
Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

author:Clever Kite Ion

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Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

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Recently, a mother in Beijing shared a video on social media in which her 11-year-old daughter, who is 1.68 meters tall, looks aggrieved due to a fever. The little girl begged her dad to hold her, and he didn't hesitate to agree, even though her feet were almost touching the ground.


This scene has aroused the resonance and emotion of countless parents, making us realize that although adolescent children are growing rapidly, in the eyes of their parents, they will always be little babies who need to be cared for.

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

After reading it, netizens couldn't help but complain about their children in the comment area, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area:

Some people just like to sleep naked, so strange, persuade him to wear underwear, walk around the house all day naked, really can't bear to look directly

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

Let's be a baby in the city, try it in the countryside, maybe play with it in your hand [look] [look]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

Hurry up and don't grow long, but I guess your daughter will have to grow [covering her face]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

No matter how big he is, he is also a son in front of his father.

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

It's delicious just to think about it. I guess the doctor thinks how awkward it is to look at it [laughs] [laughs]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

After all, it's still a child. There is a sense of security in my mother's arms [baring teeth]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

The boy is also thirteen years old. I also have to practice my guts, otherwise how will I protect my girlfriend in the future [covering my face]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

You just practice for your son first [laughs] [laughs]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

Children should have a place to be spoiled [than the heart] [than the heart]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

Are Shandong people so tall?Girls are 177 at the age of 12?[what]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

The age of medication depends on it, but the weight also depends on it [sneer]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

Though the height is taller than some adults. But people are still babies [呲tooth]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

This is not a small amount of food, no wonder it grows taller

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

The tears of laughter are coming out, and the prince is not going to be 2 meters [look]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

It's that the living conditions are good, the nutrition is reached, and where there will be short people. [sneering]

Laughing crazy! The 1.68-meter-old girl has a fever, and she has to be hugged by her father when she loses her temper, and I laugh to death in the comment area

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(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)