
A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

author:The sun sets

Pregnancy, for many expectant mothers, is a time of anticipation and apprehension.

During these 9 months, mothers will be careful about their physical condition and have regular prenatal check-ups to ensure the healthy growth of the fetus.

However, not all expectant mothers are aware of their pregnancy status in time.

Some women may not notice that they already have a baby in their womb because of a lack of obvious physiological changes, a busy pace of life, or a lack of knowledge about pregnancy.

Even some women don't realize they're pregnant until just before giving birth.

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

Ms. Li from Changsha City is one of them, she is 8 months pregnant but she doesn't know it, what a careless mother!

8 months have had a fetal movement, the belly will be significantly bigger, and there will be no menstruation, does she really not feel anything at all?

It turns out that Ms. Li's pregnancy experience is very different from that of other pregnant women, and you will feel amazing when you say it.

Why hasn't she been to the hospital for a check-up, it's because she visits every month on her menstrual holiday, how do you know that this is actually a "fake period"!

The first thing that is not pregnant is to see if the menstrual period comes, so Ms. Li didn't think about pregnancy at all.

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

Since 7 months ago, Ms. Li found that her regular menstrual cycle had become unpunctual.

However, the duration and amount of bleeding are similar to menstruation.

In addition, she was a little delighted by an unexpected change, and that was the obvious reduction in the symptoms of menstrual cramps that once made her unbearable.

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

Until March 18 this year, Ms. Li suddenly bleed heavily and was rushed to the hospital with abdominal pain.

Ms. Li was shocked by the hospital's diagnosis, she was 8 months pregnant!

And he was also diagnosed with extremely dangerous "placenta previa", and the abdominal pain was about to be born prematurely.

It is understood that Ms. Li has been bleeding since March 16.

She simply thought that her menstrual period was coming, and on the night of March 18, she suddenly bleed heavily while taking a bath, and her stomach hurt very badly, and then she fainted directly to the ground.

After about 10 minutes, Ms. Li barely stood up against the wall.

She also wondered why the menstrual cramps were so bad this time, and she fainted in pain, and realized that the situation was wrong, so she quickly dialed 120 and was taken to the hospital.

After being admitted to the hospital, after a series of related examinations, the results showed that Ms. Li was about 33 weeks pregnant in utero.

The cause of the heavy bleeding was not what she thought to be a period, but the extremely dangerous placenta previa.

The situation was urgent, and with the full rescue of the doctors, Ms. Li successfully gave birth to a 2.5-kilogram premature baby, and the weight was not light.

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

I believe everyone is as puzzled as Ms. Li, why do you still have a period every month when you are pregnant?

Director Li of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Changsha explained that after pregnancy, the uterus will slowly become larger, and the placenta will also move to a normal position, away from the cervix.

However, some pregnant women still have a low placental position in the third trimester, and some even cover the internal cervical ostium, which is placenta previa.

During the "movement" of the placenta, if there are symptoms of threatened miscarriage, it will cause irregular bleeding, and those who do not understand it will think that it is a menstrual holiday.

Placenta previa bleeding generally occurs in the third trimester, but there are also cases of repeated bleeding that begin in the first trimester, and Ms. Li falls into this category.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, I finally understood why I still have a "period" when I am pregnant.

To be honest, if I were Ms. Li, I wouldn't have thought that she was pregnant, and the test strip would definitely have been able to measure it, but she hadn't tested it.

Some pregnant mothers do not show their pregnancy, and they only grow belly in the later stage, and they think that they have gained weight by eating, and the baby's fetal movement is very gentle, and Ms. Li must not be pregnant.

The most important reason is that there are periods during this period, so it's no wonder that she found out that she was pregnant when she gave birth.

suddenly envied her, so she quietly gave birth to a baby, and some vomited to death and came back to life, and she was always guilty.

Despite the dangers of the process, fortunately, the result was good.

Comments from netizens

There is a saying that when a child perceives that the adults do not want him, he will hide himself, get a little blood every month, pretend to be a great aunt, and confuse the mother in order to be born smoothly

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

My neighbor too, who has a period every month, didn't know she was pregnant until she went to the toilet to give birth to a baby

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

I am pregnant with the eldest child, almost four months before I know that I am pregnant, every month also come to the aunt, pregnant and pregnant took medicine, can not be induced to induce labor, pregnant with the second child is cautious, pregnant to the sixth month before the big aunt, pregnant with the third three months is also to the aunt, but also progesterone bottom, the doctor said that it is a leaky fetus, easy to miscarry

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

I gave birth to my aunt for three months in a row, and my body slowly became fat before I knew that there was already a baby, and my neighbor came to my aunt for six months in a row to find out that she was pregnant, and everyone's body is different

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

I have an aunt, people are not very fine, for a while always said that they eat fat, their appetite is very good, always at home and do not go out, six or seven months out, others say how to be so fat, pregnant, he said no, the result of the examination, two months later gave birth to a son

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

This is exactly the same as one of my neighbors [covering his face] last year I had a stomachache and went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor saw that he was going to give birth, and hurried into the delivery room, the key is that she is still a second child, and she is really speechless

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

Don't doubt it, my son was born like this, I was small and thin at that time, and I came at a normal time every month, and then I thought it was a gastrointestinal discomfort when the fetal movement was 6 months old...... In the seventh month, my belly was a little bigger, something was wrong, and I went to the hospital...... It's been 7 months

A 25-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant and didn't know that she was going to give birth to a woman with abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital: I thought it was menstrual cramps

There are really a lot of similar things, my sister-in-law's brother and daughter-in-law are too, at that time and her brother were not married, she lived alone, one night her stomach hurt terribly, and she reacted directly after giving birth at home.

The child was only more than 3 pounds, but the placenta did not come out, she called her mother, was sent to the hospital, and caused a blood clot.

I thought it was outrageous, and then I heard her say that she was the Four Seasons Meridian, and she came once a quarter, and she didn't get pregnant when she had a small belly, and she found out that she was pregnant when she was about to give birth.

Perhaps, as the netizen said, the baby is worried that his mother doesn't want him, so he obediently doesn't dare to move in his stomach to prevent his mother from finding out.

Therefore, female friends usually have to pay more attention to their bodies.

In case you take medicine or the child has a problem and is not found out in time, it will be painful for both adults and children to be born.

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