
Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

author:Chinese food cooks

National lobster stew

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade


1 Boston lobster (1000 g)


Dried shallots 75 g, garlic 75 g, meat ginger chunks 75 g, green onion 75 g.

Small fee:

50 grams of chopped shallots, 50 grams of minced garlic, 10 grams of chopped sand ginger.


Salt 3 g, chicken powder 3 g, corn starch 10 g.


20 grams of ground black pepper, 10 grams of seafood juice, 60 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of beef juice, 60 grams of shallot oil, 120 grams of soup.


1. Slaughter the Boston lobster and cut it into pieces.

2: Marinate the Boston lobster pieces in marinade and fry them in oil.

3: Heat the shallot oil to 160 ° and add a small ingredient to stir-fry the water to dry, add other ingredients and stir-fry well into five spices of black pepper sauce.

4: Add the fried lobster pieces and turn them over and add them to the stir-fried ingredients.

5: Serve on a low heat and cook.

< features >

The color is dark and red, the spice is rich, the shrimp meat is tender and elastic, and the black pepper flavor is strong.

Golden shrimp tray

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

1 prawn caught in the sea (120 g)


80 g eggs, 15 g sliced bread, 1 g mint leaves, 5 g kumquat, 5 g each of onion and ginger, 3 g lemon, 5 g red pickled pepper, 10 g shallots, 30 g egg yolk paste, 30 g egg white paste, 10 g egg yolk cake.

1 g salt, 15 g starch, 10 g tomato sauce, 15 g Thai sweet and spicy sauce.

1. Remove the head and shell of the prawns, remove the sand line, cut the back into shrimp steaks, and marinate into flavor.

2. Spread the bread slices with mayonnaise, add the shrimp steak, then spread the egg white paste and add the egg yolk cake.

3. Fry in 40% hot oil pan and bring it to maturity, accompanied by homemade hot sauce.

< homemade hot sauce >

Heat the pan with oil, sauté the diced shallots thoroughly, add tomato sauce and Thai sweet sauce and simmer over low heat to thicken.

Grilled Australian grain for cattle fillets

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

Australian grain-fed beef fillet 200 g, potatoes 150 g small tomatoes 50 g

Red wine 400 g Garlic 30 g Dried shallots 10 g Salt 15 g


Thyme 10 g black pepper 10 g

1: Marinate the beef fillet with salt and black pepper for about half an hour, put it in the grill strip and double-sided grill to color, and then put it in the oven and bake for 5-6 minutes.

2: Cut the large potatoes into strips of blanched water, season with butter, thyme and garlic in a pan, and fry the potatoes until golden brown.

3, put the shallots, thyme into the pot and stir-fry, add red wine to simmer slowly, simmer until there is no alcohol smell, then add the secret sauce, simmer for 2 hours sieved, poured on the beef fillet.

&lt; creative inspiration &gt;

Australian grain-fed beef fillet meat itself is very tender, bite down will burst the pulp, first with a grill, and then put into the oven quickly baked, the outside is burnt and tender. It must be mentioned that the sauce, in addition to red wine, thyme and other seasonings, but also added a secret sauce, this is the secret weapon of this dish, steak sauce can be the icing on the cake for the dish, add a lot of points.

Fried Angus beef in chili sauce

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

raw material:

Angus beef fillet 200g, honey beans 150g, tempeh sauce 1 teaspoon, garlic and red pepper grains, sugar, chicken powder, corn starch, oyster sauce to taste, chicken broth 2 tablespoons

1: Cook the beans slightly in boiling water.

2: Wash the pan with a little oil.

3: Put the honey beans in, add the chicken essence powder and fry evenly on the plate.

4: Wash the pan with a little oil and sauté the beef.

5: Wash the pan with a little oil and sauté the garlic pepper and tempeh sauce slightly.

6: Put the beef and seasoning together, stir-fry evenly on the honey beans on high heat.

Spicy dried pot pork ribs

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

Pork ribs, lotus root, enoki mushrooms, onions, red peppers, green peppers, celery, garlic, ginger, tempeh, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, cinnamon, star anise, fragrant leaves, cooking wine, soy sauce, water starch, salt, pepper oil, chicken essence, cumin powder

1: Cut the ribs into small pieces and marinate them with soy sauce, water starch and cooking wine for about 10 minutes.

2, in the oil pan, 180 degrees of fried ribs, fried until the ribs 8 mature, the surface into a burnt yellow.

3: Slice the lotus root, cut the green and red peppers and onion into pieces, cut the celery into sections, and crush the ginger and garlic with a knife.

4: Stir-fry ginger and garlic in a pot, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise, tempeh.

5: After stir-frying, first add the lotus slices and stir-fry, after the lotus slices are cooked, add the ribs, onions, green and red peppers, enoki mushrooms and celery in order, and stir-fry appropriately in the middle.

6: When the vegetarian dish is about to be cooked, add soy sauce, pepper oil, salt and chicken essence to taste.

Lemon curry salt denim bone

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

Cowboy bone 100 g, asparagus 30 g, mini carrot 20 g.

10 grams of salt in a delicious lemon curry.

1: Cowboy bones are salted with a delicious lemon curry for half an hour.

2: Fry in oil in a frying pan until cooked, and set the plate.

Soy sauce beef fillet willow is like water

Chefs excel at cooking, high-end atmosphere on the grade

Beef tenderloin

Zucchini, garlic, green onion, iron stick yam, lotus root, onion, chili pepper, peppercorns, green peppers, secret sauces, starch, corn starch

Salt, oil consumption, soy sauce, tempeh, tangerine peel, spicy sauce

1. Select the beef fillet part, cut the tendons and bones at the tip of the knife, and cut into cubes.

2: Add salt, oil, onion and green onion to the beef bowl and marinate for 1 hour.

3. Stir 3 tablespoons of starch and 1 tablespoon of corn starch with water to form a paste, wrap evenly over the marinated beef, and fry twice in the pan.

4, in turn, the lotus, yam, zucchini &amp; pepper, pepper, fry in batches of pots and stir-fry incense, the frying speed must be fast, in order to ensure the nutrition of vegetables.

5: Stir-fry garlic, green onion, green pepper and secret sauce, add the treated beef, vegetables, soy sauce and chili peppers, and quickly stir-fry out of the pot. To ensure that beef "willow like water".

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