
Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing

author:Youyang release
Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing
Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing
Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing

The 128th issue of Jinhu Sanqing

Coordinates: Jinjiaba Village, Guanqing Township

Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing

Jinjiaba Reservoir. Photo by Chen Bisheng

Jinhu is also the reservoir of Jinjiaba in Youyang. One picks up the "gold" of Jinjiaba, the second is the meaning of "gold brick" of the lake resources, and the third is the beauty of the "gold" of the Rizhao Lake.

The dam is empty, and the Pinghu Lake rises from the deep valley; it grows up at the beginning of the night, and the spring breeze welcomes the guests; the Golden Lake is so beautiful, and it is obedient to the "three clears".

The water is clear

Forty miles to the west of Youcheng, a fairy appears in front of you, the scenery is infinitely unfolded, and the beauty is clear and beautiful when she sleeps. More than 30 literary artists, under the scorching sun, braving the rolling heat waves, flocked to the shore of the lake with joy, seeing the sparkling and quietly lying Phantom Beauty Fairy, whether it is a photographer or not, as long as there is a camera or mobile phone in their hands, they can't help but go high or low, far or near, or squatting or lying down, facing her most beautiful and most seductive place, crazy "click" to take a picture!

After a long shot of the shore, everyone rushed to this bright and soul-grabbing lake, and felt her otherworldly beauty. Everyone rushed in, laughed all over the boat, and enjoyed the infinite warmth of this clear and beautiful, deep and turquoise.

Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing

Willow Bay style. Photo by Wu Yamin

The lake here, like a classical beauty, is elegant and youthful, not from the deep boudoir, but flows slowly in the picture scroll, soothing and gentle, elegant and shy like a lady. The louder the singing, the quieter the surroundings become, and the louder the laughter, the quieter the lake. This vast, profound, vast and boundless love, once integrated, is seductive and unforgettable.

Under the thick green of the two mountains on the shore of the lake, she is clearer and clearer, deeper, beautiful and greener. The breeze blows, the waves are sparkling, the egrets fly by, the water is light, the wild ducks are accompanied, the ripples are layered, and the light boats are floating, and the clear water is soft. More than a dozen pairs of feet whiter than swan feathers are bare, stretching into the warm and silky water, and the whole body feels refreshed and comfortable. The snow-white waves and crystal water droplets that were rowed out flew wildly, and the people on the boat felt moist, slippery, warm, cool, and refreshing. This kind of clear, warm into the heart and into the heart, how can it not make people feel refreshed?

The green of the mountain

If the clear and deep Jinhu water makes you nostalgic, then the verdant Jinhu Mountain will definitely make you feel relaxed and happy, and your body and mind will drift. Boating on Qingli Golden Lake, reveling in the Guanqing landscape. When you look up, you will see green mountains. The mountains here or Changhong lying waves, or lions hunting sheep, or reclining Buddha manifestations, or Fulong returning to the sea, is the kind of unrestrained spirit, is to allow you to read the vicissitudes of life, read through the ancient and modern smoke and clouds of the atmosphere. It exudes an outstanding style everywhere, a kind of earthly hardness and soul-stirring charm. Such as the mysterious ancient village of the stele, the endless mystery of the monk rock, and the ridiculous "three hundred eggs", which are unpredictable.

Let's see, the mountains are high, the woods are green, the halfway up the mountain, the bushes are thick, and the skirts and hills at the foot of the mountain are clustered with flowers and plants. They are all energetically green, so stubborn, so crazy, and so obsessed. From the top of the mountain to the slope, from the green of the hillside to the foot of the mountain, from the green of the foot of the mountain to the depth of the lake, it makes people melt their bodies and minds and lose their souls.

The purity of people

The mountains and rivers are beautiful and beautiful, and the singing and dancing by the Jinhu Lake are drunk. The boat swam lightly and slowly to a place called the weir ditch. As far as you can see, the cascading houses, scattered in the depths of the lush woods, are hidden or visible, full of life. In the village, a crisp mountain song suddenly floated:

My sister is the locust tree,

The roots are young and the leaves are green, and the flowers are blooming;

The fragrance of flowers floats thousands of miles,

When do bees fly?

The singing is gentle and tactful, melodious to the ear. Brother Su, a famous folk singer in the boat, was enthusiastic and was about to fight a song, but was robbed of the lead by a local arrogant young man:

My brother is the flying bee,

The house flowers are not blooming, and the wild flowers are worried;

Where can I find the fragrance of flowers today?

The two wings shake the weir side ditch.

Qingli little sister saw that there was a young man answering, she was surprised, and she was more straightforward and frank: the locust flowers of the tree are blooming towards the sun, and the hibiscus is naturally well-behaved; The sturdy young man also sang boldly: My brother has long wanted to fly back, and my sister has been waiting for the boudoir for the first time;

The young man's voice is rough and deep, penetrating, and wild. The two of them sang one after another, and Brother Su was in a hurry from afar, and he couldn't interject. He winked at everyone a few times and motioned to get off the boat and go into the village to see what was going on.

Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing

Herons staggering. Photo by He Yi

The scorching sun and the heat wave baked still couldn't stop the artists' curiosity. Everyone, you drag me and climb the hill. After a while, I walked into the village surrounded by green trees. Under the thick shade of the trees, the breeze is gentle, the cool air is refreshing, and the heat is swept away. At this time, the golden boy and jade girl of the mountain song had already disappeared into the depths of the dense forest of the vast mountains.

But the village is still crowded and lively. I saw a group of local folk artists, under the thick shade of the trees in the deep courtyard, spontaneously performing the "Spring Flower Lanterns"! The men, women, and children of the upper, middle, and lower villages poured out of their nests, watching on the inside and outside of the three layers, and you pushed me to stretch my neck to watch the "rare tricks." One suona, two gongs and drums, three people sing together, and four people dance together. It is said that the jokes are very rich and varied, and you can't finish singing them for three days and three nights!

Men and women dance relative to each other, or roosters show their wings, or peacocks spread their screens, or mandarin ducks play in the water, or frogs make spring, which has a strong primitive naturalness and ornamental entertainment.

Just when everyone was fascinated, suddenly, from the black and clean square table, there was a burst of fragrant fragrance. At a glance, special delicacies such as nine spice worms and sour fish filled the six tables. Everyone put away their cameras, video cameras, tape recorders, mobile phones, and pen and paper for recording and gathered around the table. Suddenly, the cups and plates collided, the dishes and chopsticks hit each other, and everyone couldn't wait to gobble it up, as if they had lost the elegance of the "showmen". The delicate village girls hurriedly fetched some more food from the kitchen and quickly added it.

Looking at the "embarrassment" of these "art masters" in their minds, the village girls just pursed their mouths in kindness and laughed softly.

The water of Jinhu is clear, and the people there are not clearer (dear)!


Author: Tian Jingquan Editor: Zhao Shuting ▏ Editor: Wu Daquan Duty: Ren Guirong ▏ Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Youyang Autonomous County Rong Media Center Production

Youzhou Village Chronicles丨Jinhu Sanqing