
The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

author:Kobayashi said entertainment

ILLIT's MV: Is it an aesthetic betrayal or a product of misunderstanding?

Sometimes you have to admire the acumen of netizens, who can dig up all kinds of seemingly unbelievable information from a song or a music video.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

ILLIT's MV is no exception, and a series of so-called "hints" have been pulled out, making people pinch their chin and wonder if this is an aesthetic betrayal or a product of misunderstanding.


A new form of witch hunting?

You're right, these speculations and accusations against girls are reminiscent of the unjust witch hunts in history.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

Is it true that now, for any girl, as long as she deviates slightly from the so-called "mainstream", she will be ruthlessly judged and condemned? This mentality is even more terrible than the villain in the TV series.


Protest against corporations or towards aesthetic pluralism?

Yes, we need to change the status quo, we need to protest to the company, we need to pursue aesthetic diversity.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

But at the same time, we also need to give more support to those mature female idols, not just leave strings of fluttering sighs and crocodile tears on social media. Because it is only by taking action that we can truly change the situation, not just complain and blame.


The "hints" in the MV: misunderstanding or reality?

Truth be told, sometimes people's ability to associate is really amazing.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

The sound of the bed, the sound of chains, the sound of the shutter, and even every word in the lyrics are over-interpreted, as if there is some kind of conspiracy behind this MV. But perhaps, this is just an ordinary song, an ordinary MV, over-interpreted.


Dance and barrage: control or freedom?

Is the chorus weird? Controlled like a puppet?

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

Perhaps, this is just an aesthetic expression, an artistic expression. As the comments on the barrage said, sometimes what we see is not reality, but the fear and anxiety in our hearts.


Summary: Perhaps, everything is just a misunderstanding

What seems like a ridiculous interpretation may just be a manifestation of our fear of the unknown and incomprehension.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!

Perhaps, ILLIT's MV is not so scary, perhaps, we just over-read everything. Perhaps, in the end, the truth is far simpler and easier to accept than we think.

The aesthetic bottom line collapsed! The girl group MV is all juvenile with the sound of a shaker!