
Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

author:The sound of the waves is still the same
Recently, the entertainment industry has been surging, and various topics have emerged one after another. Among them, Zhao Liying's name was once again pushed to the forefront.

It's not because of her new drama hit, nor because of her appearance and acting skills

but because of the appearance of a series of low-level typos, the first-line actress fell into the "illiterate" controversy.


The event passed

The incident originated when Zhao Liying was promoting the new drama "Walking with the Phoenix", and in just a few days, there were frequent typos in her Weibo dynamics. First, "Lingjie" was written as "Spiritual World", then the word "moved" was missing strokes, and then "Are you looking at Shen Li again" written as "Are you looking at Shen Li...... These seemingly inconspicuous mistakes caused an uproar on the Internet.

For a while, netizens turned on the "find fault" mode and turned Zhao Liying's Weibo upside down. Some people are puzzled: "It's not the first time, is it? What is the reason for the constant typoes?" and some people think, "If you can prove that it was sent by yourself, it can happen to anyone." ”

Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

In the face of netizens' doubts and ridicule, Zhao Liying did not choose to remain silent. She quickly edited and corrected Weibo and confronted her mistakes. This frank attitude has won the understanding and support of some netizens to a certain extent. However, there are also many people who believe that as a public figure, Zhao Liying should pay more attention to her words and deeds.

In fact, Zhao Liying is not alone. In the entertainment industry, there are not a few celebrities who make jokes because of their low level of education. However, this does not mean that acting cannot be done without culture. After all, acting skills and academic qualifications are not necessarily linked. However, as a public figure, cultural literacy and knowledge reserves can indeed enhance one's charm and influence to a certain extent.

Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

As a first-line actress, Zhao Liying's every move has touched the hearts of countless fans and netizens. Her success is not accidental, but has come step by step with her own hard work and talent. However, while pursuing career success, she should also focus on improving her cultural literacy.

In addition, we should also look at this incident rationally. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and the important thing is how to face and correct them. Zhao Liying can calmly face her own shortcomings and actively correct them, which is worthy of our respect and learning.

Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

Of course, the phenomenon of "illiteracy" in the entertainment industry is also worth pondering. In the pursuit of rapid fame and profit maximization, have we neglected the cultivation of cultural knowledge and personal qualities? Should we strengthen cultural education and guidance for artists? These questions deserve our in-depth discussion and consideration.

Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

In short, although Zhao Liying's "illiteracy" controversy has brought a certain negative impact on her image, it also reminds us to pay attention to improving our cultural literacy and knowledge reserves. At the same time, we should also look at the shortcomings and mistakes of others with tolerance and understanding, and give them the opportunity to correct and improve.

Zhao Liying was ridiculed as "illiterate" again? Low-level typos, netizens hotly discussed: hire someone to check for typos!

The author's concept

In this era of information explosion, online terminology and new perspectives are emerging one after another. However, no matter how the times change, cultural literacy and knowledge reserve are always our indispensable spiritual wealth. Let us work together to continuously improve our cultural literacy and connotation cultivation, and become a better and more attractive version of ourselves.

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