
Years of Blood and Fire 1-31 (Insist on leaving)

author:Yilan 50515
Years of Blood and Fire 1-31 (Insist on leaving)

It's not surprising when you think about it

The Kurdish armed forces were originally built on the basis of the support of Western society, and they are a national armed group scattered throughout the four countries of the Middle East

From the very beginning, it was divided; The top layer was subordinate to Europe and the United States, and the bottom layer was the troops formed by the national militia organizations, and it was not necessarily very strong in combat effectiveness, but the will to fight was very tenacious

Moreover, the Kurdish forces in Syria and the Kurdish forces in northern Iraq are not the same chain of command, and the two sides do not have any affiliation. When the Syrian Kurdish forces resisted the Turkish army, the same people in northern Iraq did not provide strong support

The firmness of the will at the bottom and the relative force of the decision-making level under the influence of Europe and the United States became more and more powerful, and Montoya's troops were one of the few Kurdish armed forces with strong fighting ability

In this world, no interest group can be completely monolithic, and there will always be members who consider their own interests. And that's human nature, of course, in the animal world

Montoya's ability to rebuild his forces after heavy losses and his high-level team is not something that ordinary Kurds can do. His position here is also that of a local general with a strong army

The Kurdish leadership doesn't see this relationship that way, and as long as it is in their interest, those local military forces can use it and buy it. For example, various economic and military supplements

After the battle of Manbij, Montoya did not rely on those upper echelons, but relied on the ability of his remaining team to rebuild the troops, and the fighting power was still strong. It's just that you still need to hone in battle for a while

Lu Xiao learned some things that he didn't usually know through chatting with Rida. "Montoya has created the current situation by herself, very powerful, has she been through a lot of battles?"

Years of Blood and Fire 1-31 (Insist on leaving)

Rida "I don't know exactly what to do. there are very few veterans left who started fighting with Montoya, only some of the special service and logistics soldiers are the original veterans"

Lu Xiao: "From the casualty rate, I know that Montoya really pays a lot"

Rida: "One of my veteran squad leaders told me that in the beginning there were some people who started a little bit with Montoya. Then those who were left with Montoya suffered heavy losses in the battle

As for the details, we don't know, the veteran squad leader was surrounded by the enemy in the battle half a year ago.

Lu Xiao: "Your troops also have a military spirit, this is a heroic army."

Years of Blood and Fire 1-31 (Insist on leaving)

Rida: "I feel like what you said is very similar to Montoya, and he also said that we are all heroic troops, and our troops have souls. And not the bloody devil of the enemy"

Lu Xiao: "Only the military soul can make you invincible"

The training ground is located more than 10 kilometers southeast of the Habur River, which is already the core of the Habur army. The whole training ground is very large and very hidden.