
Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

author:Home love to decorate

Although the balcony is small, the imagination space for decoration is larger, and many owners expect to seal the balcony to make more storage space, or an open small study and so on. But decoration for more than ten years is just like this, some unnecessary decoration to avoid pits in advance, today we will talk about the balcony decoration of the pit avoidance guide, can persuade one is one, don't be fooled by the decoration master again, so that the decoration looks good and saves money.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

1. The balcony does not need to be tiled

In many people's concepts, the balcony decoration wall should be tiled, in fact, if you have decided to seal the balcony, then the balcony wall is not necessarily tiled. Brush latex paint directly to save money and trouble, and you probably need to play cabinets on both sides of the balcony, why do you need more?

What's more, balcony tiles may also encounter the possibility of tile hollowing and falling off, and it is more troublesome to repair water seepage at home.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

2. The floor tiles of the balcony and living room are paved throughout

Some decorators or designers will instill in you the "invisible partition" space division skills, such as the balcony and the living room with different tiles or wooden floors, on the surface it seems to have the function of space division, and does not take up space, but in fact, now it is more popular to decorate the tiles throughout, the living room and the balcony are paved, the space is opened up and the view is wider, and the room area looks larger, which is also liked by more young people.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

It's very bright to open up directly

3. There are no door stones in the living room and balcony

The above is similar, although it can also play a role in space division when passing through the door, but the current decoration concept is not the same as before, why do you have to do space division?

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

It is not recommended to do this kind of line, it is not necessary

4. Do not do sliding doors

If you want to seal the balcony in your home, there is no need to make sliding doors. On the one hand, the sliding door is installed, which gives the feeling that the space is reduced and obstructs the view, and on the other hand, it is easy to have dust between the sliding door and the ground, which brings a lot of trouble to cleaning.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

Blocking the field of view is not recommended

5. There is enough space to install a mop pool

It is inevitable to clean every day,Even if you use a sweeping robot at home,It is inevitable that you will need to manually handle the ground hygiene,If there is a mop pool directly on the balcony at home,It is very convenient to wash,No need to run the bathroom every time。

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

6. Dark furniture and wood should be carefully installed, and household appliances should pay attention to shading

The main thing is that it fades or turns yellow when exposed to sunlight. You may not be able to see it in a short time, but there is half a year and a year, and I really want to smash it and reinstall it.

Generally, the balcony of the home will put a washing machine, this kind of household appliances are exposed to the sun for a long time, the surface is easy to yellow, throw it away and the function is normal, and it will affect the appearance at home. In fact, we can make a sunshade in advance, which can not only block the balcony, but also play a decorative role to a certain extent.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

7. Buy a washing and drying set directly, and the drying rack is saved

Washing and drying in one or washing and drying separately, this should be selected according to the size and number of people in the family. If there are a large number of people in the family and the amount of laundry at one time is relatively large, it is recommended to separate washing and drying, which can be washed and dried at the same time to improve efficiency. In this way, small families can even save the drying rack, and the balcony will look more neat and beautiful.

Can persuade one is one, balcony decoration don't be fooled by the master anymore, so that it looks good and saves money

The balcony can really make the room grade improve quickly, I hope the above points can also help everyone, how do you think the balcony should be decorated more beautiful, practical and save money?