
Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

author:Professor Yu Yun

At a young age, a lot of gray hair grows, and the appearance will be particularly old, this condition is medically known as presenile white disease, commonly known as less whitehead. Graying of hair is usually caused by a decrease in the function of pigment cells in the hair to produce pigment particles.

Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "the kidney is the main reservoir of essence, and its splendor is in the hair", "the liver is the main reservoir of blood, and the hair is the rest of the blood". If the kidneys are deficient and the qi and blood are lacking, it will lead to the appearance of gray hair.

The lack of whiteheads may be caused by congenital deficiency or acquired malnutrition. Congenital deficiency is usually due to the poor physical fitness of the parents, resulting in the poor health of the child, the child is weak in body, kidney essence deficiency, and lack of qi and blood. In addition, acquired dystrophy can also lead to weakness of kidney qi and insufficient liver blood, which can lead to gray hair.

So let's take a look at what methods can be used to treat Yu Lao.

First of all, we can start by tonifying the liver and kidneys. Yu Lao proposed that there are four acupuncture points in regulating the liver and kidneys, and these acupuncture points can be supplemented by using golden acupuncture or moxibustion with moxa sticks.

You can use the four acupoints of the kidney to replenish the kidney: Kidney Yu acupoint, Jingmen acupoint, Yinggu acupoint, and Taixi acupoint.

Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

Those who can use the four liver acupoints to replenish the liver: Liver Yu acupoint, Qimen acupoint, Ququan acupoint, and Taichong acupoint.

Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

The above acupuncture points are the mainstay, and the combination of Zusanli acupoint and Yongquan acupoint can make the effect better.

Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

If it is caused by qi and blood, you can take some traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

Blood replenishment can be taken:

Blood tonic soup: Astragalus plus angelica (can moderately increase the dosage of astragalus, can be used more than 30 grams, angelica can use one-third of astragalus, about 10 grams), decoction.

Prescription for the special effect of traditional Chinese medicine: Ligustrum ligustrum plus lotus grass (15 grams each) decoction. Or take two to pills of over-the-counter medicine.

Siwu Soup: Siwu Soup is a traditional medicinal dish. It is made of angelica, Chuanxiong, white peony and rehmannia as the main raw materials, and is a classic medicinal diet of traditional Chinese medicine to nourish and nourish blood.

Eating more red dates and black dates can also replenish blood.

Qi tonic can be taken:

Four Gentlemen's Soup: It is mainly composed of ginseng, atractylodes, poria cocos, and licorice. It can nourish the stomach and spleen, nourish yang and invigorate qi.

You can also take the over-the-counter medicine Four Gentlemen Pills. At the same time, you can also take more deep breaths in your daily life to adjust the function of your lungs.

Chinese medicine says that it is a liver and kidney problem, let's take a look at the 84-year-old Chinese medicine acupuncture prescription treatment

Bazhen Soup (Qi and Blood Supplement): Bazhen Soup is a combination of Four Gentlemen's Soup and Siwu Soup, namely ginseng, atractylodes, Poria cocos, licorice, angelica, Rehmannia rehmannia, peony and Chuanxiong. Bazhen soup can replenish qi and blood, and treat qi and blood deficiency.

❖This article is for knowledge sharing only and does not constitute a recommendation or promotion of any drug or treatment, and is not a substitute for medical advice from a professional doctor. If you need medical treatment, please consult and contact a regular medical institution.

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