
Israel is in trouble, and Iran has not retaliated, and it is in chaos first

author:New concept gas station

近日,在以色列国内再次爆发了‬大规模‬的‬游行‬示威‬活动‬。 人们‬纷纷‬走向‬街头,他们‬高声‬呐喊:“政府‬毁了‬这个‬国家‬,内塔尼亚胡‬有罪”!以色列‬现在‬‬可谓是‬内忧外患‬,如果‬不加以‬有效‬应对‬,那么这次‬‬离‬亡国‬‬真的‬不远了‬。


To take an example, on April 6, 2024, the day before the protests erupted, there were even extremists in Israel who wanted to murder Netanyahu. They believe that Israel's current predicament is the fault of Netanyahu's government.

Israel is in trouble, and Iran has not retaliated, and it is in chaos first

Mass demonstrations in Israel

What is even more exaggerated is that during this demonstration, there was also an extremely dangerous scene: an unknown man drove a car towards the demonstrators, causing injuries to three people, one of whom was seriously injured. 抗议群众怒吼:“这是内塔尼亚胡指使的杀手,内塔尼亚胡想要杀了我们‬”!

Israel is in trouble, and Iran has not retaliated, and it is in chaos first

A car driven by an unknown person crashed into a crowd

If this trend continues, before the Iranian side fights, the Israeli side may be "defeated without a fight."

Israel is in trouble, and Iran has not retaliated, and it is in chaos first

Burnt Netanyahu

Netanyahu really doesn't have much time left...

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