
Unsettled Love (2)

author:Oriental fertilizer
Unsettled Love (2)

Xifeng is thin, his real name is Jiang Ziliu, he is a native of Yunhu County, Hong Kong City, if you want to ask him what work he has done?

According to his own account, he is a miscellaneous man, who has run a business, opened a mine, ran a business and played with trucks, and planted farmland and raised pigs.

How can I tell you, except for the plane, there is nothing else in the world that he has not done. It's not that his eyes are a little short-sighted, and it is estimated that he will touch the plane a few times.

With the rise of self-media, he was seduced again. He has some writing skills, and he also had a literary dream when he was young. After all, he worked as a teacher and did writing in a corporate office.

It just so happened that TT satisfied his hobby today and helped him realize his dream of becoming a writer. So he took great pains to write on TT and happily all day long.

The second day of the Lunar New Year this year was extraordinary, two days ago, on January 23, 2020, the day before Chinese New Year's Eve, Wuhan was locked down due to the epidemic.

The ferocious virus is spreading faster than people can imagine. The situation is becoming more tense day by day, and Yunhu, thousands of miles away, like all parts of the country, is feeling the threat from the new crown at this time.

The government has encouraged all residents to stay at home as much as possible and to go out less, and this has been a good idea. Justifiably nestled at home and wrote on TT.

This article "If I love, I will love it clearly, I will take it off, I will take it off naked" is his masterpiece on the night of the new year.

At that time, he wrote it and sent it out, and the TT review didn't pass for more than two hours, and he couldn't wait to go to sleep.

At first, he was worried that he would not be judged, because after all, it was too explicit and there were sensitive words. He originally thought: I can't change it tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, this article not only passed the review, but also the number of recommendations suddenly doubled at a visible rate, and the number of readings also "swished" upward, and the comment area was even more lively. It seems that the majority of readers still lack immunity to being naked.

All morning, he was busy interacting with his friends on the TT.

“...... If you dare to be naked, I will dare to call the police!" This comment from Qiongya Yifeng was unique, and it made him feel that this person was different at the time.

It's just that he was busy replying to everyone's comments at that time and didn't take time to pay attention to her.

Now that he sees her again and continues to comment on her own articles, this makes him not calm.

The key network name is Qiongya Yifeng, which gives people a sense of detachment! Ice and snow Qiongyao and a red maple are full of pictures, and they are poetic when you think about it.

What man can be indifferent in front of a woman who cares about him?

The article "There are many good people who are good, but they are not born good" is not well concluded, and the article "Human life is eternal" is indeed logically flawed.

However, this question is exposed in person. This is embarrassing for the pretentious Jiang Ziliu, needless to say. Besides, the Daobreaker is still a woman.

Ye Buluo is not a snarky person, and today somehow, the ghost made a fool of herself and the "thin ghost" she imagined in her heart!

Just when she felt a little guilty because her comments were too harsh, Zephyr replied:

"Thank you for reading it carefully. I agree with your doubts. When I wrote it at the time, I felt that I didn't find a case of porcelain, and I hastily collected it, and the eyes of the masses were bright and bright, and you also warned me that I can't be deceived for the text. Thank you!" followed by three apologetic little expressions.

Ye Buluo's mood was relieved, and he immediately replied to Xifeng Thin: "I'm just talking nonsense, don't mind, your article has taught a good lesson to the parents of students, now that the material life of society is rich, people are becoming more and more selfish; I still agree with Zephyr's point of view!"

Jiang Ziliu can see from Qiong Zhiyifeng's reply that the other party has effectively read his article and understands the main idea of his article; from her opinion on her own article, it shows that they are people of the same frequency as each other and have resonance in their hearts.

Flowers abound on TT, and although the thorns are harsh and embarrassing, they can make you alert and spur you to progress. Those who are faithful are those who are good for you!

When Jiang Ziliu thought about it, his heart overflowed with indescribable sorrow.

It's like going out on a trip and riding in a car, next to a beautiful woman, people first hate you for taking off your smelly shoes, and then give you an apple. When you see the apple, you forget about the embarrassment of being prevented from taking off your shoes in front of you, and then you will have a lot of thoughts.

He impatiently clicked on Qiong Zhi Yifeng's homepage, wanting to know her personal information and get a glimpse of what kind of character she is!

"Qiong Ya Yifeng


Personality signature: The poem is fragrant with orchid rhyme, and the text is like autumn water.

He has published 117 articles, 2,619 fans, and only 23 followers. ”

After reading her page profile, what surprised Jiang Ziliu the most was that the author paid little attention to others, and from this alone, it can be glimpsed that he is an arrogant person.

In our daily lives, passionate women make people approachable. And a cold and arrogant woman who rejects people thousands of miles away is more attractive to men.

The Internet is no exception, the more she ignores you, the more curious you are about her and the more you want to pay attention.

