at this time, he had to endure unwarranted doubts and criticisms every day, and was seriously exploited and coldly treated, he still stuck to his job and maintained his professional quality.

The inner torment is only known to He Jiong himself. Originally, he was a gentle, humble and polite person, and never took the initiative to hurt others. But now, the storm of public opinion has blown him to the ground.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

Many former friends and colleagues have also left him, and some even denounced him in person.

Just when He Jiong was about to give it a go, a glimmer of life finally appeared. It turned out that his old friend Long Danni couldn't see everything in front of him, and resolutely stood up to justify He Jiong's name.

Years of dusty past, finally rediscovered. Long Danni was convinced that He Jiong was innocent, and the friendship between the two of them was reconfirmed.

In addition, his family has also been silently supporting He Jiong. Before He Jiong's father's old incident, He Jiong accompanied him throughout the whole process and did his best to be a filial son. Now that they are in a difficult moment, they are sharing weal and woe with He Jiong, and interpreting the weight of the word "family" with practical actions.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

It was the support of his family and friends that prevented He Jiong from completely falling to the bottom. Although there was a long road ahead, at least a few rays of dawn shone into his heart through the clouds.

Reflections on humanity and friendship

In this way, when He Jiong's career was at a low point, his former relatives and friends flew away one after another, avoiding him. Those who have benefited from him also turn a blind eye to this benefactor and hide everywhere.

Only a few friends and He Jiong's family members stood on He Jiong's side without reservation. He Jiong was deeply moved by the unwavering companionship, and also made him have to reflect on what the true meaning of humanity and friendship is.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

Recalling the past, He Jiong was generous and spared no effort to help everyone around him. For example, he has helped Zhang Yixing, Ouyang Nana, Wang Yuan, Wang Junkai, Yi Yang Qianxi and others.

For potential newcomers, he imparts experience without reservation; He will also lend a helping hand to those who are in trouble, without asking for anything in return.

Who would have thought that such a helpful and good person would now be reduced to a lonely person. Many of the little junior disciples who were carried by him at the beginning were afraid of He Jiong at this time, for fear of getting into trouble.

Life's setbacks and tribulations doom us to be tested. And He Jiong finally saw the true face of some so-called "friends" this time. It turns out that friends made because of interests can also be alienated because of interests.

The people behind the entertainment industry are walking tea and cooling, which is vividly shown in He Jiong's body

This made him deeply appreciate the preciousness of friendship, and those close friends who have been on the same road through thick and thin are his most valuable assets.

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