
The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

author:Lao Xie chatted about things
The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

With the increase of age, people's body is not as good as before, especially in old age, it will be obvious that the body is not as good as before, and there will be a variety of diseases.

Among them, one of the most frightening problems for middle-aged and elderly people is cerebral infarction.

Once the cerebral infarction develops very rapidly, it is difficult for patients to control and alleviate it in time.

And the consequences are very serious, seriously affecting life and health.

It is reported that a news report said that a 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

This is not surprising in itself, but what surprised people was that the reason for this aunt's illness was actually due to too much attention to health.

Aunt Li is 66 years old and attaches great importance to health care in her daily life.

In order to better improve their physical fitness, they often stick to a light diet and insist on exercise.

But it is precisely because of her seemingly healthy lifestyle habits that it became the culprit of her sudden cerebral infarction death.

So what is the reason behind this? How can we effectively prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction in our lives? Let's learn about it today.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

1. Do you know about cerebral infarction?

We all know about cerebral infarction and know that it is very serious, so what is cerebral infarction and what is its cause?

1. What is cerebral infarction?

In fact, cerebral infarction mainly refers to problems such as avascular necrosis of local brain tissue or softening of hypoxia.

Once there is a shortage of blood supply to the brain, it will cause blood circulation to be impaired.

At this time, the brain is in a state of shortage for a long time, which will cause necrosis of local or whole brain tissue, and then affect normal brain function and cause disease reactions.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

2. Causes of cerebral infarction

At present, medical scientists do not have a clear understanding of the cause of cerebral infarction.

It is more divided into three types: atherosclerosis, cardioembolism and arteriolar occlusion.

For atherosclerosis, it mainly refers to the blockage of the arteries in the body, which makes it difficult for the blood to flow in time.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

Cardiac embolism is associated with a past medical history or sudden cardiogenic obstruction.

For some middle-aged and elderly people, there are often problems such as cardiomyopathy or heart failure, which further increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

Finally, arteriolar occlusion is also a major cause of cerebral infarction, which is associated with a variety of conditions such as blood pressure, blood vessels, and diabetes.

Therefore, in life, we should pay attention to all aspects of understanding the physical condition, so as to better prevent it.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

3. Symptoms of cerebral infarction

The symptoms of cerebral infarction vary greatly depending on the stage of the patient's illness.

Usually, patients with initial cerebral infarction will only experience dizziness and other conditions, but their consciousness is still awake.

However, as the disease progresses, there will be coma and loss of mobility of the limbs.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

In severe cases, brain death will occur directly, which is a serious threat to life.

Therefore, when it is found that the symptoms of cerebral infarction are in the early stage, it is necessary to intervene and control them in time.

Don't ignore the sudden progression and deterioration of the condition, with irreversible consequences.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

Second, don't be careless about these three habits

In order to enhance physical fitness, many friends will pay special attention to health preservation. In particular, the development of healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

As a result, it is often promoted to eat lightly and exercise more, but if you don't pay attention to three things behind the seemingly healthy habits, it may backfire.

Instead of strengthening the body, it has become a driving force to promote the problem of disease in the body.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

1. Living and eating habits

Lifestyle and eating habits are closely related to human health.

Since people's main nutrients come from their diet, it is essential to pay attention to a healthy diet.

Many friends know in life that the diet must be light and healthy, so they often choose extremely simple foods for intake.

But what I don't know is that if there is a certain disadvantage in the excessive pursuit of a light diet, it will cause insufficient nutrition.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

In particular, if the intake of foods such as fat content is controlled for a long time, it is likely that the body will be deficient in fatty acids and vitamins.

In the short term, it will cause a decrease in the rate of metabolism in the body, but in the long term, it will further damage the nerve function.

It increases the risk of brain diseases, so you should pay attention to planning and arranging your diet.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

2. Daily exercise habits

Daily exercise can indeed help the body to further dredge, speed up blood circulation, and better remove waste toxins from the body, so as to maintain the stability and health of the body.

But there are also a lot of precautions for exercise.

Many middle-aged and elderly friends only realize the importance of exercise in their lives, so they often carry out high-intensity and high-duration exercise.

However, the physical fitness of middle-aged and elderly friends is not as good as before, and they are often unable to do so.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

When faced with excessive high-intensity exercise, it will cause great pressure and challenges to one's heart and organs.

In the process of exercise, it invisibly increases the intensity of blood pressure, accelerates the heart rate, and plays a role in promoting the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

This is also one of the important triggers for many friends to have a sudden cerebral infarction after exercise.

Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the amount of exercise reasonably in life, and paying attention to the duration of exercise has become a key that cannot be ignored.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

3. Habit after meals

After eating, many friends like to lie down on the sofa or bed immediately to rest, thinking that this can better help the body to digest and absorb, and at the same time can further relax the body and mind.

However, the way of lying down and sleeping directly after meals has a great adverse effect on digestion and absorption.

On the one hand, lying flat is not conducive to the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and it is easy to cause reflux of gastric acid.

On the other hand, it makes the qi and blood surge upward, and the impact on the brain is more likely to induce blood pressure fluctuations and affect brain health.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid sleeping or lying down immediately after eating, so as to reduce the negative effects on the body.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

3. How to avoid cerebral infarction

Since cerebral infarction is so dangerous, and there are so many causes for it, what should we do in life to effectively avoid cerebral infarction?

In fact, we should start by developing correct living habits and paying attention to the bits and pieces of life.

1. Rational food

First of all, the first point is to eat reasonably. Although we all know to eat lightly, this light should be controlled

It should not be too big and meaty, too fatty and sweet, nor too simple and lacking in nutrients.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

Reasonable planning should be achieved to increase the content of dietary fiber and nutrients in each meal, and at the same time, it is also necessary to achieve less oil and sugar, and avoid excessive intake of cholesterol and other foods.

It is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and deep-sea fish, which can better help the body to supplement nutrients.

In addition, the arrangement of three meals a day should be appropriate and feasible in the process of eating.

Neither overeating nor excessive dieting, and reasonable control of the amount of food eaten on time and on time is the healthiest.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

2. Rest properly

Sleep is essential for human health.

During sleep, it can further help the body and mind to circulate and relax, thereby reducing the body's existing stress.

In order to further promote sleep health, it is not only necessary to ensure the duration of sleep, but also to insist on not staying up late, going to bed early and waking up early. Bedtime-related activities should also be focused.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

You should not engage in excessively intense and stimulating physical activities, nor should you watch content such as movies that affect your mood.

It is necessary to maintain a stable state of mind, so as to better enter the state of sleep and play a role in helping sleep and sleep.

You can choose suitable and comfortable pillows, bedding and other better relaxation, help the brain to recuperate, calm the nerves and reduce the tension and pressure of the nerves.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

3. Quit smoking and drinking

Smoking and alcohol are habits that many people struggle to quit.

However, tobacco and alcohol are very damaging to the human body, not only endangering the health of organs, but also affecting blood circulation and blood pressure values.

Especially for people with a history of medical conditions who are relatively poor, excessive smoking or alcohol consumption can cause severe nerve fluctuations.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

Stimulation of brain nerves is highly likely to induce cerebral infarction. Therefore, quitting smoking and drinking in a timely manner is the primary premise for protecting life and health.

Habits can be corrected through the transfer of ideas or the substitution of objects. Do not drink too much alcohol or smoke to increase the risk of illness.

4. Regular physical examination

For middle-aged and elderly friends, there are often problems with blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and other diseases.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

What's even more worrying is that these values often fluctuate and can vary greatly depending on diet and exercise routine.

Therefore, timely monitoring and control is the key to preventing the development of the disease.

Therefore, we need to carry out effective control through regular physical examinations and daily testing.

Especially for patients who already suffer from hypertension, hyperlipidemia or diabetes, they should be monitored in a timely manner, and do not let the condition develop and worsen at will, inducing cerebral infarction and other problems.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

5. Take your medication on time

For most patients with cerebral infarction, heart disease is a major killer that induces cerebral infarction.

In order to reduce the further progression and deterioration of the disease, in addition to developing healthy lifestyle habits, we also need to rely on the help of drugs to stabilize and control the disease in our daily life.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her

For patients with heart disease-related problems, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions and take their medications on time.

Do not change the dosage or type of medication without authorization, causing damage and effects on the body.

Of course, it is also recommended that friends who are weaker can take some traditional Chinese medicine appropriately in their lives to play a role in health care, better increase the body's immunity and resistance, and enhance physical fitness.

The 66-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction, her diet was light and she loved to exercise, and the doctor: 3 habits hurt her


In the face of the natural aging of the human body, we cannot stop and suppress it.

It is more important to accept it calmly and continue to carry out effective prevention and treatment.

In the face of sudden cerebral infarction, we should start from the little things in life, pay attention to the diet and work and rest of life, and face the disease with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Enjoy the joy of life while prolonging life and staying healthy.

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