
@爱吃甘蔗的你 These purchase and consumption points should be noted

author:Movement news

Before and after Qingming, the temperature warms up and the rainfall increases, which is a good season for spring plowing and spring planting. However, there is a saying among the people that "Qingming cane, poisonous snakes", safe and reasonable consumption of sugarcane, these points need to be paid attention to↓

@爱吃甘蔗的你 These purchase and consumption points should be noted

Fresh sugarcane has a good taste

Juicy and sweet are popular

Sugarcane is a temperate and tropical crop, divided according to its use, there are two main types of sugarcane used for production and fresh food, the latter is commonly known as fruit cane. In the mainland, fruit cane is mainly divided into yellow fruit cane and black fruit cane according to skin color, and the production areas are mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and other provinces and regions. The sugar content of sugarcane is relatively high, and the sucrose, glucose, and fructose content are as high as 12%. Because of its juicy, sweet, crisp and refreshing taste, it is deeply loved by consumers.

@爱吃甘蔗的你 These purchase and consumption points should be noted

Sugarcane mildew red core to pay attention to

There are risks after consumption

After sugarcane picking, due to improper storage and transportation, it is easy to cause the growth and reproduction of R. arthrosporum and produce 3-nitropropionate toxin after the temperature rises in Qingming Dynasty, which is generally manifested as redness of sugarcane cores. 3-NPA is a potent neurophage toxin, which can cause damage to the central nervous system, interfere with the metabolism of intracellular enzymes, and in severe cases, lead to cerebral ischemia necrosis and even death. 3-NPA poisoning occurs acutely, generally for several hours, and the shortest incubation period is only ten minutes, and severe patients are generally children. For mildew sugarcane poisoning, there is no specific drug at present, and it should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible for gastric lavage, enema, catharsis and other measures to promote the discharge of toxins, and for symptomatic treatment.

Therefore, consumers should have food safety awareness during the Qingming Festival, fully realize the great harm of moldy sugarcane to human health, and do not eat moldy red-core sugarcane to prevent the occurrence of such food poisoning incidents.

The quality of sugarcane is easy to distinguish

It's easy to get the hang of it

Consumers can grasp the following purchase and consumption points when purchasing, so that they can eat sugarcane with confidence.


Feel the softness and firmness of the sugar cane with your hands. Fresh cane has a hard texture, and moldy cane has a softer texture.


Observe whether the cane of sugar cane is fresh or not. Fresh cane pulp is milky white, and moldy cane pulp is slightly darker in color and light brown in color. The surface of moldy sugarcane is generally not fresh in color and luster, and the appearance is not good, and traces of insect moth can be seen between nodes or between subsections. At the end of the moldy cane, a flocculent or hairy white substance will appear. After the incision, there will be red filaments on the cross-section.


Use your nose to smell the sugarcane for bad odors. Fresh sugarcane has a fresh aroma, if you smell musty or sake lees, do not buy or eat it.


Hygiene should be taken when consuming sugarcane. Wash your hands before eating, and it is best to peel and wash sugarcane before eating

@爱吃甘蔗的你 These purchase and consumption points should be noted

Sugarcane is eaten by different populations

Eat in moderation with confidence

Diabetics should not consume sugarcane

Because sugarcane is rich in sugar, people can quickly increase blood sugar after eating, and people with diabetes and high blood sugar are not suitable for eating sugarcane. In addition, people who are prone to diarrhea and suffer from enteritis are not suitable to consume sugarcane.

Sugarcane should not be eaten too much

Sugarcane's sugar, water, minerals and other nutrients are contained in the cane stem, and when eating sugarcane, the tongue rubs against the fibers in the cane stem, which is easy to puncture the tissues on the tongue. Sugarcane is high in sugar, and eating too much can easily cause tooth decay, so it is not advisable to eat too much.

Special attention should be paid to the safety of children

Young children who do not spit bagasse can easily choke on their throats when eating sugarcane, causing the risk of choking. Therefore, it is advisable for children to drink sugarcane juice in moderation, and it is not recommended to consume sugarcane directly.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

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