
Night Shadow Love Ji "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You Are Reborn": A single heroine novel written from the first order to ten thousand orders

author:El Sky

I tried to read the novel "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You're Reborn" a few days ago.

This is what he wrote about his previous vest "head painting light", but the beginning of last year announced that the function of merging vests will no longer be provided after the end of the year, and he will merge accounts before the year.

The original name of the novel was "Warm Monsoon", which was too literary and fresh, did not attract readers, and the early results were very poor. The "warmth" and "monsoon" in the title of the book are the names of the female protagonist and the male protagonist respectively, and it is still difficult to think about the name of the person just by looking at the title.

Night Shadow Love Ji "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You Are Reborn": A single heroine novel written from the first order to ten thousand orders

The novel was later renamed "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You Are Reborn", which is very straightforward and can easily arouse the curiosity of readers.

The word licking dog, although it is not good, is still easy to make people look lively as long as you see it.

Now the urban rebirth text is very popular licking the dog rebirth prodigal son to turn back, after rebirth, you can incarnate as a warm-hearted sea king to build a harem, or wholeheartedly engage in a career and embark on the route of pure love. Readers are indispensable in both directions, and it depends on the author's skills.

This book is a single heroine who licks the dog, that is, the first life of the protagonist of the licking dog is too poor, and even dissuades the reader.

The protagonist is a gangster in a parallel world.,Family conditions are actually good.,But I don't like to study and I'm brave and ruthless.,Hung by the school flower as a licking dog for many years.,Even in order to please the school girl.,Bullied the first female classmate in the grade.。

indirectly caused the female classmate's mother to go out late at night to find her and unfortunately died in a car accident, and the female classmate had no relatives.

The protagonist has been licking the dog for many years and can't do it, and he has been blessed by licking the school flower to get married, and the soul of excessive drinking at the wedding banquet penetrates to the earth, and finally wakes up, starts from scratch, and creates a lot of foundation.

It's just that I was hurt by feelings in my previous life, and I don't talk about feelings when I'm alone on the earth, and I only talk about money when I'm occasionally indulgent.

Unexpectedly, she was reborn from the earth again, and the time point was to please the school flower and take away the first female classmate who surpassed her grade to teach lessons.

Now the third life is born, and the experience of the first two lives is only for the third life to redeem all kinds of regrets, and not to be a licking dog and be a bully to protect the female classmate who was hurt by it.

As for the school flower that I loved at the beginning, it was broken, and it was very simple. I didn't think about it.,It's the other way around.,The broken school flower has signs of becoming the male protagonist licking the dog.。

But the male protagonist obviously only loves one person.

After being reborn, I had to grasp my life, study hard, get admitted to university, and take the initiative to find the first female classmate in my grade to make up for the class, and I gradually got to know each other.

The first female classmate in this grade in the novel, that is, a girl named "Warm", grows up quickly.

The original family is complex, self-love and inferiority, but the learning ability is off the charts, and the academic bully is really not just talking. In the process of making up lessons for the male protagonist, he was also changed, more confident and decisive, and he was very straight about his feelings.

The latter went to the same university and staged another round of tugging and entanglement. Of course, the attitude of the male and female protagonists has always been very firm, but others want to join.

But I've only read 100 chapters so far, and how it evolves later, I can only talk about it when I see the progress.

When the novel was put on the shelves in December last year, the first order was only more than 1,000, and it was a fine product a month after it was put on the shelves, and it was ordered in less than four months, and the speed was still relatively fast.

Night Shadow Love Ji "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You Are Reborn": A single heroine novel written from the first order to ten thousand orders

The author of Night Shadow Love Ji used to mainly write extraordinary stories such as "Doomsday Circle" and "Bright!", saying that the vest was opened to exercise his ability to write the heroine, and now it is obviously half the success, and the rest is to finish the story completely.

Anyway, I used to think that he opened the vest to open the number "Night Shadow Love", because the pen name is too similar, but the author said it was a spoof by a friend.

Night Shadow Love Ji "Don't Be a Licking Dog If You Are Reborn": A single heroine novel written from the first order to ten thousand orders

When this novel was written, Zhou Shuyi had not yet "walked with Yilu", and later Zhou Shuyi collapsed, and the novel was also suspended in the air.

At the time, many people thought that the author might be going to cut it soon, but now it seems that the author has adjusted well, and the story continues.

So the above is the content of this issue, if you are looking at the warm monsoon above, you may wish to talk about your feelings, and we will see you next time.

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