
Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

author:Infinite Entertainment
Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

In this world, everyone is destined to go through the stages of aging, which is the inevitable trajectory of life. When people face the passage of time, they find that their appearance is like a lottery drawn by genes, some people still have their faces when they are old, and some people gradually lose their former appearance with the passage of time.

This phenomenon is best illustrated in celebrities, whose life trajectories not only reflect the impermanence of physical changes, but also reveal the different attitudes and choices of individuals.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

Zunlong, as a legend in the Chinese film industry, was once the "first beautiful man in Asia", and his appearance and temperament are remembered in films such as "The Last Emperor" and "Madame Butterfly".

As the years grew, he exuded an awe-inspiring kindness, even though he had lost his youthful looks.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

His eyes reveal the precipitation and wisdom of the years, and the wrinkles are a kind of medal given by time, which makes people respect his experience and connotation more. Perhaps, under the appearance of youth, there is a firm, mature and full of life experience.

Unlike Zunlong, Fei Xiang showed a different look. He became popular again with "Fengshen", even if he was over the age of six, he still maintained a powerful image and became a male god in the minds of thousands of girls.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

Every trace of time seems to have been erased by his perseverance, and his smile is still full of sunshine and vitality. It is his persistence and positive attitude towards a healthy life that makes him still radiate the light of youth in the baptism of the years.

The different life trajectories of Zunlong and Fei Xiang make people think deeply. Over the years, they may have realized some truths: appearance is important, but more important is inner richness and positive attitude.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

It is this inner abundance and positive attitude that allows them to maintain their charm and attractiveness throughout the aging process.

As an old saying goes: "Time is a knife to kill pigs, but she can't take away our smiles." In Zunlong and Fei Xiang, we see the true meaning of this sentence.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

No matter how the years change, no matter how the appearance changes, as long as we maintain a positive attitude, we can overcome the ruthlessness of the years and bloom our own unique light.

Andy Lau, this name shines brightly in the entertainment industry, he is famous for his 40-year miracle in the entertainment industry, and has always had the dual advantages of strength and charm.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

The trajectory of his life is not only an entertainment legend, but also a touching life story.

In his acting career, Andy Lau has created countless classic images, and his singing, performance, and film and television works all show his strength and charm.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

At the same time, he also won the respect of many more people with a humble gesture. In the highly competitive stage of the entertainment industry, he has never been complacent because of his achievements, but has maintained a normal heart and constantly strives to forge ahead.

Perhaps it is this persistence and humility that has allowed him to continue to achieve success in his acting career and win the love and respect of countless audiences.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

Miao Qiaowei is known as the representative of "the older you are, the more handsome", and his life experience is also emotional. After the peak of his career, he once chose to retire from the camera, away from the hustle and bustle in front of the camera.

When he returned to the film industry, his appearance attracted widespread attention. is different from the scenery when he was young, today's Miao Qiaowei has a little more vicissitudes of life on his face, but he still maintains a unique charm and temperament.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

His happy family and rich life experience have become the motivation and confidence for him to return to the film industry, and he uses his actions to interpret the maturity and precipitation in the passage of time.

Andy Lau and Miao Qiaowei, one is a legend in the entertainment industry with both strength and charm, and the other is a representative of the older and more handsome, their life trajectories may seem completely different, but they have similar life attitudes and emotional expressions.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

They use their practical actions to tell us that whether in the entertainment industry or in life, we need to make unremitting efforts to pursue our dreams, maintain humility and tenacity, and maintain our true nature and charm in the baptism of years.

Lu Weiliang, a big man with rich experience in the entertainment industry, his career is smooth, whether it is in film and television dramas or commercial activities, he can show his talent and charm with ease.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

What is even more commendable is the relationship between him and his wife. In the impetuous environment of the entertainment industry, it is not easy to maintain a long-term loving relationship, but the relationship between Lu Weiliang and his wife is like a glass of mellow wine, the more you taste it, the more fragrant it becomes, full of warmth and sweetness.

Compared with stars like Lu Weiliang, who are still full of vitality, there are also some stars whose early scenery is more obvious than that after aging.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

Like Chow Yun-fat, Dillon, Jiao Enjun, Yang Junyi, Chen Jianfeng and others, they used to be the most influential figures in the entertainment industry, and they have won the love of countless audiences with their excellent acting skills and handsome appearance.

With the passage of time, their appearance has gradually changed, some still maintain their ageless demeanor, but some of them have changed regrettably.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

For these stars, time is the fairest judge, it will not leave a trace of pity because of your former glory, nor will it put more pressure on you because of your aging.

In this challenging and uncertain environment, everyone is struggling to adapt and cope with the changes in life.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

Some choose to face aging with optimism and positivity, trying to maintain their charm and vitality, while others choose to remain silent and retire to enjoy their old age.

In this colorful entertainment industry, each star has their own story and life trajectory, whether it is radiant or overshadowed, it is an indispensable part of their life.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

It is precisely because of these different experiences and stories that the entertainment industry will be more colorful, allowing us to find our own excitement in it.

Genes are a metaphysics, some people get older and more handsome, and some people have broken filters and start to worry about Xiao Zhan

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