
#春日生活打卡季##一壶浊酒醉南北对下联#上联: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, the next link: full of pride to the end of the world. Uplink: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, downlink: two sleeves clear

author:Swallows in the village

#春日生活打卡季# #一壶浊酒醉南北对下联#

Shanglian: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south,

Downlink: Go to the end of the world with pride.

Shanglian: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south,

Downlink: The two sleeves are breezy and modern.

Shanglian: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south,

Downlink: ......??? please [作揖] [rose] [rose] [rose] #文思泉涌等下联# #下联争霸战# #寻找最佳下联!# #勇敢尝试下联#

#春日生活打卡季##一壶浊酒醉南北对下联#上联: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, the next link: full of pride to the end of the world. Uplink: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, downlink: two sleeves clear
#春日生活打卡季##一壶浊酒醉南北对下联#上联: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, the next link: full of pride to the end of the world. Uplink: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, downlink: two sleeves clear
#春日生活打卡季##一壶浊酒醉南北对下联#上联: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, the next link: full of pride to the end of the world. Uplink: A pot of turbid wine drunk north and south, downlink: two sleeves clear

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