
Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

author:Foraging in the market

The pear blossom wind is clear, and the wanderer is looking for spring and half out of the city. Qingming Festival, also known as the Qingqing Festival and the March Festival, began with the "tomb sacrifice" of the ancient emperors and generals, which is not only one of the 24 solar terms, but also a traditional festival, which is our traditional sacrifice, ancestor worship and tomb sweeping festival, which has two major connotations of nature and humanity.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

"Qingming eats three treasures, health without trouble", important festivals are always indispensable to be accompanied by food, Qingming is after the spring equinox, before the valley rain, it is the time when spring is full of joy and all things are growing, there are wild vegetables all over the mountains, there are all kinds of fresh seafood, the following will share with you 3 kinds of traditional delicacies suitable for the Qingming solar term to eat, the nutrition and taste are online, let's take a look at what it is?

1. Eat duck eggs

As the old saying goes: "If you don't eat eggs in Qingming, you will tremble when you are poor", eggs symbolize the fullness of the circle, meaning that you have a good life, you are not poor, and you are healthy all year round. The nutritional value of duck eggs in eggs is particularly high, and the Qingming season is the peak season of duck egg production, don't miss it.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

Recommended method: [Salted duck egg millet porridge]

Ingredients: Half a bowl of millet, 2 salted duck eggs, 2 small rape, 1 handful of wolfberry.

1. Wash the millet in advance and soak it in water for 30 minutes. 2 salted duck eggs are boiled, crushed with a spoon and set aside.

2. Put the millet in a pot and cook for about 15 minutes, clean and chop the rape, and soak the wolfberries in clean water.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

3. After the millet porridge is cooked, pour the salted duck eggs into the pot and continue to cook over low heat for 10 minutes, so that the flavor of the salted duck eggs can be integrated into the millet porridge.

4. Pour in wolfberries and rape before cooking, add chicken essence and a small amount of pepper, and a fragrant bowl of salted duck egg millet porridge is good.

2. River shrimp

During the Qingming Festival, the river shrimp is called "Qingming shrimp", has the reputation of "the first fresh in spring", the river shrimp at this time is in the edible season, the meat is fat, the taste is fresh and tender, and it is rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients, at this time the festival to eat the river shrimp, it is more suitable.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

Recommended method: [Stir-fried leeks with river shrimp]

Ingredients required: river prawns, leeks, ginger, green onions.

1. Rinse the river shrimp. Soak in water, add a little cooking wine and soak for 10 minutes, cut the leeks into sections, shred the ginger, and shred the green onions.

2. Heat the wok, add the drained river shrimp, stir-fry for about 3 minutes, fry the excess water in the shrimp, and put it out for later use after the river shrimp change color.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

3. The river shrimp eat more oil, you need to add twice as much oil than usual to the wok, pour in the ginger and green onions, stir until fragrant, pour in the river shrimp, and stir-fry evenly.

4. Pour in the sauce prepared with light soy sauce, salt, starch and water, add the cut leek segments, and stir-fry a little to get out of the pot, full of umami, adults and children love to eat

III. Rinsai

Leeks in early spring are fresh eyebrows, and leeks are a vegetable that pays special attention to the season. Although it can be bought all year round, the aroma and taste are the best of the Qingming solar term, the taste is fresh and fragrant, and you never get tired of eating it.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

Recommended method: [Stir-fried leeks until fragrant]

Ingredients: leeks, dried fragrant, garlic, millet pepper, starch, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, chicken essence

1. Choose the leeks clean, wash them with water and cut them into long sections, place the leek stems and leek leaves separately, wash and cut them into thin slices, and prepare minced garlic and millet pepper segments.

2. Heat the oil, pour in the dried fragrant after the oil is warm, fry over low heat until the surface of the fragrant dried is bubbling, pour garlic and millet pepper into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant.

Eat the three treasures during the Qingming Festival, there is no trouble with health, and today the Qingming Festival, what does the "Three Treasures" refer to? Eat more seasonal vegetables

3. Put a spoonful of oyster sauce, light soy sauce and starch in a small bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, add water and stir well and pour it into the pot.

4. Stir-fry until the soup is slightly thick, pour the leek stalks into the pot and fry for 20 seconds, then add the leek leaves, stir-fry for 10 seconds, then turn off the heat and remove from the pot. #清明节特色美食分享#

I am a foraging story in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I update the food recipes and market life every day, follow me, enjoy a comfortable life and don't get lost.

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