
The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

author:Meow Xiaoyu Club
The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent
The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

April has just begun, and Taiwan has ushered in a sky collapse.

A 7.3-magnitude earthquake caught everyone off guard, and at the same time caused countless people to worry.

After the earthquake, these stars of domestic entertainment have never done anything.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

This is actually very rare in the history of disasters in China.

Because every time there is an emergency in the mainland, these stars will come forward as quickly as possible, and in this way, they will be recognized by more people.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Especially charity funds such as Han Hong and Huang Xiaoming, they have hardly been left behind in any domestic disaster.

As long as the motherland is in trouble, they will absolutely not ignore it.

But what is puzzling is that after the earthquake in Taiwan, the number of these celebrities and well-known enterprises who donated money is only a handful.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Why is this happening?

There was a sudden earthquake in Taiwan, and many celebrities donated money to domestic entertainment and remained silent

The earthquake in Taiwan was not foreseen at all, and the people were hit by such a huge blow without knowing it, which made countless people feel afraid.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

The earthquake has now killed more than a dozen people.

And the earthquake affected not only Taiwan, but also other parts of the mainland, such as Xiamen and Hangzhou in Fujian.

It can also be seen from this that the earthquake is still very destructive.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

As of April 5, the earthquake had injured more than 1,000 people and left 16 people missing.

At this important point in time, Mayday directly stepped forward and donated 5 million.

Mayday's levy has also caused huge controversy.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Some people say that Mayday must have been riddled with scandals before, so he thought about spending money to solve this problem and make his reputation rise.

Because before this, Mayday was deeply involved in the lip-syncing turmoil, and there were many bloggers who exposed the details at that time.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

After reading these details, it aroused the anger of many netizens, because Mayday sang a total of 12 songs, and it is said that nearly 1/3 of the 12 songs are all lip-synching.

It was also this lip-synching turmoil that made many singers in the music industry realize that they could no longer be fooled around like this.

If discovered, the impact on their future is huge.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

At this time, Mayday also realized that they had to stand up and respond, otherwise all their previous efforts would be scrapped.

So they also said that there is no lip-synching, but it is obvious that netizens don't believe it, because the evidence given by the blogger is too real.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

At this important point in time, Mayday was not trapped by lip-synching.

Instead, he directly donated a full 5 million yuan, hoping to help rebuild the campus in the disaster area.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

At this time, everyone was curious, will there be celebrities in domestic entertainment who will come out to donate? After all, Taiwan is also a part of the motherland.

It's just that if you look at it now, these stars in the domestic entertainment area are very cautious, and they don't dare to be the first bird when they see that others have not donated.

Just when domestic entertainment stars were still thinking about the situation, a rock group in Japan caused a lot of controversy.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

It was X JAPAN, and when he learned that Taiwan was in trouble, the captain of the team donated as much as 10 million yen.

Taiwan's media has gone too far to promote foreign donations

In fact, many people do not understand what the Taiwanese media does.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

When these Japanese teams donated to Taiwan, Taiwan began to immediately carry out crazy publicity on the news of Japan's donation, which also made many people feel a little inappropriate.

Because many netizens found that the Taiwanese media hyped up the donation to Japan.

The donation attitude towards some well-known entrepreneurs or celebrities in China is not so positive.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

For example, Chen Guangbiao, after learning that Taiwan was hit by an earthquake, he immediately donated 10 million yuan.

The reason why he donated so much money is also because he knows the current situation in Taiwan, and he is not particularly optimistic.

It is hoped that this money will be used to assist the post-disaster reconstruction of the Taiwan region.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

It's just that the media in Taiwan have very little publicity about this matter.

There are even many people who don't know that Chen Guangbiao has donated so much money!

Such behavior of the Taiwanese media has naturally caused controversy among many people.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Chen Guangbiao donated so much money at the first time, and it stands to reason that Taiwan should carry out propaganda, so as to set a good example for the public.

As a result, the Taiwanese media got it wrong and focused on the amount of foreign donations.

I want to tell the public through this behavior that foreign countries are now taking this matter very seriously.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Not only did the Taiwanese media not publicize Chen Guangbiao's donation, but they also chose not to talk about another person's donation.

This person is Xiao Qiang, and when she learned that Taiwan was in trouble, her donation immediately reached 1 million yuan.

