
Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

The warmer weather is the favorite of people who like to play dough, haha fermentation is fast, steamed buns are made

By the purple jade who loves food


Medium gluten flour 200g

Water 110g

Yeast powder 2 g

Sugar 8g

Lard 5g

Bean paste filling 90g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

1、 [Preparation materials: 200g flour, 110g warm boiled water, 5g lard, 8g powdered sugar, 2g yeast powder, 90g bean paste filling]

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

2, first put all the ingredients except the bean paste filling together, and use chopsticks to stir into a flocculent,

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

3, kneading into a dough by hand, the dough is not too smooth is also OK, if you want to knead out a smooth dough, you can relax a little for a few minutes and then knead, it will be easier to knead into a smooth dough.

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

4: Place the kneaded dough in a warm place to ferment, ferment to 2 times the size.

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

5, the fermented dough is ripped open to see that there will be very uniform pores, that is to say, it is honeycomb-shaped

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

6, take out the exhaust, keep rubbing, cut open to see that the dough incision has no stomata, very tight, it will be discharged. The well-ventilated dough is divided into six uniformly sized dough,

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

7, take out a dough agent to press flat, roll into a cow's tongue shape, turn over the noodles into a rectangular dough sheet, smear a thin layer of bean paste filling on the lower part of the dough sheet about 15 grams, the edge is slightly exposed a little blank, and then fold the upper part down, cut into six parts with a scraper, the top is not cut, pick up one, twist a few times to a school, twist all six noodles at a time, after twisting, press the bottom to stick to the workbench, and several heads are connected as much as possible. Roll up from the top to the bottom, and a cute bean paste roll is ready.

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

8, all done well in a warm place to wake up

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

9, wake up until the steamed bun embryo is relatively light to pick up, gently press the edge with your hand will slowly rebound. (Usually used 150 grams of flour, today the flour is a little more, squeezed together a little ugly).

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

10, after the water is boiled, steam for 15 minutes, just start the heat for 5 minutes, then adjust the heat to medium-low heat for the next ten minutes, turn off the heat after 15 minutes, simmer for 5 minutes to open the pot, and the delicious bean paste steamed bun rolls will be ready.

Soft bean paste steamed bun roll, delicious and good-looking, simple and easy to make

11, it looks a little ugly, but in terms of the family's reflection to see the popular Ha, just the day to eat out, like friends to do to try it.


If steamed in cold water, do not send too much when fermenting.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of all-purpose flour</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst

Indications for the treatment of irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncles, traumatic bleeding and burns.

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