
Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them

author:There is a doctor

Jiajia is a 10-year-old boy who suffers from nasal itching, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes all year round.

After Jiajia entered the clinic with her parents, she looked painful, kept rubbing her eyes and nose, and her parents were full of sadness, telling Jiajia that she had constant nasal itching, itchy eyes, watery nasal discharge, sneezing and nasal congestion all year round, no obvious cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc., cold medicine has not stopped, it will be repeated as soon as it stops, and it cannot be cold, and it will be aggravated after cold, and there is a history of eczema in the past.

According to Jiajia's condition, allergic rhinitis can be preliminarily diagnosed, and allergen tests are carried out for it, suggesting that house dust mites and dust mites are allergic.

Subsequently, the doctor gave nasal spray hormone mometasone furoate nasal spray and oral montelukast sodium granules for symptomatic treatment, and after improvement, the oral drug was stopped, the nasal spray hormone was gradually reduced, and the mite desensitization treatment was carried out at the same time.

After one month of treatment, Jiajia's discomfort symptoms improved significantly, and her visual score of allergic rhinitis symptoms decreased significantly, from 7 points to 2 points at the time of consultation.

The doctor reminded that allergic rhinitis is a common allergic disease, which seriously affects the physical and mental health and work life of children, causes a great burden to children, and the continuous development of the disease is easy to form allergic asthma.

Allergic rhinitis is easy to aggravate after cold, air pollution and cold, we should pay attention to strengthen precautions, shrimp and crabs, shellfish and mites have cross-allergens, we should try to avoid eating these foods, and at the same time, we should try to avoid eating spicy and irritating foods in the diet.

Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them

Spring is in full bloom, and people have stepped out of their homes to enjoy the flowers and bask in the sun...... Meet the spring of the world.

Some people say that spring has three points, one point is lazy, one point is sad, and one point is leisurely.

For people with allergies, there is indeed a sense of melancholy in the long spring, spring is the season of high incidence of allergies, rash, runny nose, cough, itchy eyes and other discomforts follow......

7 types of allergies that are prone to occur in spring

01 Allergic rhinitis

Symptoms: Itchy nose, nasal congestion, runny nose, continuous sneezing, etc., which will worsen in the morning and evening.

Allergic rhinitis is mainly caused by environmental factors, such as dust and mites, and air pollution and vitamin deficiency in children can also cause allergic rhinitis.

Clinically, it is generally divided into perennial allergic rhinitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis, perennial allergic rhinitis is generally prone to occur in winter, seasonal allergic rhinitis mostly occurs in spring and autumn, and symptoms appear rapidly, and the onset time can range from hours, days to weeks, and the intervals between attacks are completely normal.

The common cause of allergic rhinitis in spring is caused by spring pollen, which is one of the allergens, and the patient inhales the allergens to cause an allergic reaction to the nasal mucosa, thus causing the onset of allergic rhinitis in spring.

Common symptoms mainly include episodic sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, nasal itching, etc., which usually worsen in the morning and evening, and are relieved during the day and after exercise, and some patients will also have some systemic symptoms, such as fatigue and other physical discomfort.

Coping methods: Reduce exposure to allergens, such as wearing masks, not drying clothes outside, washing bedding with hot water or UV lamps every week, and keeping the environment clean.

Under the guidance of a doctor, use nasal saline irrigation, nasal spray, oral anti-allergy drugs, such as cetirizine hydrochloride tablets, loratadine tablets, etc.

02 Allergic skin diseases

Symptoms: Coming and going, irregularly shaped wheals, erythema, accompanied by papules, edema.

Urticaria is one of the most common allergic skin diseases, and spring is the peak season for urticaria.

High pollen concentration in the air, rising temperature, increased indoor mold and dust mites, and easier contact with sunlight, cold, heat or inhalation of pollen, mold, dust mites, etc. in spring can induce urticaria in people with allergies.

The main symptom is the sudden appearance of a well-defined red or pale bump protruding from the skin with severe itching, wheals of varying size, ranging from the size of a small miliary to a few centimeters in diameter, which usually resolves spontaneously within a few hours.

Severe cases may develop anaphylactic shock and should go to the hospital immediately.

Coping method: Avoid contact with allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, animal fur, etc.

Pay attention to personal hygiene, change clothes frequently, keep your skin clean and dry, and avoid scratching the affected area with your hands.

Follow the doctor's instructions to treat cetirizine, levocetirizine, loratadine, etc.

Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them

Symptoms: erythema confined to the site of contact, accompanied by papules, blisters, accompanied by itching, burning, and tenderness.

The occurrence of contact dermatitis is mainly related to pollen in the air, and it is most common in spring, and women generally have no symptoms in the area covered by clothing, and only manifest themselves in exposed areas such as redness, itchiness, rough to the touch, and small bumps.

The course of tactile dermatitis usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks, and sometimes it can last longer.

If symptoms are mild, they may improve over time and by avoiding re-exposure to the sensitizer, but if symptoms are severe or recurring, you may need to see a doctor.

Coping method: Avoid various irritants rubbing the skin, and use a towel to wet the skin lesion.

Follow the doctor's instructions to use antihistamines, glucocorticoids, calcium, vitamin C, calamine lotion, zinc oxide lotion, etc.

Symptoms: more erythema, accompanied by papules, blisters, oozing, scaling, accompanied by itching, burning sensation.

In spring, there can be more pollen, dust, catkins, etc. floating in the air, and patients can have allergic reactions when exposed to such allergens, and the body's immune function may be disordered, inducing eczema.

In addition, due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening in spring, the air is drier, resulting in changes in sebaceous glands and sweat glands, coupled with the friction of clothing, eczema may occur in spring.

