
Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?

author:Professor: Writer Child of the Sun
Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?

Note: This article is the author's original work, and infringement must be investigated. The image was created on a computer using screenshot software.

Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?

Toutiao used to be a sunny, upright, and popular self-media platform for readers and authors. But there is a lot of chaos in today's headlines.


"AI" means artificial intelligence. It has been widely used in human production, life, scientific research, education, information dissemination, data transmission and processing, etc., which greatly saves manpower and improves efficiency.

I have no objection to using "AI" technology in fields such as engineering design, animation production, and writing for general procedural work. But if it is used for the production of a large number of online articles, I do not agree with it. Because it is not "original" labor in the true and strict sense, it is dishonest to label an article made with the help of "AI" software as "original", readers will not buy it, and many authors will disdain it.

But now there are many authors on the Internet who have posted that their works that have spent a lot of time and painstakingly created have been labeled as "there may be AI creations, please pay attention to screening" after publication, and they feel that their reputations have been damaged and very annoyed while crying out for wrongdoing. I've also been touched a few times with porcelain. What's even more incredible is that the label "there may be AI creation, please pay attention to screening" is like a ghost with unconsciousness, confusion, and erratia, the same article, it sometimes gives you this kind of label, and after a few days this label disappears automatically, and then reappears a few days later, with great uncertainty. As to whether an article is "created by AI", the manager of the Toutiao platform should fully communicate with the author before the article is published, and if confirmed by the author, it can be labeled as "the article is created by AI", and the author's article cannot be labeled as such without the author's approval and conclusive evidence. That is a desecration of the author's creative labor and a great disrespect to the author. If some authors are more serious, they can prosecute the platform for damaging the author's reputation.

Because this phenomenon has happened a lot in headlines, I have advised platform managers to be rigorous and cautious in this matter. The reliability of the screening software system needs to be tested and evaluated, and if the system is found to be immature and often causes misjudgments, it should be deprecated.

"Sourced from the web" articles abound, but do not indicate reliable sources of information

Nowadays, in order to chase hot spots, many people in the headlines often report and comment on international and domestic news without personally witnessing, witnessing or conducting an objective, comprehensive and in-depth investigation of the incident, but do not indicate the accurate source of the information, and only state at the end of the article that the article is "taken from the Internet". In this way, the question arises: (1) Does the author have superb and accurate language skills to ensure that his report is not distorted? (2) If the author reports these news events with personal emotions and prejudices, divides and chooses the events, distorts and falsifies, or even fabricates fake news out of thin air, it will bias public opinion. In response to this situation, the manager of the Toutiao platform should verify the authenticity of the news event, require the author to provide reliable and authoritative sources of information, and if it is a reproduction of information from authoritative media, require it to clearly indicate the source of the information so that readers can identify it. If the author is unable to provide a reliable and authoritative source of information, it will not be approved, and the rumor-mongers will be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations depending on the severity of the circumstances.

As for those articles and videos that have nothing to say, are logically confused, have many typos, and cannot provide any valuable information to readers, and low-level kitsch articles and videos, they blame society and others for the temporary setbacks and failures that individuals have endured, and they are full of anger and extreme remarks, which are all the more disgusted and resisted by the majority of readers.

For these problems, Toutiao should reflect on it, constantly improve management, and return Toutiao a sunny and healthy network environment.

Hopefully, Toutiao won't disappoint users.

Written on the morning of April 6, 2024

Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?
Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?
Chaos!Chaos!Chaos!Today's headlines: What's going on?