
The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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In a small city that is so ordinary that it can't be more ordinary, there is a middle school history teacher named Zhang Dawei. The 48-year-old teacher, whose career may seem unremarkable, has been dramatic by a sudden illness.

It is said that one night in the summer of that year, after enjoying his favorite fried pork with chili, Zhang Dawei suddenly felt dizzy, collapsed on the floor of the study, and was rushed to the hospital by his family.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

The diagnosis was unexpected: cerebral infarction, which had resulted in partial hemiplegia. While the doctor was busy rescuing, he couldn't help but sigh and reminded everyone present that it is really prudent to do certain things after a meal.

Afterwards, Zhang Dawei gradually reflected on his living habits during his recovery. He remembered that his doctor had advised him that doing a few things immediately after a meal was very bad for his health. However, the history teacher has his own unique opinion:

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

In his view, activities after meals are not only a physical burden, but also a manifestation of an attitude towards life. He observed that many people have the habit of sitting down immediately after a meal to watch TV and play with their mobile phones, which is undoubtedly unhealthy.

But Zhang Dawei believes that in addition to the obvious problems of obesity and indigestion, it is deeper, which reflects the tendency of modern people to avoid communication and experience real life.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

He noted that sitting still for long periods of time can lead to slowed blood circulation, which increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. In his own recovery, Zhang Dawei tried a new way of life: walking after meals.

This seemingly simple activity not only helped him improve his physical health, but also gave him more opportunities to communicate with his neighbors and learn about what was happening in the community. He was amazed to find that this simple activity had significantly improved his quality of life.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

Zhang Dawei began sharing his experience on social media and in health talks at school. He advocated that walking after meals is not only good for the body, but more importantly, it promotes communication between people and strengthens community cohesion.

He used his own example to prove that changing habits, especially after meals, can have an unexpected positive impact. Towards the end of this story, a patient at the rehabilitation center asked a question:

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

"I've heard that it's not good to drink tea immediately after a meal, is this true? Why?" Zhang Dawei paraphrased the doctor's words, explaining in an easy-to-understand way:

"Yes, that's true. Drinking tea immediately after a meal may interfere with iron intake, especially in those with iron deficiency anemia, and may worsen the condition. ”

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

"The reason for this is that the tannic acid in tea reacts with the iron in the diet, forming a complex that is difficult for the body to absorb. Therefore, it is advisable to drink tea about an hour after a meal, as this will not only prevent iron absorption from being affected, but also help with the digestive process. ”

Zhang Dawei also mentioned his own experience, he used to be a person who drank tea immediately after meals, but after learning about this medical knowledge, he changed this habit.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

He advises everyone to take into account not only the health effects of the habits themselves, but also the science behind them.

Zhang Dawei's words, although they are just a simple answer to a patient, contain profound truth. It is not only the transmission of knowledge about health, but also the transmission of life attitude.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

Through his own practice and sharing, Zhang Dawei hopes to inspire more people to pay attention to their living habits and use scientific methods to improve their health, so as to enjoy a more colorful life.

In this story, Zhang Dawei, as a middle school history teacher, has a new understanding and understanding of life after experiencing a test of life and death.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

His story, while full of small details of life that may seem unrelated to advanced medical knowledge, actually conveys an important health concept: every little habit in life can have a profound impact on our health.

Through Zhang Dawei's story, we not only learned specific health knowledge, but more importantly, we learned how to observe and improve our lives with a scientific attitude to make life better.

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating

What do you think about the after-dinner activities?

The 48-year-old uncle had a cerebral infarction in the middle of the night, and he was paralyzed after rescue, and the doctor advised: Don't do these things immediately after eating