Eczema can be manifested as intense itching, symmetrical distribution of skin lesions, a large number of erythema and papules on the skin, accompanied by erosions, exudation and easy recurrence, generally more common on the hands, ears or private parts.

Coping methods: strong skin moisturizing work, avoid being in a high temperature and humidity environment for a long time, wear a mask when going out, and avoid excessive contact with external allergenic substances.

Do not over-wash or expose the affected area to the sun, and do not soak it in water.

Follow the doctor's instructions to use glucocorticoid cream, tacrolimus ointment, urea ointment, boric acid solution, calamine lotion and other medications.

Symptoms: well-defined, red and then black spots, accompanied by edema, blisters, scaling, accompanied by itching and burning.

Many people think that only ultraviolet rays hurt people in summer, but in fact, ultraviolet rays in spring are also easy to induce solar dermatitis, which is called "peach blossom ringworm", which often manifests as scaling, itching, dry pain and other symptoms, and some manifest as erythema, papules and scales.

Because the human skin after the winter care, the stratum corneum has become thinner, and the protection against ultraviolet rays is poor, although the spring is warm, ultraviolet rays will still stimulate the skin and cause solar dermatitis.

Coping method: Soak gauze or towel in cold water and apply a cold compress, the more severe the sunburn, the more attention should be paid to drinking more water.

Use drugs such as hydrocortisone and zinc oxide as prescribed.

Avoid re-exposure to the sun until the redness and pain of the skin disappear.

Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them

03 Allergic conjunctivitis

Symptoms: Rubbing eyes, itchy eyes, watery eyes, etc.

Spring allergic conjunctivitis is a bilateral chronic external eye disease in which atopic individuals can react to antigens that are ubiquitous in the environment.

It is mainly manifested as external eye disease, and its main symptoms are itching, tearing, shame, and sticky discharge, which is more common in children and adolescents.

If parents find that their children often rub their eyes, complain about itchy eyes, and have more white discharge and foreign body sensation in the eyes in the morning, it is likely that they are suffering from allergic conjunctivitis and should seek medical attention in time.

In addition, it is important to note that seasonal allergic conjunctivitis often occurs at the same time as allergic rhinitis.

Coping method: Get out of the allergenic environment in time and give a local cold compress.

Wash the eye area with water, do not rub the eyes with your hands, pay attention to keep the eye area clean and hygienic, and wipe off the eye discharge in time.

Use of antihistamines or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as praprofen eye drops, cromolyn sodium eye drops, azelastine hydrochloride eye drops, etc.

Minimize going out during periods of pollen or other allergens and wear eye protection.

04 Allergic asthma

Symptoms: cough, chest tightness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, etc., mostly occur at night and/or early morning.

Spring is usually more humid and easy to breed mites, and spring is the season when flowers are in full bloom, and the pollen content in the air is also relatively large, which is easy to cause respiratory allergies and lead to allergic asthma attacks.

Allergic asthma is a relatively stubborn disease, chronic airway inflammation involving a variety of cells, especially mast cells, eosinophils and T lymphocytes, in susceptible people, this inflammation can cause repeated episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and/or cough and other symptoms, mostly occurring at night and/or early morning, the airways are highly responsive to a variety of stimuli, but the symptoms can be relieved by themselves or by treatment.

Allergic asthma usually develops in infancy and early childhood and can be lifelong if neglected.

Coping method: identify the allergens that cause the disease (such as mites, pollen, cat hair, etc.), and try to stay away from the allergens.

Treat with beta-2 blockers, glucocorticoids, anticholinergics, and theophylline drugs as prescribed, such as salmeterol and formoterol.

Patients with more severe allergic asthma can be treated with bronchial thermoplasty as prescribed by their doctor if they do not respond well to medications.

Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them

Why do some people have allergies and others don't?

Allergies, also known as allergies, are a common and frequent disease.

According to statistics, 30%~40% of people have suffered from allergic diseases, and the clinical allergy department admits more than 40,000 patients every year, of which about one-third are rhinitis, asthma and skin diseases.

Some people develop allergies, which may be related to genetic, psychological, dietary, and pharmaceutical factors.

Among them, allergies are mainly related to congenital genetics, and when patients with allergies are exposed to certain sensitizing substances (allergens), their own immune system will overreact.

Common ways of exposure to allergens include respiratory inhalation, skin contact, eating, drinking, injections, etc.

How to prevent spring allergies?


Keep away from allergens

Due to the strong wind and sand in spring and the relatively dry climate, people who are prone to allergies in spring need to stay away from undesirable environments such as dust and dust mites.

Especially for people who are allergic to pollen, they must pay attention to staying away from the pollen environment in spring, and keep the indoor air fresh, as well as the appropriate temperature and humidity to avoid the interference of undesirable factors.


Take personal protection

For people who are prone to allergies in spring, they should do a good job of personal protection when going out in spring, wear masks, wear long sleeves, long pants, etc., to prevent irritation of allergic substances and help prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

After going out and returning home, wash your hands and face carefully, remove pollen, catkins, etc. that may be carried on your body, avoid allergic skin reactions when your pollen-stained hands touch various parts of your body, and try not to use alkaline cosmetics and soaps.


Enhance physical fitness

For people who are prone to allergies in spring, it is recommended to strengthen the adjustment of dietary structure and eat more nutritious foods, such as lean meat, eggs and milk, to ensure a balanced intake of nutrition.

At the same time, it is necessary to insist on appropriate exercise every day, mainly aerobic exercise, such as skipping rope, swimming, cycling, etc., and ensure adequate sleep, which will help enhance physical fitness and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in spring.

Allergies in the spring, 3 good habits help to stay away from the "culprit" of allergies and easily prevent them


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