
"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

author:The mouth of the National Gate

Gas safety is a matter for every household

It is closely related to every citizen

Everyone should enhance their awareness of gas safety

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

How do we ensure that the gas is safe?

What about preventing gas accidents?


We do it in the form of "ten questions and ten answers".

Present gas safety strategies to the general public

Question 1:

What is gas and what are the classifications?

Gas is a general term for gaseous fuels, which can be burned and released heat for residential, industrial and commercial use. There are many types of gas, mainly natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and artificial gas.

The gas in Jiangmen is mainly divided into two categories: natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas. Among them, natural gas is supplied by pipelines, and liquefied petroleum gas is supplied by cylinders.

Question 2:

How to identify a gas leak?

Whether it is piped natural gas or bottled liquefied petroleum gas, "odorant" is added to the gas, and when people usually smell something like "rotten eggs" at home, they should immediately realize that it is a gas leak. If a gas leak encounters an open flame or spark, it can cause combustion and explosion, with serious consequences.

Question 3:

What can we do to reduce dangerous injuries when faced with a gas leak?

1. Close the valve.

2. Don't make a phone call, don't turn on or off electrical appliances (many people will instinctively pick up their mobile phones to call the police when faced with a gas leak, and here we would like to remind all citizens that they must not make or receive calls indoors when there is a gas leak).

3. Evacuate people.

4. When people go outdoors, call the police.

5. Disposal by professionals.

Question 4:

What is carbon monoxide and why does carbon monoxide poisoning occur?

Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, and it is a product of incomplete combustion of gas. If the inhaled carbon monoxide concentration is high, you will fall into a coma and have convulsions in about 10 minutes. This is because when carbon monoxide is inhaled into the body, it competes with oxygen to bind hemoglobin, especially during sleep. Carbon monoxide has a 200-300 times higher affinity with hemoglobin in the blood than oxygen, causing hemoglobin to lose its ability to bind to oxygen, causing tissue asphyxia.

Carbon monoxide is toxic to tissue cells throughout the body, especially on the cerebral cortex. Because carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, the poisoned person does not feel it at first, but when he realizes that he is poisoned, his limbs are weak and he cannot cry for help, and if he cannot be sent to the hospital in time, it will be life-threatening.

So why carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide poisoning accidents tend to occur frequently in winter. When the user uses the gas water heater, if the water heater is not installed properly or the exhaust pipe is not installed, due to the low temperature in winter, the window is closed in cold weather, and the bathing time is too long, which can easily lead to the increase of carbon monoxide concentration in the bathroom;

Question 5:

What should we do if someone is found to be poisoned by carbon monoxide?

When someone is found to be poisoned by carbon monoxide, rescuers should take the following measures while ensuring their own safety:

1. Quickly close the gas valve and gas appliances.

2. Quickly open the window for ventilation to make the air convection.

3. Quickly remove the patient from the poisoning scene, transfer it to a place with fresh air and good ventilation, unbuckle the victim and keep the respiratory tract unobstructed, and pay attention to keeping warm to prevent complications.

4. Observe the changes of the patient, for the mild poisoning, after several hours of ventilation observation can be recovered, for the moderate and severe poisoning should call the 120 emergency number as soon as possible, and send to the hospital with hyperbaric oxygen chamber for hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment as soon as possible. Critically ill patients with respiratory and cardiac arrest should be given immediate rescue breaths and cardiac compressions.

Question 6:

What are the types of gas water heaters?

1. In-line water heater (the use of which has been completely banned!), features: no 220V plug, heat insulation plate above, no smoke pipe joint.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ In-line water heater.

2. Flue water heater (JSD), features: no 220V plug, upper smoke pipe joint, commonly known as in-line water heater when the flue is not installed, is the focus of the investigation!

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ Flue water heater.

3. Strong exhaust water heater (JSQ), features: there is a 220V plug, the upper smoke pipe is directly connected to the outdoors, and the smoke pipe of the strong exhaust water heater is single-layer. It cannot be installed in bathrooms, toilets, bedrooms, and living rooms. It can be installed on the balcony and in a separate kitchen.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ The smoke pipe of the strong exhaust water heater is single-layered.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ Strong exhaust water heater.

4. Balanced Water Heater (JSG), Features: There is a 220V plug, the upper smoke pipe is straight to the outside, and the balanced water heater smoke pipe is double-layered. It is the only model that can be installed in the bathroom or toilet.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ The balanced water heater smoke pipe is double-layered.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ Balanced water heater.

Question 7:

How to tell if a gas cooker is qualified?

According to the provisions of the national mandatory standard, the gas cooker should be installed with a flame-out protection device, and the most intuitive way to identify it is a stove with a flame-out protection device, with 2 needles. If you find that the gas stove at home does not have a flame-out protection device, you should replace it with a qualified stove immediately.

"Ten questions and ten answers" on gas safety is closely related to everyone→

△ Stove with flame-out protection device, with 2 needles.

In addition to the unqualified stove without flame-out protection device, the hose joint of the stove is not standardized, and the standardized hose joint should be of the pagoda type, and the hose connection is firmer. Many unqualified cooktop connectors are straight, which is easy to cause the hose to fall off.

Question 8:

What are the basics of using gas appliances?

1. The service life of the water heater and stove is 8 years from the date of sale;

2. Liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas water heaters cannot be used interchangeably;

3. Information such as the model and production date of the water heater and cooker can be obtained on the product nameplate.

Question 9:

What are the precautions for other accessories of gas appliances?

1. All regular cylinders in Jiangmen City are installed with QR codes, and you can query cylinder information, filling records and other information by scanning the QR code.

2. Metal hose is recommended for gas appliance connection, compared with traditional rubber hose, metal hose can prevent aging, rat bites, and is safer. The standard gas hose will be marked with "gas hose" and will not write words such as "household hose".

3. The bottled air pressure reducing valve should use a model with non-adjustable pressure.

Question 10:

What are the precautions for gas use?

First of all, we must develop good usage habits:

1. If you are using an in-line water heater, please replace the qualified gas water heater as soon as possible.

2. Gas water heaters should be installed in kitchens, balconies, special rooms and other places that meet the conditions for safe use of gas, such as kitchens, balconies, and special rooms with good ventilation, water supply and exhaust conditions, and easy maintenance and operation. It shall not be installed in bedrooms and guest rooms where people live and rest.

3. In order to reduce the occurrence of accidents, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas water heaters and gas cookers are all sentenced to 8 years from the date of sale. It should be reminded here that even if the relevant gas appliances are intact after reaching the service life, it is recommended that they be scrapped for their own safety.

4. The staff of the government department, town (street) or gas company will check your gas equipment and gas environment, and if it is found that you are using an in-line water heater or the gas environment does not meet the requirements of the code, the gas supply to you will be stopped in accordance with laws and regulations.

5. If you (the user of bottled liquefied gas) use other channels to obtain bottled liquefied gas after the relevant departments have taken measures to stop the gas supply, once found, you will be punished in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on gas.

Secondly, it is necessary to cooperate with the gas home security inspection. When the gas company's security personnel come to your door, they will conduct a safety inspection of the gas facilities in your home free of charge, and will not sell you products such as pressure reducing valves. These products not only do not play a role in safety protection, but may also cause safety hazards such as air leakage.

Source: Jiangmen Emergency Management Bureau, Nanfang Daily