
It's so convenient! "Brush your face" to see a doctor with medical insurance!

author:Yuhang release

I can't think of it now

You don't need to bring a medical insurance card to see a doctor!

Recently, I went to the Baizhang Town Community Health Service Center

The villagers were surprised to find:

Reception counter in the outpatient lobby

A new "face brushing machine" has been launched.

Just a simple operation in front of the screen,

You can brush your face to complete the registration and outpatient payment,

No more showing your health insurance card or health insurance code!

It's so convenient! "Brush your face" to see a doctor with medical insurance!
It's so convenient! "Brush your face" to see a doctor with medical insurance!

86-year-old Grandpa Wang experienced the convenience of "brushing his face to seek medical treatment".

"I was in a hurry to go out today, and I accidentally left my medical insurance card at home, and I used the old man's machine, so I couldn't swipe the medical insurance code, so I wanted to go home again. Grandpa Wang said, "As a result, the staff in the outpatient hall told me that now I can see a doctor by brushing my face, and with his help, I completed the registration in less than 1 minute, which is really convenient!"

It's so convenient! "Brush your face" to see a doctor with medical insurance!

Xiao Yuer learned that patients who have previously activated the medical insurance electronic voucher can directly use functions such as face payment, and patients who have not activated it can brush their faces on the "face brushing machine" and enter their ID card number to open relevant functions on the spot.

In addition, the medical insurance face payment adopts the security verification technology of "face recognition + real name + real person", the service terminal equipment has passed the certification of the National Medical Security Administration, and the face and user information are independently stored in the database of the National Medical Security Administration after being authorized by the insured personnel, which can effectively eliminate the risk of data leakage and abuse.

The relevant person in charge of the Yuhang Branch of the Municipal Medical Security Bureau said: "The elderly in Baizhang Town account for as much as 31%, and many elderly people can only carry their medical insurance cards to see a doctor because they are not good at operating smart phones, and the specific treatment process is time-consuming and cumbersome. Taking these factors into account, we have made it the first designated medical institution in the region to open a medical insurance face-to-face settlement model, so that more elderly people can seek medical treatment comfortably. ”

Next, Yuhang will continue to promote the new model of face-brushing medical treatment, further enhance the medical experience and happiness of residents in the jurisdiction, and realize the transformation of medical insurance services from "card settlement" to "code settlement" to "face-brushing settlement", so as to truly make data run more and patients run less errands.

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供稿 | 市医疗保障局余杭分局

Edit | Zhou Ying

First instance | Fu Tengzi

Second instance | Yang Lan

Final Judgment | Jia Guoyong

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