
I miss every day, I have endless love in my heart, I meet until I am old, and one love is for life

author:Who pities the grass

Lovesickness does not know the bitterness in the heart, deep affection does not know the head circuit, if a person loves too deep and too full, he will be obsessed with selflessness, that love and that love is the eternal theme in the heart!

The river twists and turns, thousands of miles without stopping, born in Si and grew up in Si, if the heart yearns, even if it is thousands of miles away, it is necessary to go without hesitation, and the mind is entangled, and the faith will never be extinguished......

Flowers bloom and grass are spread with red dust, a dream in a lifetime, but never because life is short, and no longer reborn and reincarnated, that kind of thought is like a miss from the depths of the heart, can conjure up infinite beauty, true love is always the same!

Meet until you are old, a love is set for life, true love for a person's love, just like a surging river, flowing day and night, even if the road is bumpy and bumpy, never look back, the original intention does not change, that love is stronger than gold!

I miss every day, I have endless love in my heart, I meet until I am old, and one love is for life

A love, the love of a lifetime, warm the heart of the feelings, soft as the moonlight as elegant, hot as the sun always has temperature, truly love a person, that love is like a spring flower, blooming all over the heart of the whole world!

If you have a soft spot for a person, a beam of light will light up in your heart, always illuminating the road of life, and the love of someone you love will sway in your heart, just like a star in the night sky, constantly twinkling and covering the night sky!

Affectionate, that love and the soul are integrated, no matter when, as gentle as the moonlight, people who are deeply immersed in the sea of love, there is endless lingering love in their hearts!

I miss every day, I have endless love in my heart, I meet until I am old, and one love is for life

If there is love, the heart will be bound, even if you don't say it, you can also be aware, as long as the heart moves, love and attachment come to your heart together, and the love that melts into your heart is only known to yourself, and others can't know!

Love is as deep as the sea, love is like madness, if a love can be treated gently, no matter what the final result is, it will always be as beautiful as the bright moon, it is not a little flawed, it is the beauty hanging on the tip of the heart!

Loving the beloved, there will always be beauty in the heart drifting, guarding a city for one person, the love of the heart is beautiful, even if it is just a silent lovesickness alone, it can split out countless love!

I miss every day, I have endless love in my heart, I meet until I am old, and one love is for life

Like a person, although the feelings of love and longing have no color, but the heart is blooming with the same gorgeous flowers, where the love goes, their own sky becomes a colorful world, and the interpretation of love is wonderful......

There is a love in the heart, the love is graceful and beautiful, it is bright without a little dust, the romance of love, just like the moon hanging in the night sky, no matter how you look at it, it is so beautiful, that is the light that can shine into the heart!

People who have moved their hearts are as tender as water, that love continues day after day, that love, repeated year after year, no matter how painful and painful it is, it still resolutely loves and guards......

I miss every day, I have endless love in my heart, I meet until I am old, and one love is for life

Meet until you are old, a love is set for life, even if you miss it every day, you still love as always, that idea is like a lonely moon, I don't know what I'm waiting for but I've been waiting!

In the four seasons of rotation, the feelings of longing in my heart, like the water of the Yangtze River, will always flow so continuously, and the pity of the tenderness and love in my heart is like a wanderer who keeps running around but has nowhere to stay......

Missing in the heart, it is like a piece of white clouds, gathering impermanence in the sky, the person who misses, silent in the sadness of parting, let the thoughts attack the heart, the person of true love, no matter how far away it doesn't matter!