
With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here

author:Wisboo knows the ball

Today's 4 regular season games are all over: Warriors 113-92 Heat, Lakers 128-124 upset victory over Bucks, Thunder 119-112 Pelicans, Mavericks 136-96 Kings, according to the record, ranking analysis of the following 5 key points!

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here


勇士队‬今天的‬库里‬、克莱‬、威金斯‬状态‬不错‬‬,合砍‬62分‬战胜‬热火‬结束两连败,终于能缓口气了。 近期10战6负,目前‬37胜‬34负‬,排‬西部‬第十‬,离火箭仅差1个胜场。 Next 7 games: The Warriors need to win at least 3-4 games to secure the playoff position, and there is also a head-to-head game against the Rockets!

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here


The Rockets have won 11 of their last 12 games and currently hold the league's longest nine-game winning streak, and the team is indeed playing at playoff level. 眼看‬就要‬追上‬勇士‬,但‬火箭‬接下来‬的赛程‬让‬自己‬彻底‬慌了‬:火箭未来8场比赛,将面对7支胜率超50%球队!这套‬赛程‬真是帮了‬勇士‬大忙‬,很有可能‬让‬火箭‬止步‬附加赛‬外‬,不过‬这才是真正检验杰伦格林成色的时刻,祝好火箭!

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here


The Pelicans lost to the Thunder today and are currently 44-28, with the Clippers (44-27) leading by 0.5 games and moving up to fourth in the West, while the Pelicans dropped to fifth in the West. 鹈鹕最后所有赛程:英格拉姆可能休息两到三周,预计四月上旬复出,无缘‬接下来‬的常规赛‬,对鹈鹕来说打击太大了,而且目前仅仅领先附加赛的太阳、独行侠、国王1-3个胜场,很难保住季后赛席位!

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here


Today, in the absence of James, the Lakers experienced a double overtime upset victory over the Bucks and won 4 consecutive wins! At present, 40-32, ranking ninth in the West, only 2 wins away from the Suns in front, only 2.5 wins away from the Kings and Mavericks in the playoffs, and the next 5 Lakers games: Lakers will play 5 games in the future, and the opponents in 4 games have been outside the play-off area, comparable to the welfare bureau, and the Lakers will win all of them directly into the top eight in the West, and even the playoffs!

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here


Today, the Kings and Mavericks have the most important game of the season, after the two teams tied for 42 wins and 29 losses, ranking sixth and seventh, respectively. After this game, the two teams directly opened the gap. The Mavericks beat the Kings by 40 points to usher in a five-game winning streak, and are currently 43-29 and come to sixth in the West, and the Kings have dropped to seventh. The Mavericks have strengthened Gafford and PJ Washington, and the team has grown greatly. 近期10战9胜,状态火热!下场独行侠与国王继续‬卡位战!

The latest ranking map of the western region:

With the Warriors winning against the Heat, the Lakers winning against the Bucks, and the Thunder winning against the Pelicans, the latest standings in the West are here

西部球队‬的流量确实大,但确实强,前11名的球队胜率全部超过50%,每场比赛球队的排名都可能发生变化。 On the other hand, there are only 8 teams in the East with a win rate of more than 50%!

Tomorrow's big games: Warriors vs. Magic, Clippers vs. 76ers, Lakers vs. Grizzlies, Rockets vs. Thunder, Suns vs. Nuggets

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