
How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Aunt Zhang Yi (pseudonym), 45, is a retired teacher who loves life and takes good care of the small vegetable garden on her balcony. Despite being over 60 years old, she is still in good spirits and pays special attention to healthy eating.

Recently, Lao Li, a neighbor, suffered liver discomfort due to long-term consumption of vegetables with pesticide residues, which made Aunt Zhang Yi (pseudonym) have deep doubts about her vegetable and fruit planting.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

She met with Dr. Chen, a family doctor, at a community hospital to consult on how to avoid pesticide contamination. Dr. Chen suggested that she give priority to planting vegetables that are not susceptible to insects and have strong natural disease resistance.

Aunt Zhang Yi (pseudonym) couldn't help but wonder: "Which vegetables don't need pesticides?"

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

01 Nine natural green vegetables, the guardian of a healthy table

Onion family: Onions, garlic, leeks and other allium plants have their own spicy smell, can effectively repel pests, do not require pesticide intervention in the natural growth state, and are rich in antioxidants, which helps to improve immunity.

Spiced vegetables, such as basil, mint, rosemary, etc., have their own unique aromas that deter insects and can be used as seasonings to add flavor to dishes.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Bitter vegetables: Bitter gourd, mustard greens and other bitter vegetables are born with their own defense mechanism, which is not easy to be infested by pests and diseases, and bitter substances have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying the human body.

Cucurbitaceae vegetables: Winter melon, loofah, gourd and other cucurbitaceous vegetables have a smooth surface and strong stress resistance, so pesticides are rarely needed.

Root vegetables, such as carrots and yams, are not susceptible to pests due to their growth habits buried deep in the soil, and their rich vitamin A and dietary fiber are extremely beneficial to human health.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Solanaceae: Solanaceae vegetables such as tomatoes and eggplants sometimes suffer from pests and diseases, but with good management, organic fertilizers and biological control measures, pesticide-free production can be achieved.

Green leafy vegetables: A few varieties such as water spinach and spinach have strong insect resistance, and as long as crop rotation and environmental regulation are adopted, pesticide dependence can also be minimized.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Legumes and vegetables: peas, cowpeas and other legumes have their own symbiotic bacteria, which can fix nitrogen and fertilize the field, and at the same time, the bean pods are hard and firm, which reduces the invasion of insect pests to a certain extent.

Ginger and garlic: These two ingredients have both seasoning and vegetable properties, ginger's unique spicy taste and garlic's strong antibacterial properties make it less susceptible to pests during growth.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

02 How much does pesticide residue vegetables affect our body?

Slowly poisons the immune system

Pesticide residues are like an invisible killer, they quietly enter our body and accumulate for a long time, just like a "stumbling block" for the immune system, so that it can not work well, and over time, the body's resistance will become worse and worse, and it is easy to get sick.

Mobilize the liver to work overtime to detoxify

Pesticides enter the stomach, and the liver, the "cleaner" of the human body, has to be busy. But it is not omnipotent, some pesticides are complex and difficult to decompose, the liver can't handle them, and can only temporarily wrap them into cellulite and hide them, which may not only lead to an increase in the burden on the liver, but also may make you gain weight unconsciously.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Affects the nervous system

Some pesticide residues can "run around" and run to nerve cells to make trouble, affecting nerve signal transmission, making people become unresponsive, memory loss, and even causing nervous system diseases.

Gastrointestinal afflictions, indigestion

Short-term ingestion of too many pesticide residues may cause immediate gastrointestinal reactions, and diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain have become commonplace. In the long run, the gastrointestinal mucosa is damaged, and the digestion and absorption function will also be affected.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Pregnant women and children should pay special attention

Pesticide residues have a greater impact on pregnant women and children, may affect fetal development, and are also potentially harmful to the growth of children, such as affecting mental development and increasing the risk of allergic diseases.

03Select and grow pesticide-free vegetables

Choose certified organic vegetables: Look for the organic certification mark when buying at the market and buy vegetables that are strictly regulated and free of pesticide residues.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Planting on your own balcony: Like Aunt Zhang Yi (pseudonym), use the balcony space to plant the above-mentioned non-pest-prone vegetables, follow natural farming methods, and replace chemical pesticides with biological control and physical control.

Scientific crop rotation and mixed cropping: learn the knowledge of agroecology, through intermittent planting and mixed planting of different crops, which can not only inhibit the occurrence of pests and diseases, but also maintain soil fertility.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Eco-Friendly Agriculture: Supporting local smallholder farmers to adopt an agroecology model by using biological control techniques, promoting compost fertilization, and reducing pesticide use at source.

Reasonable storage and cleaning: Even if you buy non-organic vegetables, you should pay attention to scientific storage, wash them carefully before eating, and soak them in light salt water to remove some residual pesticides if necessary.

How many of the 9 kinds of vegetables that do not use pesticides do you know?

Choosing and promoting non-pesticide vegetables is not only responsible for the health of yourself and your family, but also respects and protects the natural environment. Let us taste the gifts of nature at the same time, but also pass on this concept of health and environmental protection, and jointly build a safer and greener table culture.

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