
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see
The reign time of China's dynasties, historical trivia collection for children to see

"Xiao Ming, do you know how many dynasties we have in China?" Dad suddenly asked Xiao Ming at the dinner table.

Xiao Ming put down his chopsticks and thought for a while, "Hmm...... There are Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and ...... Qin Dynasty, by the way, there are also Three Kingdoms!"

Dad smiled, "Not bad, but not quite." In fact, there are many dynasties in Chinese history, and each dynasty has its own unique story and culture. Today, we will have a history class that travels through time and space to learn about the reign time of various Chinese dynasties and other interesting historical facts. ”

Xiao Ming was excited when he heard this, "Okay, okay, then let's start quickly!"

Dad nodded, "Then let's start with the ancient Xia Dynasty first." ”

Summer Morning

"The Xia Dynasty," Dad began, "was the first dynasty in Chinese history, which lasted about 470 years, beginning about 2070 BC and ending in 1600 BC. The founder of this dynasty is called Qi, and he is the son of Dayu. Although the Xia Dynasty is old, it laid the basic pattern of Chinese dynasties and can be said to be the beginning of Chinese history. ”

Xiao Ming listened with relish, "Wow, it turns out that the Xia Dynasty is so important!


Dad went on to say, "Next came the Shang Dynasty, which lasted for more than 500 years, from about 1600 BC to 1046 BC. The Shang Dynasty was the first dynasty in Chinese history to have an exact written record, and the oracle bone inscriptions we see now are mainly the characters of the Shang Dynasty. ”

"Oracle bone inscription, is it the kind of writing engraved on tortoise shells and animal bones?" Xiao Ming asked curiously.

"That's right," Dad nodded, "The Shang Dynasty people often used tortoise shells and animal bones for divination, and then engraved the results of the divination on it, which is what we now call oracle bone inscriptions." ”

Western Zhou

"Well, now we travel to the Western Zhou," Dad continued, "and the Western Zhou Dynasty began in 1046 BC and lasted for about 275 years until 771 BC. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, China implemented the feudal system, that is, the land was divided into relatives and meritorious people to manage. This system had a profound impact on later Chinese history. ”

Xiao Ming nodded thoughtfully, "The sub-seal system, I remember the teacher talked about it in history class." ”

Eastern Zhou (Spring and Autumn Warring States)

"Yes, let's move on. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty, in fact, included the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, from 770 BC to 256 BC, this period was very turbulent, but it was also a period of great development of Chinese culture and thought. Dad explained.

Xiao Ming asked, "Are there many famous thinkers and philosophers who appeared during this period?"

"That's right," Dad replied, "like Confucius, Mencius, Laozi, Zhuangzi, etc., whose ideas have had a tremendous impact on Chinese and even world culture. ”

Qin Dynasty

"Okay, let's enter the Qin Dynasty next. The Qin Dynasty was the first unified centralized state in Chinese history, and although its reign was short-lived, from 221 BC to 206 BC, a short period of 15 years, its impact was profound. Dad said.

Xiao Ming added: "I know! Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, and also unified writing and weights and measures, right?"

"Very much!" Dad nodded approvingly.

Han dynasty

"Then let's continue to travel to the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty was a unified dynasty after the Qin Dynasty, divided into two periods, the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, with a total of 29 emperors and 405 years of reign. During the Han Dynasty, China's culture, science and technology, and economy were greatly developed, forming a unique Han culture that had a profound impact on later generations. Dad continued.

After hearing this, Xiao Ming yearned, "The Han Dynasty must be a very glorious dynasty, right?"

"Yes," Dad replied, "during the Han Dynasty, China was not only stable and prosperous at home, but also established extensive trade and cultural exchanges with the countries of the Western Regions, laying the foundation for the later Silk Road. ”

three countries

"Next, we entered an era of heroes - the Three Kingdoms. Dad's voice was full of passion, "The Three Kingdoms period began in 220 and ended in 280, although it was only a short 60 years, but countless heroes and wonderful stories emerged. ”

Xiao Ming's eyes flashed with excitement, "I know! There are Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei Taoyuan three alliances, and Zhuge Liang outwitted the three cities!"

"Yes, the stories and characters of the Three Kingdoms period are still talked about today," Dad said with a smile, "and this is also an important part of Chinese history and culture." ”

Jin Dynasty

Dad then said, "Okay, we're going to talk about the Jin Dynasty next. The Jin Dynasty began in 266 and ended in 420, and it was divided into two periods, the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. During the Jin Dynasty, Chinese culture continued to develop, and the art of calligraphy, in particular, reached a new peak. ”

Xiao Ming asked: "Is it that Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface"?"

"Yes, Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Preface" is known as 'the first line of calligraphy in the world' and is one of the representative works of calligraphy art in the Jin Dynasty. Dad explained.

Northern and Southern Dynasties

"Then came the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties," Dad continued, "which began in 420 and ended in 589. The period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was one of the great divisions in Chinese history, with multiple regimes established in the south and north respectively. ”

Xiao Ming asked curiously: "Are there any special cultural achievements in this period?"

"Of course," Dad replied, "during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Buddhism was widely spread and developed in China, and had a profound impact on Chinese culture, art, and philosophy. ”

Sui Dynasty

"Alright, let's move on to the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty began in 581 and ended in 618, and although its reign was short, it was an important dynasty. Dad said.

Xiao Ming asked, "What does it mean to connect the previous and the next?"

"Connecting the past and the next means that the Sui Dynasty not only inherited some of the institutions and cultural traditions of the previous dynasty, but also laid the foundation for the later Tang Dynasty. Dad explained.


"Then we're going to talk about the Tang Dynasty next," Dad's voice suddenly became agitated, "The Tang Dynasty is a very glorious dynasty in Chinese history! It reigned for nearly three hundred years, starting in 618 and ending in 907!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ming yearned, "The Tang Dynasty must be a very remarkable dynasty, right?"

"That's right," Dad replied, "during the Tang Dynasty, China's economic development reached its peak, and great achievements were made in culture and art. Tang poetry, Tang painting, Tang music and other cultural and artistic forms are still praised and studied by people today. ”

In the following time, Dad told Xiao Ming about the history of the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Each dynasty has its own unique story and cultural achievements that make Xiao Ming listen to it with fascination. This time-traveling history class not only allowed Xiao Ming to learn about the reign of various Chinese dynasties and other interesting historical trivia, but also stimulated his strong interest in Chinese history and culture. He secretly made up his mind that he must study history well and inherit and carry forward China's excellent traditional culture!

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