
As soon as the weather warmed up, mosquitoes came again?

author:Shanghai Hongkou
As soon as the weather warmed up, mosquitoes came again?
As soon as the weather warmed up, mosquitoes came again?

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Come and learn about "hot knowledge": what is a "wintering mosquito"?

Mosquitoes are ectotherms, when the temperature drops in winter, mosquitoes die in large numbers, but some mosquitoes gather in warm, humid and quiet places to hide, and are in a dormant wintering state without eating or moving, and their growth and development and blood-sucking, reproduction and other activities are temporarily stopped, and the mosquitoes at this time are called "overwintering mosquitoes".

Overwintering mosquitoes hide in dark, warm, humid and poorly ventilated places such as caves, cellars, wall cracks, greenhouses, and basements, and fly out to suck blood and lay eggs when the following spring is warm.

However, Aedes albopictus overwinters with eggs, and before wintering, the female mosquito lays her eggs in a waterlogged or damp place, and when it rains warmly and stagnantly in the spring of the following year, the eggs hatch and grow into adult mosquitoes.

Indoor and outdoor action, the specific approach is as follows:

Do a good job of indoor and outdoor environmental hygiene, remove stagnant water and various stagnant water containers such as tires, pots, etc., and fill tree holes and potholes.

Regularly replace the water in the aquatic plant pots, and dredge rainwater wells, sewage wells, sewers and various electric well cable trenches.

The property completely empties the stagnant water in the primary water collection well, and for the stagnant water that is not easy to remove, a mosquito larvae will be put in a centralized manner in mid-March to control mosquito breeding.

Clean the room, remove the dust under the bed, the back of the cupboard, and under the sink, and slap the adult mosquitoes that fly out.

Underground garages and other places where adult mosquitoes gather, you can ask a professional company to stay and spray mosquitoes.

As soon as the weather warmed up, mosquitoes came again?

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To eradicate early spring mosquitoes at home, these homework should be done sufficiently:

Clean up, remove dust from under the bed, behind furniture, under the sink, and slap the adult mosquitoes that fly out.

Remove stagnant water and stagnant water containers, invert or cover temporary storage tanks, change water regularly for hydroponic plants, and do not accumulate water in flower pots and trays to prevent mosquito breeding.

Screen doors and windows are installed in the living room, and mosquitoes are sprayed with electric mosquito swatters or aerosols.

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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