In fact, it was not only the earthquake in Taiwan that she made a donation, but she did not ignore it when the mainland was affected by the disaster before.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

For example, when Henan, Shaanxi, and Wuhan were affected by disasters, she also stood up as quickly as possible and led her team to donate money.

Now that the reconstruction work in Taiwan is still continuing, many people are curious at this time, why don't mainland celebrities donate?

This has also caused huge controversy, in fact, it has a lot to do with some practices of the Taiwanese media.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Let's take Chen Guangbiao's donation some time ago as an example, obviously donated so much money, but when the Taiwan media talked about this matter, they downplayed it.

And these foreign celebrities or enterprises donate to Taiwan, and Taiwan is crazy about publicity.

Perhaps it was because of this factor that these celebrities in the mainland stopped donating their own behavior.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

In fact, in 2018, there was also an earthquake in Taiwan.

After the earthquake, many celebrities also came forward to donate, including Jay Chou, Xiao Jingteng and so on.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

It's just that the donations of these celebrities have not been thanked by the Taiwanese media.

Such an understatement will naturally cause dissatisfaction among many people.

Mainland stars were criticized, and Wang Xiaofei reversed the heat

After this incident, many netizens in Taiwan also came over to criticize celebrities in the mainland.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

I feel that celebrities in the mainland have done nothing about this matter, which is really undeserved.

But are the celebrities in the mainland really as unbearable as Taiwanese netizens say? In my opinion, this is not the case.

When disasters occurred in the mainland, many of these domestic celebrities played an active role.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

For example, at the end of December last year, when a disaster occurred in Gansu, these domestic stars never ignored it.

Of course, it does not mean that these domestic stars treat the mainland and Taiwan completely differently.

It's just that some of the behaviors of the Taiwan media are indeed very chilling.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

When there was an earthquake in Gansu, the mainland, these stars in the entertainment industry immediately stood up.

They have extended a helping hand to the people in the disaster area, and have also donated a lot of goods to the past.

Among them are Yang Mi, Hua Chenyu, Yao Chen, Yu Shuxin and other stars.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Han Hong and Huang Xiaoming are also very active in this matter.

Almost every time they learn that the country is in trouble, they will stand up as quickly as possible, hoping to help the country solve the difficulty.

It is precisely because these two people are very active in this regard that this time there was a disaster in Taiwan, and these two people did not make any moves, which caused the dissatisfaction of so many Taiwanese netizens.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

In fact, in my opinion, whether celebrities donate or don't donate, we can't carry out moral kidnapping.

After all, this money is also earned by their hard work.

And now netizens in Taiwan have seen a serious phenomenon of moral kidnapping, and they seem to feel that celebrities in the mainland are unpatriotic if they don't donate to Taiwan.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

At this important point in time, the appearance of a person suddenly reversed the direction of the hot search.

This person is Wang Xiaofei, because Wang Xiaofei's children and his ex-wife, as well as his current wife, are actually in Taipei.

So after the earthquake in Taiwan, the most anxious person is Wang Xiaofei.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

At the beginning, Wang Xiaofei didn't know that there was an earthquake in Taiwan, so she was still doing live broadcasts.

It didn't take long for him to see the news appear, and when he saw the news, he turned off the live broadcast as quickly as he could.

Because he has to go to Taiwan.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

Wang Xiaofei's trip to Taiwan this time must also be related to these things, first of all, she wants to see her children.

How much Wang Xiaofei attaches importance to these children, there is no need to say more.

It is precisely because of this that Big S will treat these children as a sword in his hand.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

In addition, if you want to see your new mother-in-law, you can have a good relationship with your new mother-in-law in this way.

After all, before this, Wang Xiaofei's reputation on the whole network was not particularly good, so this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Wang Xiaofei.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

It's just that everyone is equally concerned about whether Wang Xiaofei has donated to Taiwan, after all, Taiwan can be regarded as Wang Xiaofei's second home.

Looking at it now, Wang Xiaofei did not release any news related to donations.

The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

It's just that in my opinion, whether people donate or don't donate has nothing to do with netizens, after all, this money is also their hard-earned money.

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The list of donations from Taiwan's earthquake stars was announced! Mayday donated 1.12 million, and it was rare for domestic entertainment to be silent

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