
If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

author:Powerful and powerful

Neighborly relationships are particularly important in both rural and urban areas. There is a saying in China that "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors", and the character of neighbors in cities is more important than in rural areas.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

If the neighbors are good, the two families can get along more closely than relatives, and they don't even close the door during the day, and the children of the two families play with each other.

But if the neighbor is a thorn, then this day is not good, today said that you are too noisy, tomorrow will not let you smoke in the corridor, the day after tomorrow said that you do not put the child's car at the door, in short, it is annoying.

What if your "neighbor" is not a living person? Recently, I saw a piece of news from the Legal Daily, and I don't know how to evaluate Mr. Zhao's experience, so let's take a look......

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Things to look at:

Mr. Zhao, who lives in a community in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, has never seen his neighbors in his new house for a long time, and the sound of the door opening seems to have never sounded.

It was supposed to be a neighbor who looked up and didn't look down, but the current situation made Mr. Zhao very confused, thinking that someone in the community had dedicated their houses to placing urns for memorials, and Mr. Zhao felt a little uneasy.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Until two days ago, Mr. Zhao happened to be resting at home, and suddenly heard a movement on the opposite door, he immediately ran to the door and looked out from the cat's eye.

Seeing that there were seven or eight people crowded in front of the neighbor's house, and they were opening the door, Mr. Zhao pretended to go out, and through the gaps in the bodies of these people, he saw two candlesticks in the opposite room, and a black box in the middle. As several people bent down and bowed, a black-and-white portrait appeared in his field of vision.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

In this way, Mr. Zhao's suspicion was confirmed, and his "neighbor" turned out to be really not a living person! No wonder it was so quiet all the time, and he never heard the sound of the door opening.

Now he just thinks about this, he is both nervous and a little faintly afraid, he can't figure out why these people put such a good house in an urn, is it illegal or not?

According to public reports and an investigation by a reporter from Legal Daily, Mr. Zhao's experience is not unique, and there is a considerable proportion of "columbariums" in his community, and some buildings may even have a small number of living people.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Most of the owners of "columbariums" are people living in first- and second-tier cities, because the price of cemeteries in big cities is too expensive, and the service life is only 20 years, so they have to buy low-cost houses in remote locations to place the ashes of deceased relatives in order to pay tribute.

Zhang Dacheng, director of Shanghai Chengkang Law Firm, expressed his views:

"The act of purchasing a commercial house and placing an urn violates the principle of public order and good customs in the Civil Code. The Regulations on the Administration of Funerals and Funerals stipulate that funeral activities shall not obstruct public order, endanger public safety, or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.

The state should also introduce relevant laws and regulations as soon as possible to standardize the management of the phenomenon of placing urns in commercial housing. ”

Netizens' opinions

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Regarding the phenomenon of "columbarium", netizens basically hold two opinions, one is that it is too terrible, I don't want such a neighbor. Mostly the other way of thinking is that the neighbors are not bad this way, at least they won't be noisy, as long as they don't make the door too gloomy.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?
If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Netizens from Fujian said that as long as they don't know that it is a columbarium, they are a social phobia, and they don't like to go out to meet their neighbors, especially the embarrassing time of waiting for the elevator together. Of course, all this is based on the fact that he doesn't know anything, and if he does, he will feel very scared, especially if the neighbor's door is so terrifying.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

I really laughed and cried when I saw the comment of the big brother in Beijing: the neighbor is quiet, but the slightest movement can scare people to death.

We are all good socialist citizens in the new era, but we don't believe that! We are not afraid of shadows, and we are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

In fact, in the final analysis, this matter is because the cemetery in the big city is too expensive, every inch of land is expensive, and the young people have already emptied the pockets of 6 people in order to settle down in the big city.

Take Shanghai as an example, in a cemetery of 400,000 to 800,000 per square meter, only one urn can be placed in the space, and the maximum service life is 70 years, and some are still 20 years. But in the nearby Jiaxing City, you may be able to buy a house of dozens of square meters for about 700,000 yuan, which can be placed for several generations.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

But who doesn't want their relatives to be buried in peace? I really bought a few cemeteries, and the dead are buried in the earth, but the living people have to drink the northwest wind.

Nowadays, urban cemeteries are so expensive, is this a violation of the principle of public order and good customs?

On the other hand, buying a "columbarium" can also maintain its value, it is real estate, and if it is demolished in the future, it may be compensated.

Of course, some netizens are very open-minded and said that they don't need a cemetery in the future, scatter the ashes in the sea or vegetable patch as fertilizer, or plant a tree and use it as fertilizer. Remember it, remember it, it doesn't matter if you can't remember it, don't let the younger generation trouble.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Teach you the tricks of identifying the "columbarium", like the window below, the window is sealed, and the sun can't shine in.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

In fact, the country is also making some attempts, such as the columbarium of Fuyinyuan Cemetery in Zhongshan City, which has been officially put into use on March 15, 2024, with an elegant environment and a combination of funeral culture and filial piety culture.

The staff of Zhongshan Fuyinyuan Cemetery introduced: "This building is about 8,000 square meters, with 8 floors and about 37 meters, and a total of more than 75,000 ashes have been built. ”

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?
If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Another example is the "Jing'an Cemetery" in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, which successfully solved the problem of "can't afford to die". According to the height of the floor, it is divided into prices ranging from 3,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan per square meter. According to the cheapest calculation, assuming 3,000 yuan per square meter, then the price of a 20-square-meter house is about 60,000 yuan. And this room can put the urns of dozens of people.

If your neighbor is not a living person but an "urn", will you go crazy?

Of course, the columbarium and even the columbarium were born to solve the problem of expensive cemeteries in big cities. If the price of the cemetery is acceptable to the public, then no one will choose the columbarium.

I still call on the relevant departments to pay attention to this matter, after all, no one wants to suddenly have a "tomb" view room.


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