
Metformin, the "miracle drug for hypoglycemia", should avoid 5 things when taking it, so that it is not eaten in vain

author:Medica Media

Being in a state of hyperglycemia for a long time will pose a threat to health because of blood sugar fluctuations, so it is necessary to understand the skills of blood sugar control and keep the indicators stable through multi-faceted adjustments, which involves the use of hypoglycemic drugs. Metformin is a commonly used hypoglycemic drug, but there are some things to do less in the process of use, and some people do not pay attention, make mistakes or use drugs improperly, which will lead to the deterioration of the condition.

Metformin, the "miracle drug for hypoglycemia", should avoid 5 things when taking it, so that it is not eaten in vain

What details should diabetics pay attention to when taking metformin?

1. Failure to take medication on time

Don't skip taking medication on time, and do less to keep the indicators stable.

Many people do not adhere to the medication during the period of metformin taking, take the medication intermittently, and sometimes forget to take the medication and do not use it, which may have an impact when the condition cannot be stably controlled, and a variety of complications will come to the door, and it is necessary to understand the importance of taking medication on time. In addition, take the medication at the right time according to your doctor's instructions and stick to it.

2. High-calorie diet

Eat fewer high-calorie foods and don't feel like you can eat whatever you want with metformin.

Some people have a large amount of high-calorie intake for a long time, and they have high blood sugar and need to use hypoglycemic drugs to control the indicators, but they also eat at will, and eat a lot of foods rich in sugar, which will invisibly cause blood sugar to soar.

Metformin, the "miracle drug for hypoglycemia", should avoid 5 things when taking it, so that it is not eaten in vain

3. Increase or decrease the dose of the drug by yourself

Do not increase or decrease the dose of the drug on your own, as it is dangerous to change the dose of the drug at will and will cause the index to fluctuate.

Some people find that their blood sugar is stable and reduce the use of hypoglycemic drugs such as metformin, and increase the dosage when blood sugar soars, whether it is too much or too little, it may lead to fluctuations in blood sugar, and blood sugar is unstable for a long time, which will bear the damage caused by the disease.

4. Feel free to take it with other drugs

Different drugs have different effects, so if you need to take metformin to control your blood sugar, don't just take other drugs at the same time.

Some people do not pay attention to this problem, have other health problems during the blood sugar control period, and use multiple drugs at the same time without consulting a doctor, which will affect the efficacy of hypoglycemic drugs, and even bear the side effects caused by drugs.

Metformin, the "miracle drug for hypoglycemia", should avoid 5 things when taking it, so that it is not eaten in vain

5. Ignore blood glucose monitoring

Do not ignore the blood sugar test during the use of metformin, because the blood sugar test is a way to understand the development of the disease and the changes in indicators, and judge your condition according to the results.

Some people feel that if there is a drug used, the effect of the drug indicates that the condition will definitely improve, and there is no follow-up regular measurement of blood sugar, and the index fluctuations may not be known, so whether the disease will improve, and whether the condition can be improved after taking the drug is not clear.

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