
Israel instigated, and all Israeli combat forces suspended their vacations. Temporary closure of 28 embassies abroad

author:Iron eggs who love to tell the truth

After the Israeli attack on Iranian embassies abroad, both the U.S. and Israeli statements were surprisingly unanimous:



Israel instigated, and all Israeli combat forces suspended their vacations. Temporary closure of 28 embassies abroad

How funny and shameless it sounds to us, co-authoring is that you punch me, but I can't fight back, it's my fault for fighting back.

What's even more outrageous is that the beaten person has not yet become angry, and the person who beats the person is in a hurry.

Iran has not taken any substantive measures in response to the attack, but Israel has made frequent moves.

The first suspended the leave of IDF soldiers, and all personnel returned to standby.

Second, the alert level of Israeli embassies abroad has been raised, and 28 embassies have even been temporarily closed, leaving the buildings empty.

Thirdly, the level of defense of the homeland will be raised, the number of patrols by air force aircraft will be increased, and the deployment of air defense systems will be temporarily increased.

Fourth, Israel is also considering reopening its shelters in Tel Aviv to prevent possible attacks.

Fifth, the current impact is that Israel has interfered with most of the GPS signals in the territory to prevent Iran from using drones and missiles to attack the Israeli mainland.

Israel instigated, and all Israeli combat forces suspended their vacations. Temporary closure of 28 embassies abroad

Israel, which is comparable to the Nazis, is tough on the lips, but honest on the body.

Israel has made a series of moves, and the pressure has been put on Iran again. Look, I'm ready for you to me, and if you don't come, you'll be a coward.

After the attack, Iran issued a statement on April 2 strongly condemning Israel and vowing to punish Israel for its "criminal acts." Four days have passed now, and Iran's mouth is being cracked, where is the real punishment?

It is likely that Iran will carry out some retaliatory strikes in the form of a series of bombings, just like Soleimani, Mousavi and Coleman, and will never attack Israel itself.

Israel instigated, and all Israeli combat forces suspended their vacations. Temporary closure of 28 embassies abroad

If Iran continues to hold back or retaliate with extreme limitations, it cannot be ruled out that Netanyahu will gain an inch until a full-scale war breaks out in the Middle East!

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