
I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

author:Ah Yuan wants to sleep


Opening remarks: The beauty show is upside down

As soon as Guo Biting appeared in the live broadcast of "Time Cooking Rain Sisters Flower Limited Team Building", she immediately pressed the "close" button for beauty.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

Although this action is simple, it has caused a lot of waves in the live broadcast room. Netizens are accustomed to seeing celebrities' daily lives relying on high-tech beauty, and suddenly someone dared to challenge the "real beauty", which immediately detonated the enthusiasm of the audience. The comment area began to explode, some people praised Guo Biting's courage, and some people began to ridicule, saying that this is simply the biggest statement of distrust in beauty software.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

The number of viewers of the live broadcast has soared in a short period of time, and many people have expressed their desire to praise this authenticity. At the same time, Guo Biting's state is also very relaxed, she talks and laughs freely, and interacts frequently with the audience, which makes the whole live broadcast atmosphere extremely warm. This kind of confidence and affinity makes people can't help but look at her with admiration.

Osteophysiognomy is beautiful


When it comes to Guo Biting, I have to mention the "standard beauty bones" on her face. That's right, not only netizens, but even Xiang Tai, who has always been picky, publicly stated that Guo Biting is the ideal daughter-in-law in her mind.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

This is not only because of her personality, but also because of her appearance that can shine without relying on beauty. In the live broadcast, whether it is the intelligence transmitted between her eyebrows or the gentleness in the corners of her eyes when she laughs, it is not difficult to find that elegance and wisdom coexist, and she is incredibly beautiful.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

The audience seemed to see the kind of classical beauty entering the modern era in the live broadcast room, and even the comments became literary, and netizens ridiculed, "This is not watching a live broadcast, it's like enjoying a visual feast." ”

Beauty counterattacks the times


The beautification function has almost become the standard configuration of today's live broadcast culture. However, Guo Biting's "Guan Meiyan" performance is undoubtedly a subversion of this status quo.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

Many fans said in the discussion after the live broadcast that Guo Biting's natural beauty is the real "down-to-earth" beauty. They began to reflect, is it really necessary to beautify? Could it be that we can no longer accept a person's truest face?

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

This live broadcast not only showed Guo Biting's personal charm, but also sparked a discussion about beauty. The controversy in the comment area came and went, and some people agreed with Guo Biting's approach, believing that this is the real acceptance of self; It is also believed that it is also necessary to maintain an image in front of the public.

Netizens to judge


After the live broadcast, netizens discussed Guo Biting on social media and did not subside. From high-praise comments to popular Weibo, from major forums to niche chat groups, the impact of this live broadcast is being discussed.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

Interestingly, netizens also spontaneously organized a "No Beauty Challenge" to encourage more people to show their true selves on the Internet. In the midst of this, Guo Biting's name is frequently mentioned, and her actions are seen as the spark of this movement.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

People began to post photos of themselves without makeup, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became healthier and more positive. This phenomenon also allows people to see the possibility of the other side of Internet celebrity culture.

Conclusion: The Power of Truth


Guo Biting's move to "turn off beauty" not only allowed her personal charm to be displayed in an all-round way, but also sparked a wide discussion about modern aesthetics and self-identity.

I don't need a filter, I'm beautiful! Guo Biting's live broadcast of the real beauty detonated the storm of online self-confidence!

In this era ruled by filters and beauty, Guo Biting uses her actions to tell us that the true self can also shine. And this kind of power may become a new trend of Internet culture in the future.

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