
My favorite classic old movie

author:The old man who chases the wind
My favorite classic old movie

I am a post-60s generation and have a special affection for classic old movies. Whenever these films are shown on TV, I tune in and rarely miss them. Although I don't know how many times I have watched these old movies, some may have watched them hundreds of times, but I can't get enough of them. If you want to ask me which films are my favorites? I can tell you that my favorite ones are the "Old Three Wars", namely "Tunnel Warfare", "Mine Warfare" and "Southern Expedition and Northern War", as well as "Red Sun", "Battle of Shanghai", "Crossing the River Reconnaissance", "Guerrillas on the Plains", and "Armageddon (Trilogy)" filmed after the reform and opening up.

"Tunnel Warfare" and "Mine Warfare" tell the story of the masses of the people in the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines, under the guidance of Chairman Mao's strategic thinking, persisting in the struggle behind enemy lines, and using special tactics to cooperate with the main force to defeat the Japanese invaders. Especially the lines in the movie, "high, high, really high" and "don't hang the strings if you don't see the devil" have become classics. When I was a child, I lived in the army compound, when the Cultural Revolution had begun, and many old movies were "banned", and the only ones I could watch were these two and "The Southern Expedition and the Northern War". As long as there is a movie in the army auditorium, I will go to it, and often it will be the only audience.

If you want to talk about the old movies with grand scenes of war, they are "Southern Expedition and Northern War" and "Red Sun" filmed by Shangying. These two films, which reflect the classic battles of our army from strategic defense to strategic offensive nodes during the War of Liberation, make us feel relieved. With the advancement of filming technology, the scenes of the later "Armageddon (Trilogy)" are even more magnificent, and they are also exciting.

Have you noticed that there is a common feature of these old movies that I like? Also, I wonder which classic old movies you like?

My favorite classic old movie
My favorite classic old movie
My favorite classic old movie
My favorite classic old movie

Note: The picture is selected from the Internet. Invasion and deletion!

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