Jiang Ziliu is not out of the ordinary, he unconsciously has a lot of curiosity about Qiongya Yifeng. Therefore, Jiang Ziliu is eager to see her works, first, to see the other party's writing skills, and secondly, to find more information about her and to have a deeper understanding!

After his article "Human Life is Eternal", she has the comment "I feel that I have traced the origin of Chinese characters to form antiques......", from which Jiang Ziliu knows that she must have written articles about the origin of Chinese characters.

So he clicked on her page and began to search for it.

Next, he swiped up one of her articles "Cheap Thoughts, Rich Thoughts":

"When people are bored, they will think about it, thinking about it without harming others or suffocating themselves, without pollution or waste of money, it is definitely a low-carbon environmental protection, green and zero-emission activity.

How many lonely times do people think about and relieve like this?How many lonely souls do you comfort them?" This sentence fits his state of mind at this time, and makes him involuntarily want to read it.

"Think about it, the word 'think' is really amazing, who created this word 'think'? Cangjie? Obviously not.

Everyone knows that Emperor Yan and Emperor Huangdi are historical mysteries with no empirical evidence, and Cangjie is just a historian under the Yellow Emperor?

If we must find the ancestors who created Chinese characters, it must be our ancestors. This ancestor is not a single person, but a tribe, or even an entire nation, because they need to express their own ideas in the process of production and labor, and use pictographic symbols to represent, record, disseminate, and communicate. Everyone can be the creator of primitive text symbols.

With the complexity of human activities, the demand for symbols is increasing, and the symbols created are not one person, and they are inconsistent with each other.

So there is a person who collects, sorts, and standardizes these symbols, and this person is Cangjie. Cangjie may be a person or a group of people.

(Although this is her speculation, it feels reasonable and remarkable!) Jiang Ziliu secretly praised in his heart.) )

The word '想', the dictionary says: 想, a commonly used character in Chinese (一字), pronounced xiǎng. Glyphic characters. From the heart, cross talk. The original meaning is imagination.

"Saying": "Think, Ji Siye." "Han Feizi Xie Lao": "People want to see the living elephant (people rarely see a living elephant), and get the bones of the dead elephant, and think about their life." ”

From imagination to thinking, from imagination and thinking to hope, want, intend, anticipate, speculate, estimate, miss and miss.

I think that the origin of this word is very likely that our ancestors lived in the vast forest, in the face of the raging fire, looking into the distance, looking at the open earth under their feet, and having the idea of escaping from the sea of fire, the lucky escapees created the word 'want'!

In short, the human society has the word 'think', which has given human beings wings to fly, greatly broadened the space for human life, and greatly enriched the scope of activities of the human soul.

'Thinking' is like the water that overflows the embankment, soaking into every corner of the world, like an abundant air, permeating every crevice in the universe.

In the heavens and on the ground, you can think as far as you can, how thin you can think about how small, and even transform yourself into an omnipotent god, traveling in all directions, and the speed rocket can't catch up. One will travel to the golden and brilliant Lingxiao Treasure Palace, another will dive to the mysterious underwater world, and another will go to the edge of the universe to catch up with the speed of the universe explosion, of course, the eighteen-story hell Hades Hall is also the place where it often comes and goes. Because I have been there a lot, the Hades Hall has lost the horror of the first place......

Human beings have thoughts, love is as romantic as it wants, imagine yourself as a royal sister admired by everyone, her gestures are cool and fan, BMW carved cars are full of fragrance, and a group of handsome guys are desperate to chase themselves.

She didn't know if when she woke up from her dream, would she be thundered by her absurd thoughts?

If you want to explore alone, you can carry a bag on your back, walk alone under the west wind, climb in the vast mountains, walk parallel with tigers and wolves, swim with eagles and falcons, watch the clouds and clouds in the valley rising in the east, enjoy the layers of forests under the sunset, the maverick's personality can be revealed, and the experience of those who are unwilling to be mediocre can be enriched.

Human life is therefore worthwhile. 'Think' is like a modern wireless network, omnipotent and omnipresent. 'Thinking' is the highest embodiment of life, and without 'thinking', the human soul has no destination.

Think about it! Think about it often, think about it when you're idle, think about it without spending money!"

Jiang Ziliu read this article in one breath and was deeply impressed by the author's talent, especially the last paragraph: 'Thinking' is the highest embodiment of life, and without 'thinking', the soul has no home. Think about it! Think about it often, think about it when you're idle, think about it without spending money!"

The author's wisdom and playful tone made Jiang Ziliu laugh in his thoughts, and this witty style was too much for his gluttonous taste.

"Brother: 'Think' is so cheap, 'Think' is so heavy, the money is not spent, but tired! Joke! Joke! I can think of the word 'think', I really think about it with my heart! Yifengjun thinks about the words and kung fu, and his thinking is also jumpy, I'm afraid that Yifengjun's 'thinking' will not be cheap, you just want to increase it by two points, haha!"

After Jiang Ziliu finished reading it, he wrote a comment and sent it out.

(To be continued)

Unsettled Love (2)